AllTheLoot 1.0.6

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

This mod makes all ~2900 Handbook items available to be looted from containers. Overwrite the default staticLoot database for all containers or the containers of your choice.

Ever wanted to loot an MP-133/153 plastic pistol grip (that is needed for Gunsmith Part 1) from a weapon container? Or for those hardcore players being able to finally loot a jammer, marker, a multitool from a drawer/cabinet?

What about weapon parts that you only saw at Traders but always wondered why you never find them during raid? Like e.g. the 'good ole' REAP-IR, T-7 or latest Zeus-Pro thermal scope?

Or be totally lucky - actually I mean extremely lucky - and freak out like crazy if a T.H.I.C.C. Item Case pops up in a Technical Supply Crate?


Last but not least, Shturman's Stash, 5x5 Weapon Box (the green one) and 6x3 Weapon Box (the big grey one). Tired of finding only garbage items and not a single weapon in those?

The mod allows you to set value boundaries, so only weapon/gear parts above a certain value spawn in there.

Here you go. The playground is yours.

With the included config file you can define the spawn rates for each of the 70 item categories, even on a per-item-basis.

You can define how many items spawn in each of the 32 container types and at which probability rate.

If you don't want specific items to spawn, simply blacklist them. Easy as that.

Finally, if you only want to "bump up" specific containers, e.g. the Weapon 5x5 (Green) or Weapon 6x3 (Grey) to spawn more good stuff / weapons, simply deactivate all the other containers from being overwritten.

Check the README how to easily keep track of item IDs and clear names when blacklisting.

I hope you enjoy the mod.

Please don't hesitate to provide feedback in the comments - specifically if you think this and that item(category) spawns too often/less.

To install the mod simply copy/paste the folder "zzlBlackMambal-AllTheLoot-1.0.0" into your user/mods folder.

P.S. the MP-133/153 plastic pistol grip was the initial trigger for this mod. Back then I was searching like crazy in containers for that weapon part. Once I checked the staticLoot.json (which contains all the container items) I found out that it wasn't listed there at all.

  • Version 1.0.6

    • Now fully supporting SPT 3.8.0 (i.e. including the 4 new container types)
    • Option to have an equal spawn rate for all items and sub option to include/exclude secure containers
    • Option to have an equal spawn rate for all mechnical keys and multiplier to adjust their relative spawn rates compared to the remaining container items
    • User can now set the values for the initial spawnrates for each item tier level
    • Option to have a randomizer that adds a percentage based variation to the initial spawn rate of each item - updates each raid
    • Option to turn on/off and define "Favorite Items" which have a higher spawn rate (final value based on container average item spawn rate * multiplier)
    • Option to turn on/off and define "Quest Items" which have a higher spawn rate (final value based on container average item spawn rate * multiplier)
    • Option to turn on/off the spawn ability of electronic keys (Keycards) in jackets
    • Dorms 114 Jacket (at Customs Checkpoint) now has a much higher chance to spawn "Dorm room 114 key"
    • Mechanical keys spawn rates in Drawers and Jackets are meanwhile independent and can be adjusted via the config parameter "keysInJacketMultiplier
    • Option to turn on/off duplicates of the same item in one container
    • Option to have a "per-slot-value" or "per-item-value" assignment for High Tier containers (Weaponbox 5x5, Weaponbox 6x3 and Shturman's Stash), incl. the override option to always keep the "per-item-value" assignment for Weapons, Body Armor, Tactical rigs. Favorite Items (if active) by default will always spawn in Weaponbox 5x5 and Weaponbox 6x3
    • Complete rework of the mod to improve code readability
    • Config settings are now split across 7 config files (+ 5 clear name files)
  • Version 1.0.5

    Changelog v1.0.5:

    • added the functionality to properly process non SPT-default ammo types, i.e. custom ammo rounds
    • added the config option "noAmmoValueWeightingForMagazines" - when set to "true" every ammo type can equally spawn in magazines or magazines attached to weapons


    To get the most out of the mod, I highly recommend to load it at the very end. Like such it will take into account all of your custom added items and make them available to be looted in raid - assuming they are listed in the handbook.

    Meanwhile the mod completely overwrites the staticAmmo data. That means all the (properly set up) ammo rounds found in the handbook (SPT-default and custom ammo) are now added to the staticAmmo pool - compared to earlier releases in which the mod only adjusted the staticLoot and didn't touch the staticAmmo database at all.

    The errors that have been reported so far were only based on missing ammo information once SPT tried to fill a magazine with a custom ammo round. That's fixed now (big thanks to Ereshkigal, Arys, etc. for their support).

    With v1.0.5 you aren't any longer limited to buy your custom ammo from traders, you can loot it from wooden ammo boxes but also find it in magazines/weapons during raid.

    Aside from getting rid of that (headbreaking) bug, overwriting the staticAmmo has another nice benefit. Now AllTheLoot also controls the spawn rate of the different caliber variants inside of magazines and magazines attached to guns. By default it is configured so all the variants spawn at an equal rate, no matter if it's 12 Gauge or .338 Lapua Magnum. If you don't like that behavior, just set the according config parameter (noAmmoValueWeightingForMagazines) to "false" (and keep searching for a much longer time to find e.g. a 7.62x39 BP filled magazine :) )

    The next release is planned for SPT 3.8.0

  • Version 1.0.4

    Changelog v1.0.4:

    • fine tuned spawn system (finally a IMHO very good balance :) )
    • added unique item spawn rates per container (i.e. a certain spawn rate only occurs once per container)
    • removed WeaponBox Global assignment for Weapon Box 4x4, Weapon Box 5x2 and Wooden Crate - instead now using dedicated collections for each, for further details please check file "ContainerAssignment.txt"
    • adjusted container item distribution/probability rate similar to default SPT
    • removed Backpacks and Tacticalrigs from Shturman's Stash (to avoid one item only spawns)
    • adjusted value ranges for Shturman's Stash (185 items), Weapon Box 5x5 (546 items) and Weapon Box 6x3 (808 items)
    • high tier Special purpose sights now only spawn in Shturman's stash (T-7, GPNVG, Zeus, REAP-IR, FLIR), Weapon Box 5x5 (GPNVG, Zeus, REAP-IR, FLIR) and Weapon Box 6x3 (GPNVG, Zeus, REAP-IR, FLIR)
    • added "ContainerAssignment.txt" to config folder
  • Version 1.0.3

    Changelog v1.0.3:

    • fixed broken value based item assignment for Shturman's Stash, Weapon Box 5x5 and Weapon Box 6x3 which was introduced in v1.0.2

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Version 1.0.2

    Changelog v1.0.2:

    • modified the spawn system by taking into account the sum of all items assignable to a container type - makes items of categories with little content spawn more often
    • further tweaked spawn rates
    • added Debug option for specific container types (allows to see the spawn rates for each pre-selection)

    NOTE: Just noticed that the update broke the value based item selection for Shturman's Stash, Weapon Box 5x5 and Weapon Box 6x3. Currently working on a fix.

  • Version 1.0.1

    Changelog v1.0.1:

    • added the functionality to overwrite only certain container types (via config.json)
    • added backpacks to lootpool (since most of the good backpacks won't fit in containers anyways, items haven't been considered in 1.0.0
    • added very high value electronics items to Weapon Box 5x5
    • removed some blacklisted items from certain loot categories
    • updated details on used item categories for Shturman's stash, Weapon Box 5x5 and Weapon Box 6x3 (config_clearText.txt)
    • added another condition for extremely high value items (2000000+ -> initial spawn rate: 2000)
    • final spawn rate is now slightly randomized to decrease chance of multiple items of same type in one container
    • explicit spawn rate adjustment of certain special equipment items (MS2000 Marker, Signal Jammer, Vortex Ranger 1500 rangefinder, WI-FI Camera)
    • further tweaking of category and container spawn rates
  • Version 1.0.0

    Initial release

  • Regarding any issues with other mods.

    This mod was tested and built for SPT 3.8.0.

    Proper function with SPT versions and specifically mods below those versions cannot be guaranteed.

    Live Tarkov constantly gets updated, so does SPT (with according API changes).

    With a previous version (v1.0.5) I fixed the issue of custom ammo rounds not being properly handled by AllTheLoot.

    Currently the only known mods that probably still cause troubles are:

    CocoLemon's IProject


    Although it's definitely not my job to check other mods why they fail with AllTheLoot it seems that the error is based on some items which aren't properly set up. Regarding CocoLemons, if you go into the global.json of Coco Mod, delete the preset for MCXcrystal and the section defining the magazine for P90D, then it should work. KMC-Weapons I just looked briefly and didn't find a quick fix.

    That's all about investigating other mods from my side.

    If you run into any issue, please check that all of your additional mods are properly setup in the first place.

    Thank you and have lots of fun with the mod.

    Thumbs Up 3
    • Where or How did you get your gear and some items to change colors on the background?

    • You refer to the picture I previously had in this posting? Hmmm, good question. I don't have any mod that changes the background color. The green background of the Spear gun could have been a result of the preview mod I used back then.

    • Raid overhaul is causing to crash too

  • Can I use smaller numbers to even out the probability of the number of items per container? So every number of items have an equal chance to spawn? Example:






    Would this work? Thanks!

    • Yes, that would be the way to go.

      See the relative spawnrate as following:

      If you have 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000 the summed up value will be 4000. With the amount of 4 elements and normalized to 1 it's 0.25 (i.e. 25% chance).

      Same if you use e.g. 5, 5, 5, 5 or 1, 1, 1, 1,

      Heart 1
  • What kind of containers can the key tool spawn in. I can't seem to find it anywhere in the configs so not even sure it's there

    • The key tool is of type "STORAGECONTAINERS" and can only spawn in a technical supply crate. But chances are quite low ;)

    • Thanks G :thumbup:

  • Hello!

    Thank you for creating this mod. I have a question though. If I want to adjust the spawn rates of certain items (i.e Terra Group Labs Access keycard) in drawers. How would I go about doing so? I was reading the ReadMe doc and it doesn't exactly specify how i would do that. Would I be putting a new entry into the favoriteItems config?

    • You can do that, yes. Though since the labs keycards can spawn in cabinets and jackets (assuming you left the default config value to true) if you change the spawn rate either via the selected items config (more precise way of tweaking) or the favorite config, you will increase the spawn rate both for cabinets and jackets.

  • Hello. First of all, I would like to say thank you for creating and sharing your mod! And huge kudos for adding the detailed readme.

    I have a few ideas, and I would appreciate your feedback before I lose myself in config editing, lol:

    1. I would like to add ammo (both ammo boxes and loose ammo) to other containers besides wooden ammo box. For example - add ammo to green weapon boxes.
    2. I would like to adjust the spawn rate of various ammo types. For example, I would like to make shotgun rounds spawn more often vs rifle ammo.
    3. Is it possible to add customs weapons (brand new weapons from mods, like WTT) to container loot pools? Would adding their IDs work?

    Thank you in advance!

    • 1. that's possible but you have to go into the mod source file (AllTheLoot_Main.ts). At the bottom you see the actual assignment of categories. Just search for the category "AMMO_PACKS" and "AMMO_ROUNDS" and add the container of your liking.

      For e.g. Ammo rounds go to line 1374 (case SPTLootCategoryName.AMMO_ROUNDS:)

      and add below a line according to this way:


      If you want to add it to the green weapon box (the big 5x5 I guess) it's actually already added, but it's blocked to spawn because of the item value check.

      To counter this, the easiest would be if you go to line 316 and simply add

      item.itemLootCategory === SPTLootCategoryName.AMMO_ROUNDS

      item.itemLootCategory === SPTLootCategoryName.AMMO_PACKS

      Like such - and if you have "AlwaysIncludeWeapons" set to true in the config - rounds and ammo packs will always spawn in 5x5 boxes, even if they are much below the preferred item value.

      2. For this you need to go the hard way and find out the corresponding IDs and add them either to the favorite item config or you can add them to the selected items config. Latter allows you to set the spawn chance in a more detailled way (e.g. make ammo type A spawn more likely than ammo type B).

      3. If the weapon mod is correctly set up, yes it is possible - and you don't need to do something specific. In the end AllTheLoot adds everything that's listed in the handbook, The only thing which could block a weapon to spawn in a container is either the size (if it's super huge, i.e. above 6x3 size) or if its value is too low/high and it will get removed by the value checker.

      Heart 1
    • Hi lElwoodBluesl,

      Thank you sooo much for providing extra feedback!

      And thanks again for your mod! It is the best mod hands down to tweak item spawns in containers. Once you play with config, you really can adjust the spawn rates to your liking. It is AMAZING!!! And works perfectly with custom weapons and items.

      Thank you very much!

  • Hello.
    I am on hunt for container loot mod. Maybe yours is the one.
    As of now I don't want nothing fancy. But from what I see in overview it may be used more in deepth by me.

    But as of now I crawe to tweak/mod one thing and I failed. Because i tried to tweak location.json file and reduce spawn chance for loot to make my game more challenging.
    I succesfully tweaked "looseLootMultiplier": to make lose loot strongly reduced.
    But I was not able to achieve desired chance for
    "staticLootMultiplier": as I encountered that values below 0.5 makes some containers never spawn anything. Those containers are jackets and file cabinets (drawer)
    For some reason if I go below 0.5 it disables spawn in those containers.

    And what I would like to see is random chance that there will be something in jackets and sometimes nothing. But with 0.5 value there is always 1 item in jackets. I use looting bots so sometimes they take the loot but this is not the full way I want it to be.
    Ok but jackets are my least concern as the most annoying thing for me in terms of loot spawn is the damn drawers. This container is just file cabinet with 4 drawers and with value 0.5 there is 100% chance that each drawer will have 1 item in them. If value is set under 0.5 then all the 4 drawers are always empty. This is so stupid game design.

    And here is where I found your mod that maybe have sollution for this? I would at least desire to have 50% chance that any of the drawers have 0 item spawn.

    Is it even possible to achieve this by mod?

    • I think I got myself an answear by using this mod for few raids. I only enebled drawers and jackets and I set values for "0","1" and I think I have what I wanted :)
      I noticed that appart from this bits which I tweaked I also have the All the Loot as I got surveliance camera out of a drawer.

      Good thing as I play my own rules, flea market disabled.
      So only little annoying thing is the way spawn chance for specific iteam is handled in this mod.

      I need to count lines for


      and then go down to


      and set the chance for spawn for chosen item hoping I did not change spawn chance for some other item.

      It should be organized better for example


      "item id": "5af0534a86f7743b6f354284",

      "name": "Ophthalmoscope",

      "spawn chance": "0.5"

      It would be more clear and fun to edit config.

    • Hey man. Great to hear you found a way. Well, the structure behind setting up the loot is not up to me/my mod. AllTheLoot simply adopts to how SPT organizes the loot spawn, i.e. for static loot via container ID, amount of possible items in one container, and chance of how many items will spawn in the container.

      As you wrote, if you want to have a 50/50 chance with either 0 or 1 item, the solution is to set the container.json to 0 and 1 and assign twice the same number (e.g. since it's relative spawnrates, you could also use 1000 and 1000 :) )

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Please tell me how it works and is there a difference in those numbers:

      For example



      and if it would look like this



      Why such big numbers there is set like 2 milion instead of smaller numbers?

  • Hi. Thank you greatly for this mod!
    Is it possible to make it so that the only thing this mod does is add new items to the loot tables? Not changing all the probabilities? I feel like I get too good loot, too easily. I'd be happy with the vanilla chances but with the additional items, if that makes sense?

    • What do you mean with "new items"? If you mean to add only the items that are currently not in the loot table that would require some tweaks in the code itself.

      If you want to keep the vanilla items (incl. their spawn rates) the steps would be to:

      - first find out what items you want to add, i.e. which IDs

      - then, to avoid doubling the spawn chances if the item is already existing in the loot table and would be added again -> check if those items (IDs) are already covered in the staticLoot.json or not

      - rewrite the code in the file "AllTheLoot_FillContainers" at the section where it does the default SPT container overwrite check and instead of providing only the info retrieved in line 40 (i.e. the SPT default loot table), add to this staticLoot variable the "new" items (including hardcoded spawn chances, since filling the containers is the very last action done by the mod and setting spawn chances comes earlier)

      - finally, in the "config_Containers_ID.json" set the overwrite flag for all containers to false

  • Hi, First, thanks you for your mod and your work, its amazing !

    I have a question, your mod add more loot in marked room ?

    If i up the card spawn in categoryspawnrates, i have more chance to loot the card on the floor (bsg spawn point) or in containers ?

    What is the blacklisting ?

    sorry im bad in english..

    thx again

    • The mod only adds items to containers. In Marked Room you mainly have loose loot. If you want to increase/modify this, you need a mod that adjusts loose loot.

      If you up the card spawn you will only have a higher chance of a card spawning in a drawer or a jacket.

      Blacklisting is the way to disable certain items to spawn. For most containers, I don't add every item by hand but instead use the different categories (e.g. Barter Electronics, Barter Valuables, etc.). If I don't want to have a specific item from such category spawn in that container, I simply blacklist it.

      In addition to that there's also a global blacklisting. This approach is used to mainly remove items which have no real purpose (e.g. softair ammo), are boss-specific (to avoid e.g. a Tagilla vest spawn) or some developer related items (like e.g. the dev balaclava which is listed in the handbook too and would spawn).

    • Thanks you, its very clear now ! have a nice day

  • Weird bug: to get the mod working I had to rename the config folder to Config. For some reason the release has a lower case c instead of upper.

    • It's not really weird, linux file system is case sensitive, while SPT is primarily on windows which uses a case insensitive file system, hence the issue had most likely slipped past the developer and most users.

      Regardless, it would be nice for this to be fixed.

  • Hi Elwood,

    Really enjoying your mod, so far have adjusted a few values to be more my liking. Thank you for creating such a dynamic mod and including such a detailed read me file.

  • Is there a way to check the droprate myself? I found a green keycard in a drawer and I am debating whether it was cheating or insane luck.

    All I saw is "0.05" spawrate and I am not sure what that means, because there are items with >1 ratios so it can't be percentages.

    That said, I love the mod!

    • You can check the spawn rates by activating the option in config.json

      "debugMode_showContainerInfo": true,

      Then - since Keycards only spawn in drawers or jackets - set

      "debugMode_containerIndex": 0,


      "debugMode_containerIndex": 3

      0 = Drawer, 3 = Jacket (if KeycardsInJackets true)

      You will see that the Green Keycard (TerraGroup Labs keycard (Green)) has an extremely low spawn rate of 13 (and that you have been very very lucky :) )

      P.S. in general the category spawnrates will adjust the calculated spawn rates, i.e. if e.g. a item has a spawnrate of 3000, having "rate_xx": 0.05, would result in 3000*0.05 = 150

    • Awesome! Thank you!

      So the general spawnrate is tied to the map then? Because I found it on reserve which has electronic keys at 0.05 which means with a spawn rate of 13 and category spawnrate of 0.05 it would be 0.65?

    • No, it's not map specific. It's global.

      The spawn rate of 13 already covered the 0.05 category rate.

  • So this is my current mod order.

    Loot ReLooted






    Is this a good order or should I change it?

  • This is what I keep getting every time I try to load into a raid with this mod in along with getting stuck in an infinite loading raid screen. I'm new to all of this and would love to use this mod to do my hardcore challenge. I don't know what any of this means or how to fix it. Before you ask, yes, I did read the comments and have tried to do what other people said is working for them. I guess I'm just lost at this point and don't know what to do.

    Any help is more than welcome. I would love to use this mod.

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    at ItemHelper.fillMagazineWithCartridge (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:1229:59)

    at ItemHelper.fillMagazineWithRandomCartridge (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:1210:14)

    at LocationGenerator.createStaticLootItem (C:\snapshot\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:1058:33)

    at LocationGenerator.addLootToContainer (C:\snapshot\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:436:49)

    at LocationGenerator.generateStaticContainers (C:\snapshot\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:235:48)

    at LocationController.generate (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\LocationController.ts:108:51)

    at LocationController.get (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\LocationController.ts:72:21)

    at LocationCallbacks.getLocation (C:\snapshot\src\callbacks\LocationCallbacks.ts:37:66)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\src\routers\dynamic\LocationDynamicRouter.ts:16:51)

    at LocationDynamicRouter.handleDynamic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:65:61)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    at ItemHelper.fillMagazineWithCartridge (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:1229:59)

    at ItemHelper.fillMagazineWithRandomCartridge (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:1210:14)

    at LocationGenerator.createStaticLootItem (C:\snapshot\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:1058:33)

    at LocationGenerator.addLootToContainer (C:\snapshot\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:436:49)

    at LocationGenerator.generateStaticContainers (C:\snapshot\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:235:48)

    at LocationController.generate (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\LocationController.ts:108:51)

    at LocationController.get (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\LocationController.ts:72:21)

    at LocationCallbacks.getLocation (C:\snapshot\src\callbacks\LocationCallbacks.ts:37:66)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\src\routers\dynamic\LocationDynamicRouter.ts:16:51)

    at LocationDynamicRouter.handleDynamic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:65:61)

    • The first thing to check are all the mods that add custom weapons or magazines (as that's causing the infinite loop once custom items are drawn by SPT to spawn in one or more containers).

      Deactivate all those mods and use one after another and load into a raid.

      If you found a mod causing the problem, you have 2 options. Either by manually removing and including presets (from the problematic mod) or increase (one after another) the probility rate of the custom items. I explained that already in another posting below.

    • Thank you for the reply. I will try this out. I'm sorry for asking the question if it was already answered like I said I'm still new to all of this.

  • Hi! I'm having an issue with the blacklist? How do I remove items from it? I will delete lets say.. a thermal of sorts from all listed blacklisted containers, in both the ID and clearname files. When I boot up the server it says there are still 70 items blacklisted. Is this just simply a manually entered text in the server log?

    • If you leave the debug option to list a certain container content to "false", the server window will only show you the amount of globally blacklisted items. If you set the debug option to "true", you'll see all kind of info about the container, i.e. included item categories, relative probabilities, etc. and at the very beginning the amount of items initially being assigned and left after (local) blacklisting has been applied.

  • how do I remove certain items I don't want spawned in do I add them to the selected items file and put them down as 0.0 spawn chance?

    • If you want to remove them completely from the loot pool, the easiest would be to blacklist them globally in the container config file.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • How does this work by default for items which originally had no in game spawn chance, like specific keys etc. Will this mod add all of the keys to the drop pool? And how does the distribution work?

    Or would I need to add all of the keys to the favorite items list and manually specify the distribution?

    • Regarding keys. All keys in the game (except Unknown Key and Shturman's Stash Key which are blacklisted globally) can spawn.

      If you want those 2 keys spawn too, you have to remove them from the global blacklist section in the containers config file.

      The distribution is a combination of this mod (relative probability to spawn) and SPT's draw mechanism. The mod adjusts the relative probability based on the item value, i.e. a cheap item (key) will spawn more likely than an expensive one. Keep in mind, to evaluate an item being cheap or expensive it will look at the handbook price - not the value listed on the flea.

      P.S. since I'm currently out for a business trip I cannot check if "Machinery Key" is locally blacklisted for Drawers and Jackets.

  • im able to load streets once then it starts throwing miscelaneous error codes then gets stuck in an infinite "starting local game" screen.

    • Whenever you get stuck while the raid loads, please check the server window. Chances are meanwhile close to 100% that another item mod (with non-properly set up items) is the reason for this behavior.

    • yeah, according to what i could see its trying to populate some unknown ammo type and item descriptions. I have MultiplyAll which mainly multiplies loot, and Raid Overhaul, but im not sure if that affects loot types or anything.. but i just read someone else has the same "starting local game" error with Raid Overhaul. That would suck if that's the case, only one way to find out though.

    • So i found after disabling, or setting value to "false" in Raid Overhaul for Custom Loot, this problem doesn't occur anymore when trying to load streets in junction with this mod. After reading some other comments, i think the "custom loot" the Raid Overhaul is trying to generate in game is causing code interference when loading maps with this loot mod installed.

    • Thanks for the investigation.

      If the error occours during custom loot generation, what you can do is check that Overhaul mod for the parts that add custom loot. I would first check the gun presets by adding all new guns (IDs) to the "selected Items" config, set every newly added ID (except one) to 0.0. and increase the remaining one to a value of e.g. 100000, to guarantee an ~100% spawn chance. Start a raid and see if it's loading. If yes, set the its value back to 0.0 and increase the next newly added item to 100000. It could be one item, it could be multiple newly added items, i.e. so do that procedure with all newly added IDs.

  • Does anybody try this with the loots of loots mod from rainbowPC ? is it conflict with this mod

    • They both are loot based mod, and by nature they cant be compatible with each other.

    • Not true, if the priority is set correctly it is fine, the only issue is with the error this mod throws itself causing the infinite loading or extremely long loading times.

    • Whenever you get stuck while the raid loads, please check the server window. Chances are meanwhile close to 100% that another item mod (with non-properly set up items) is the reason for this behavior.

  • Babe, wake up! ALLTHELOOT update for 3.8.0 just dropped!

  • can someone give me download link from other source, not git?

  • Just grabbed, again. Thanks for updating. Will see how it goes later when I ... Return to Tarkov...

  • Any idea if this conflicts with SVM loot multipliers or PityLoot?

    Thumbs Up 1
    • For SVM I guess there should be no conflict. Either you load SVM first, then AllTheLoot will set the amount of loot per container, if SVM is loaded after, SVM should take care of that.

      Regarding PityLoot - and since it has a loot progression - I personally don't know if the randomizer (default: on) and updating the spawn rates after each raid eventually has an impact on the way PityLoot calculates the progression.

  • "Complete rework". Damn, lElwoodBluesl, get some deserved rest after that. Thank you so much for this mod. :)

  • Thanks for the update to 3.8 tho what do the item tiers in the config mean? like which item for example would fall into tier 7 and which in tier 1?

    • I didn't put it in the readme. Looking at the code once more, probably would have made sense to add it.

      First of all, the initial rates are calculated based on the handbook price. I wanted to avoid the very cheap (specifically weapon part) items of spawning too often, same time I had to guarantee that necessary low value items (like e.g. cheap barter quest items) still have a normal spawn rate. For this I introduced - not accessable via config - the "selectedCategories", Those categories are:


      As soon as the initial spawn rate is assigned, the mod will check for very low value items if the item is part of one of the selected categories or not.

      The Tiers are as following:

      Tier7": Item value <2000 and not part of "selectedCategories"

      Tier6": Item value <2000 and part of "selectedCategories"

      Tier6": Item value >=2000 and <20000

      Tier5": Item value >=20000 and <50000

      Tier4": Item value >=50000 and <100000

      Tier3": Item value >=100000 and <400000

      Tier2": Item value >=400000 and <1000000

      Tier1": Item value >=1000000

      Hope that helps.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • ohhh thanks for clarifying ^ ^
      so if i understand it correctly the tiers are seperated by value and not by specific items in a pre made list?
      and would it make a difference if the value is higher but in the same proportions to eachother for example would
      Tier1: 1000
      Tier2: 2000

      have the same probabilities as
      Tier1: 10
      Tier2: 20

    • Yes, 1000 or 10 would be the same.

      But there are some more steps :)

      Once the initial spawn rate is assigned, one of the next steps is normalization, i.e. all the items in one container are checked to which category they belong, how many items of that category are in the container and how many items are in total in that container. This step is necessary to avoid e.g. only key spawns in Jackets/Drawers as there are so many more items of type "Mechanical keys" compared to other objects.

      Probability or finally spawn chance is always depending on the min/max relative probabilities, the relative probability for a certain item and the total amount of items in that container type.

    • huh goood to know and thats a smart way of handeling that ^ ^
      well thank you for the mod and the info time to become a loot goblin again

  • Don't you need to remove backpack restrictions to be able to loot some of the items, like weapon cases?

    • Yep, that's why the according instruction is in the code :)

  • Hi buddy! Will there be an update for 3.8.0 ? <3

    • This is the only loot mod I use and it has been working just fine with 3.8

    • The SPT launcher gives an error and does not load mods

    • change the version to 3.8 in the package file. I have also used it with equal loot mod and no problems with it.

    • Mod is updated.

      Heart 1
  • Hey! I've been using AllTheLoot for quite some time now and am really enjoying but there is an issue which I'd presume is with this mod as this the only loot mod I have installed. I'm on my last item for KAPPA which is the Glorious mask. I've searched hundreds of containers (mostly stashes), killed hundreds of scavs and done 100+ raids but haven't seen a single mask ever. Why is this happening? I see it on the flea though. Any help is much appreciated!

    I am on V 3.7.6

    • Yes, the Glorious mask (as part of "Gear/Facecovers") should spawn in stashes but also duffle bags, dead scavs, plastic suitcase and (where I found most of them) in jackets.

    • Interesting, I got no clue why I don't ever see it. Is there a way I can up the spawn rate for testing purposes? Thanks.

    • Just for future reference or others reading: Weighing chances for specific items is practically impossible as far as I'm aware. It's more of an issue with the way the server processes game information, you can change what items and parent classes are available or not in a specific trader/container - but individual item chances for spawns, again as far as I know, isn't something that can be done.

    • "Weighing chances for specific items is practically impossible as far as I'm aware"

      It seems you are not aware :)

      Do you know how the loot creation actually works in SPT? I mean, not the basic assignment to containers but the actual loot drawing when the raid gets loaded?

      The reason why you have e.g. much less LEDx compared to bolts in a cache container IS the weighting, which is done by relative spawn rates. For sure, you cannot set a 100% chance that item A is spawning in container A but you can adjust its chances. Finally it's a combination of relative spawn rates and amount of items being assigned to a container.

  • SPT 3.8.0 does not work

    UPD: Second raid work, I think the error appears from time to time

    Errors when loading loot

    [2024-04-05T10:22:09.821Z] error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    [2024-04-05T10:22:09.760Z] debug: Generating data for: bigmap, variant: 5

    [2024-04-05T10:22:09.822Z] error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    [2024-04-05T10:22:09.823Z] error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    at ItemHelper.fillMagazineWithCartridge (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:1229:59)

    at ItemHelper.fillMagazineWithRandomCartridge (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:1210:14)

    at LocationGenerator.createStaticLootItem (C:\snapshot\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:1058:33)

    at LocationGenerator.addLootToContainer (C:\snapshot\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:436:49)

    at LocationGenerator.generateStaticContainers (C:\snapshot\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:121:44)

    at LocationController.generate (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\LocationController.ts:108:51)

    at LocationController.get (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\LocationController.ts:72:21)

    at LocationCallbacks.getLocation (C:\snapshot\src\callbacks\LocationCallbacks.ts:37:66)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\src\routers\dynamic\LocationDynamicRouter.ts:16:51)

    at LocationDynamicRouter.handleDynamic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:65:61)

    [2024-04-05T10:22:09.822Z] error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    at ItemHelper.fillMagazineWithCartridge (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:1229:59)

    at ItemHelper.fillMagazineWithRandomCartridge (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:1210:14)

    at LocationGenerator.createStaticLootItem (C:\snapshot\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:1058:33)

    at LocationGenerator.addLootToContainer (C:\snapshot\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:436:49)

    at LocationGenerator.generateStaticContainers (C:\snapshot\src\generators\LocationGenerator.ts:121:44)

    at LocationController.generate (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\LocationController.ts:108:51)

    at LocationController.get (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\LocationController.ts:72:21)

    at LocationCallbacks.getLocation (C:\snapshot\src\callbacks\LocationCallbacks.ts:37:66)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\src\routers\dynamic\LocationDynamicRouter.ts:16:51)

    at LocationDynamicRouter.handleDynamic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:65:61)

    • Shoreline doest work at all

      upd: probably set noAmmoValueWeightingForMagazines = false fix issue

    • Well, AllTheLoot v1.0.5 supports only up to SPT 3.7.6.

      Once you go to Ground Zero (and its new containers which aren't integrated in v1.0.5), it probably will crash with another error.

      P.S. the error you mentioned is based on a magazine / magazine of a weapon that didn't spawn in your first raid, like such wasn't filled with any (custom?) ammo rounds.

      noAmmoValueWeightingForMagazines shouldn't have any impact (on stacking the magazine) as it's simply setting the spawn rates for all registered ammo types to the same value.

    • > like such wasn't filled with any (custom?) ammo rounds.

      Unfortunately no. I just changed the mod settings and tried to load into the shoreline over and over again, and got an error over and over again until I made this parameter false. I went on a raid with MPX and 50-round drums loaded with Luger, and played 3 raids in a row without an error... maybe lucker =)

      upd: i also comment this lines:

      //tables.loot.staticAmmo = staticAmmo;

      // Calculate the number of different calibers in staticAmmo


      if (this.config.debugMode_ShowAmmoCalibers) {

      let counterAmmoCalibers = 0;

      for (const caliber in staticAmmo) {





      if (this.config.removeBackpackRestrictions === true) {

      const backpacks = tables.templates.items;

      category_Gear_Backpacks.forEach(item => {

      backpacks[item.Id]._props.Grids[0]._props.filters = [];




      if (data[i].ParentId === "5b47574386f77428ca22b33c") { // Ammo||Ammo packs




      if (data[i].ParentId === "5b47574386f77428ca22b33b") // Ammo||Rounds




      // fix for custom ammo types

      let probabilityAmmo = 0;

      if (this.config.noAmmoValueWeightingForMagazines) {

      probabilityAmmo = 1000;


      else {

      if (data[i].Price < 100)

      probabilityAmmo = 1000;

      else if (data[i].Price >= 100 && data[i].Price < 1000)

      probabilityAmmo = 500;


      probabilityAmmo = 200;


      let currentCaliberType = tables.templates.items[data[i].Id]._props.Caliber;

      if (!(currentCaliberType in staticAmmo)) {

      staticAmmo[currentCaliberType] = [

      { tpl: data[i].Id, relativeProbability: probabilityAmmo },




      staticAmmo[currentCaliberType].push({ tpl: data[i].Id, relativeProbability: probabilityAmmo });


      but I still got the error over and over again (more than 5 attempts to load to shoreline) until I set the parameter to false

      Maybe it's luck after all...

    • Did you have the error with SPT 3.7.6 too?

      btw, it has nothing to do with what weapon you bring into the raid, it is the magazines/weapons that spawn as loot.

    • I haven't checked =)

      but the mod worked great at customs and the interchange, so I will continue to use it. I hope that my solution will somehow minimize the occurrence of errors, so that I can say that it is 90% compatible with the new version of SPT :D. Thank you for the great mod)

  • What would be the process for figuring out what is causing errors and adding them to the blacklist? ei. how do I find Item ID's from mods, how do I figure out exactly what mod and item is causing issue, and then does the mod have a AIO blacklist or does it just have weapon box 4x4 blacklist ect ect

    • With this version you should normally only get errors with not properly set up weapon presets from mods that add custom weapons.

      Once there is a faulty part in one weapon preset (a preset basically builds up the complete weapon) you will get the error.

      Blacklisting doesn't work because as long as the preset is available SPT will still try to build up the weapon and if it misses certain parts you'll get another type of error :)

      What I did instead was "fixing" the issue by actually modifying the preset, i.e. either delete the complete preset (that causes trouble) or by deleting only a specific part of it (e.g. the silencer, magazine).

      To find IDs (from parts added by a mod, not the mod itself) the IDs normally can be found in config or database files. Typically the parameter is called "id", "tpl" and has a somehow random, 24 digit value. For other mods like e.g. the (awesome) mod Gilded Key Storage you will find the necessary IDs in the file config/config.json, though for this mod the item IDs use clear names, like e.g. "Golden_Key_Pouch".

      v1.0.5 doesn't yet have a global blacklist - but v1.0.6, which will be released with SPT 3.8.0, will have one.

    • Oh okay thank you, I'll have to get rid of some of these mods preset weapons, so just making them "incomplete" be getting rid of just a suppressor or sight or something will make that mod compatible?

    • I basically went through every mod and deleted the magazine from every preset, but after putting the mod at the very end of load order I still got the error, is there something else I may have to do to get it to work? or is it something to do with custom ammo I may have to adjust?

    • What exact error (message) do you get?

      P.S. what I mean with removing parts from the presets is that e.g. if you found out a certain weapon preset causes trouble, instead of completely removing that preset simply remove the part that is triggering the error.

      I took silencers and magazines as examples because if they don't exist, the weapon is still usable and doesn't appear "red" during raid.

      In terms of custom ammo. Ahead of v1.0.5 the error for custom ammo was triggered since SPT creates an ammo filled magazine / weapon with ammo filled magazine only with the info it retrieves from the file "staticAmmo.json" (default SPT installation). To fix that, v1.0.5 introduced the feature to create a completely new staticAmmo data file, based on default ammo types but also custom ammo types that come with mods.

      For sure, if the custom ammo type of a mod initially isn't properly set up you will still get an error, yes.

    • I think it was just KMC so i moved it below, not entirely sure how to figure out what part would be causing issue but removing mags from everything honestly fixed 99% of my issues, I started to get an encyclopedia issue but that was an unrelated thing to another mod and I never touched it because it was bundled but yeah

      TL;DR error was not an issue with your mod, removed magazines actually managed to work did the wrong formula but got the right answer :)

  • Hello, could it be that some items are on the blacklist? I am now lvl 20 and have not found a USB! as well as a few keys that you can not find!

    • USB key (i.e. Secure Flash Drive) or USB adapter? USB keys should generally spawn in Drawers, Jackets, Safes, Duffle bags, Dead Scavs, Plastic Suitcases, Ground caches and Burried Barrel Caches - in Shturman Stash acccording to the set value limit (Secure Flash Drive is 40152 roubles).

      What specific keys are you missing? Keys - except Shturman Stash Key, Machinery Key aside its jacket in dorms, Unknown Key and Hideout Backup key - aren't blacklisted.

    • Not the adapter. this USB for the Peacekeeper mission. I have never found one...

      I would have to look again for the key. I could have made a mistake.