Make STM9 Great Again! 1.0.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

The STM-9 is a great weapon, but it has some flaws. This mod aims to fix them

Some changes:

  • Add full auto fire mode vibecheck
  • Increases ergonomics pog
  • Change the fire rate retardadothinking  


Unzip the mod, then

Move the user folder to SPT_folder


  • this worked for me with 3.8.1

  • Can you add the fire switch animation to Stm 9 too?

  • Once added, made it so I couldn't aim down sights on any gun. Otherwise loved it because the STM is such a customizable gun but limited to single fire. Also couldnt see my backpack unless I was searching something/body

  • 許願讓saiga-9也能再次偉大(?

    I hope saiga-9 can be great again (?