Weightless Ammo 1.3.0

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Ammo weighing you down? No more!

Version 1.3: Updated for SPT 3.8.0; nothing else changed

  • If you are having issues post pictures of your load order and config file or you will be ignored.
  • No support will be given for older versions of SPT


Ammo weights crippling you? Are you like me and always try to bring 1,000+ rounds into every raid? Well this sets all ammunition to be completely weightless!

Stack size for all ammunition is set to 2,500 by default; this can be configured or disabled for vanilla values.

Automagically works with all mod ammo.

Mag loading/unloading speeds are 50% faster by default. This can be configured or outright disabled for the vanilla values.

Stamina damage for all ammunition is disabled by default. You can configure this to be any number you want or outright disable it to be vanilla values.


Go to config/config.json

Config file allows you to change the following:

-Is ammo weightless? (TRUE / FALSE)

-Change ammo stack size? (TRUE / FALSE)

-If TRUE then what is the new stack size?

-Change mag load speed? (TRUE / FALSE)

-If TRUE how much as a percent? (Has to be above 0) lower number = faster

-Does ammunition do stamina damage? (TRUE / FALSE)

-If TRUE how much as a percent? (This can theoretically be any number but I only tested it from 0-100) lower number = less stamina damage

Load Order:

If a specific mods ammo is not working make sure that this mod loads AFTER any other mods that add in new ammunition types.


Unzip WeightlessAmmo.7z into your user/mods directory.

If you have anything you want to see in any of my mods feel free to leave a comment and I will gladly explain why it's not feasible (I'm only kidding, I do actually like suggestions; some of them are just... not good lmao)
