DVL-50 .50 Cal Single-Shot Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle 1.0.3

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DVL-50 .50 Cal (12.7x108) single-shot bolt-action sniper rifle

This mod simply adds a new sniper rifle, the DVL-50 .50 Cal (12.7x108) Single-Shot Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle.

mod folder -> user/mods directory

It is available on Jaeger LL4 along with its ammo.

Please feel free to add suggestions and notify me of bugs.

Realism Patch


  • j'aimerais tellement une nouvelle mise a jour, ce serait génial. j'adore se que tu fait

  • Do you plan to make PKP or PKM in 12.7x108 caliber someday?

    • thank you for the idea

    • You can call it portable NSV "Utyos"

      Heart 1
  • hi, can you add a recharge from call of duty please

  • is this balanced for the realism mod?

    • I don't know, I don't use realism.

    • okay thanks, awesome looking mod btw man

    • Doesn't work:

      When I open my server:

      Mod SiulSC-DVL-50 is incompatible with SPT-Realism

      Errors were found with mods, NO MODS WILL BE LOADED

    • delete incompatibility with realism in package.json and note that I don't use realism so i don't know if it accomodates for it.

    • If you load it after realism the ballistics should be adjusted by Realism

      Many mods add an incompatibility with SPTRM and when it is removed- sometimes less than perfect results may occur but I have yet to find a mod that truly breaks either mod as long as the two mods do not try to edit the same characteristics in game:

      IE: If you have a mod the negates fall damage- make sure to disable any elements of SPTRM that relate to that

      Between the configs of both mods most things work with SPTRM

  • I would love to see this where the sound was switched to the sound of one of the mounted machine guns. That way you still get that .50 sound and it would make if feel more intense.

  • possible to add a magazine?

    • wait for DVL-50A1 release

    • Just curious, I noticed your profile states you have completed the DVL-50A1 version. Do you know when that will be released? Is it more of a release to donors rn and will be released for everyone later?

      Thumbs Up 1
    • The gun is completed, but it isn't available for the public. I am currently working on my gun modpack, which I will release when I complete all the projects I want to include. Currently, I haven't made any progress in the last 5 weeks or so. Last time I updated my WIP was on september. Trust me, I am lazy as fuck. Don't expect me to publish the mod until at least 2025 (or maybe december idk).

      I have no intentions of making a supporter page any time soon. In my mind, it would only make sense to do that if I was active in mod creation and spt (I really am not). If you wanna see a snipet, here's how the gun looks like.


      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hello, I installed your mod. When you start the server for your mod 'Rechambering the DVL-10' this is a red message. I bought this weapon at a Flea Market and it does not have a magazine for ammunition. -- https://ibb.co/19nFKXC

    • it says single-shot. It can only be fed one round in the chamber and it doesn't have a magazine. The red message is just aesthetic. Everything is how it is intended.

  • does not work on 3.8.X, needs to be updated

  • hey does this mod still work with current version of SPT? and how do you install it if still working

    • drop the mod in the user/mods folder in your spt dir

    • when i try to use the mod the server says the mod is not compatible and doesnt finish loading.

    • i probably have to update it. I'll do it when I can.

  • Hi man, love this gun.

    It would be great to have a silencer.

    What do you think?

    • maybe, when I get to my DVL Prototype. I will return in the summer

  • No mag?

  • Do you know if this works for sniper rifle related quests?

    • it should 100%

      Thumbs Up 1
    • It didnt work for me doing Jaeger's tarkov shooter part 3, and after using for some time it also leveled up assault rifles for some reason

  • so I took the original model....and CHANGED THE CODE! what copy paste? nah.

    ? 1
    • bet you cant do it

    • this is still a prototype lol. I still have to do add meshes to my projects. I just wanna get all of the weapons I'm making out and then get to retexturing to finish my project.

      Thumbs Up 2
    • fair enough then, and datochri bro dont speak you cant make anything either.

    • DVL-50A1 In the making, better version. 5 shot 12.7x108 Black Bolt Action Sniper

      Thumbs Up 1