Alternative furry traders icons 1.0.0

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This mod replaces merchant icons and quest pictures with images of merchants with furry counterparts.

This mod replaces merchant icons and quest pictures with images of merchants with furry counterparts.

ONLY VANILLA TRADERS (Lighthouse Keeper not included)

This mod was created with the help of Alternative Trader Pics. The code was also slightly modified.


1. Extract the contents of the zip file into the root of your SPT folder. It will automatically place the file into your mods folder.

2. This mod should be loaded after all other mods that add new traders.

3. If you suspect that this mod is loading before an additional trader is loaded, the load order may need to be changed by adding an additional "Z" or more to the folder name.

4. After altering the name, delete BSG temp files using the settings menu in the Aki.Launcher.exe program.


In this mod, configurations for mod traders are disabled by default!

If you need to enable them, go to \mods\zzAlternativeTraderPics\src\config.json

Also, if you want to leave your anime girls icons, you need to set true in config.json on the desired merchants.

(That's why I didn't remove them from the mod. All authors from the original art mod are in the Readme file)

Many thanks to the following people for the art:

DeadCityWaters (VKontakte)

  • Jaeger.
  • Peacekeeper.
  • Ragman.
  • Skier.
  • Therapist.

Motley (Has his own Twitter account, Motley_ad with adults !NSFW! content, search if u need)

  • Prapor.
  • Fence.
  • Mechanic.

  • Update when king?

    • I think it's take long time, i haven't so much time for this, unfortunately, sorry.

    • if you really need this mod, you can do by yourself, maybe in SPT-AKI discord you may get help about modding.

  • Eblan?

  • should also include therapist trader.

  • This is why bsg doesnt like spt

    Happy 4 Thumbs Up 1
  • Each day, humanity appears to distance itself more and more from the divine

    Heart 2
  • Great mod, love the artwork and trader icons.. Keeps up the great work and thank you for sharing it with us. Don't let any of these haters hate on your mod. They are just jealous they didn't think of it first. animelaughing Love Wins Over any kind of hate!

    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1
    • Thank you for your kindness comment, I've been "here" to it for a long time, in principle, I understand why it's happened.

      In any case, this is not a serious mod.

      Be cool.

  • Спасибо, Паштет, не обманул про фурри с большими кохонас! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

    Thumbs Up 2
    • Finally, a worthy update in Tarkov

  • is there a mod that allows me to shoot the traders?

    Thumbs Up 3 Happy 2 Heart 2
  • How to delete someone's mod?

    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 2 Crying 1
  • furries don't put furry porn into any of your hobbies challenge

    Thumbs Up 5 ? 1
  • Welp, it was bound to happen lol

  • Furries cant go without 1 second of horny jail

  • мопсики, бибы бобы, камаходы оценили

  • WOW


  • weird community

    Thumbs Up 3
  • i understand you want to credit the artist but why would it be necessary to send a link to an actual NSFW page... ?

    Thumbs Up 2
    • I haven't seen another author profile, the description says sfw/nsfw, just a warning.

      It seems like you can turn off any offensive content on Twitter, just in case someone wants to install a furry mod in a safe shooter on work time.

    • i mean not everyone have a twitter account and can turn off any offensive content on Twitter , some kids probly don't know what NSFW means.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • I can’t log into an “adult” Twitter account without registering, a warning is also displayed, and even more so, I don’t know who allows children to play Tarkov, game include swear, violence, pain screams, guns etc

      now I only left a mention of his Twitter account.

    • tarkov isnt different from call of duty or any other other fps in term of swear , violence ect... yet lots of children play call of duty i dont really get the point... but yeah thank you for removing the link and making it a better warning.

      Thinking 1 Thumbs Up 2
    • It's quite unbelievable for a kid who knows about Tarkov, then proceeds to download SPT and learn how to mod, not knowing what NSFW means. Modern internet users I guess.

      Happy 1
  • Red from tarkov moment

  • wtf is this??????
    Anyways, it's cool for the people that like this type of stuff. Where did you get these icons or did you make them yourself?

    • There is an authors tab in the description at the very bottom. I didn't draw, I edited the mod.

    • very cool

  • This is just cursed...

    I'm even more scared by the fact that this is done by russian guy

    Thumbs Up 2
  • unique choice of furry icons .

    the prepor and that purple elephant scares me :notlikethis:

    • Harsh realities of Tarkov

    • Prapor being Anthro Princess Luna, Fence being Queen Chrysalis and Mechanic being Protogen is just ridicolously good and funny. I actually like this mod :D

    • The most important thing - have fun

    • I think this could be said about any mod in this site :)

      Happy 1