Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Version 1.3: Updated for SPT 3.8.0; nothing else changed
- If you are having issues post pictures of your load order and config file or you will be ignored.
- No support will be given for older versions of SPT
Ammo weights crippling you? Are you like me and always try to bring 1,000+ rounds into every raid? Well this sets all ammunition to be completely weightless!
Stack size for all ammunition is set to 2,500 by default; this can be configured or disabled for vanilla values.
Automagically works with all mod ammo.
Mag loading/unloading speeds are 50% faster by default. This can be configured or outright disabled for the vanilla values.
Stamina damage for all ammunition is disabled by default. You can configure this to be any number you want or outright disable it to be vanilla values.
Go to config/config.json
Config file allows you to change the following:
-Is ammo weightless? (TRUE / FALSE)
-Change ammo stack size? (TRUE / FALSE)
-If TRUE then what is the new stack size?
-Change mag load speed? (TRUE / FALSE)
-If TRUE how much as a percent? (Has to be above 0) lower number = faster
-Does ammunition do stamina damage? (TRUE / FALSE)
-If TRUE how much as a percent? (This can theoretically be any number but I only tested it from 0-100) lower number = less stamina damage
Load Order:
If a specific mods ammo is not working make sure that this mod loads AFTER any other mods that add in new ammunition types.
Unzip WeightlessAmmo.7z into your user/mods directory.
If you have anything you want to see in any of my mods feel free to leave a comment and I will gladly explain why it's not feasible (I'm only kidding, I do actually like suggestions; some of them are just... not good lmao)
Oddly enough this changes all ammo except for the PBP 9x19 ammo... I created logs to log the changes, and it does actually state it is changing the weight, but when loading into the game the weight for ONLY the PBP ammo is unchanged... Very strange
I need the 3.9 version :')
i wait for him
Mag loading/unloading Doesn't work anymore
3.8.3 version
Hey man i'm also having problems with ammo load speed
Load order and config
i think there is a problem with the mod dad gamer mode
as semtex said, ammo load speed doesnt work for me even if mod is installed alone (fresh install, 3.8.0)
MNSTR Author
What does you config look like. And you said installed alone so there's no other mods installed at all? No client mods, SVM, etc?
only this mod and fresh install
MNSTR Author
Okay can you send my a picture of what the config looks like? Either there's some weird bug or the config is setup wrong.
Also are the other parts of the mod working? Is all ammo properly weightless?
so, i tried to reinstall the mod itself. then after second restart of the aki server mod is now working, i dont know how but...
MNSTR Author
Okay cool, as long as it's working then enjoy! If you have issues or run into bugs feel free to leave a comment
no matter what i do the ammo loading speed does not change. anyone know of a fix?
MNSTR Author
What does your config and load order look like?
Same issue here. It also doesn't work for SVM, without weightless, and with weightless.
i have the same issue sadly
how do i check?
went into the mods file and opened the order file but its blank
MNSTR Author
If the load order json file is blank then it's just in order of the folders in the mods list itself
found a funny thing with this mod, gave some scavs 95000 roubles for stuff, they gave me 1500 20 gauge slugs, and 1600 40mm grenades, the ai seem to hoard ammo, finding 2500 7.62x54r on a pmc. Just figured i put that out there, kinda broken, but funny as hell.
MNSTR Author
Yeah it happens sometimes, it has to do with how that stuff is coded since they are based on stack size %. Not much I can do about it unless I go through and change the code for everything that references bullets.
Yeah it's broken, yes it can be cheesed but I mean... it's weightless ammo with default stack sizes that are somewhere around 50x base game.
Does ammunition do stamina damage?
What is the vanilla value?
Oh, it was in the description LOL
Is this mod compatible with SKT 3.7.5?
Thank you for your time!
MNSTR Author
It should be compatible with all 3.7.x versions
Okay great, thank you!!!
it is compatible, i have 3.7.5 and it's working perfectly
Yep, been happily using it for the last couple of hours. Thank you!
That One Guy Around Town
For the raids that I happen to just wanna be in for hour+ finally, I can bring in those 1,000+ rounds and have plenty for everyone to eat. Great mod, thank you!
MNSTR Author
Honestly a lot of times I end up going through 1,000+ rounds even without having to be there a full hour. I love dakka!
question: does it also change the weight of custom ammo from other mods?
great mod btw thx
I could be wrong, but I think it might. The code looks like it's getting all "ammo" type items and then editing the properties based on the config.
I will be installing it later today and testing as I use the 14.0 patch content mod which uses the new sig ammo.
MNSTR Author
Yes it does automatically change all mod ammo. It just uses the subclass ammo so unless a mod uses a whole new ammo type (which would be a huge pain in the ass) it will all work.
I have specifically tested with the 0.14 content patch and it works with the SIG ammo (as shown in the image I posted)
For some reason it isn't working for me? Works on everything but the ammo from the 14.0 content mod, only observed this with the new SIG ammo. Haven't tried with any of the new 9x39's. Am going to redownload and install mod incase I did something wrong.
I have no other added ammunition either.
MNSTR Author
I'm really not sure why it would work for some and not for others as in my personal game I have about 12 different mods with anywhere from 2-12 new unique ammo types per mod (so I have a lot of different modded ammunition). I haven't run into anything that didn't work yet but if I do I will look into it.
If you haven't already done so check the server for red error logs.
EDIT - forgot to mention that I havent seen any red error in the server log whilst playing
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