Boss Notifier 1.4.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Notifies you of which bosses you'll face in your upcoming raid!


  • Version 1.4.1

    Quick bugfix for Detection feature not respecting intel center level.

    The Detection feature tells you when a boss has *physically* spawned in your raid. This is different to the normal notifier feature that only tells you where they *will* spawn. I know this isn't clear in the mod description that'll be worked on next.

  • Version 1.4.0

    • Added new feature to notify player's when a boss spawns near them.
    • Updated messages to feel like they fit into the game a bit better.
    • Compatibility with the boss Legion from Raid Overhaul!!! #1
    • Hopefully made the config options a little less confusing.
    • Added some debugging logs to help find possible issues in the future #2
  • Version 1.3.5

    • Added Kollontay detection, no more sneaky breeki surprises from him. (He jumpscared me 😢)
    • Added some debug stuff to make it easier to diagnose some stuff and things.
  • Version 1.3.4

    Updated for 3.8.0

  • Version 1.3.3

    I lied here's a new update! :D

    - Compatibility with GamePanelHUD

    - Changed the way unmapped zones are translated to readable names.

    - Fixed issue with scav runs showing player as having level 0 intel center.

  • Version 1.3.2

    I'm sorry for updating so frequently hummm

    I'll try and chill from here on out trustme

    • Compatibility with DayTimeCultists.
    • Now respecting ShowBossLocation setting
    • Ability to change settings mid raid.
    • Changed how zones are displayed, when an unmapped zone is encountered it now displays a slightly more friendly name.
    • Added grace period to showing notifs on raid start, will wait a couple seconds that way you can be fully in the raid before sending them.
  • Version 1.3.1

    • Fixed issue occurring when Cultists would spawn in.
      • No longer falsely reporting they spawn during the daytime.
      • No more (An attempt was made to transition a task to a final state when it had already completed.)
    • Added support for bosses spawning in multiple locations.
    • Now correctly reporting boss locations instead of where they may spawn. :L
    • Fixed grammar when addressing group events.
  • Version 1.3.0

    • Added ability to see the location bosses spawn at.
      • Can be locked behind Intel Center Level or completely disabled.
    • Changed method of getting input state thanks to DrakiaXYZ! Can now press other keys and still activate the notifications.
  • Version 1.2.0

    • Added new config option Intel Center Level Requirement
      • I recommend setting this to 1-3 if you feel that the mod feels a bit cheaty early game.
  • Version 1.1.0

    • Config options:
      • Show Bosses KeyCode (default O) Shows bosses that will be spawned in raid. Useful if you missed the notifications at the start of the raid.
      • Show Bosses on Raid Start: If this is disabled you'll no longer get a list of notifications at the start of the raid.
    • Boss names are now much more user friendly.
    • Now ignoring Marksman "boss", these were spawns marked as bosses that were really just the invincible snipers that keep players in map bounds.
    • Less smelly code (still a little funky :/ )
    • Now packaging plugin in an easier to install format, just drag the folder into your SPT install and you're good to go!
  • Hi! I have a question: is it possible to change detection requirements from Intellligence Centre to Bird's Eye backpack?

    To make it more balanced and less cheating. Since you will have to obtain backpack and also bring it to the raid to see if boss on the map

  • Is there any way to localize the message, like I'm thankful the message tells me where boss might be, but i really don't know where "Big rock" is?

  • I love the mod, works really well and we also run it in our server (works only for host but thats ok).
    I only have 1 suggestion to make since we kinda have a "balanced" server it would be cool to be able to have the Detection requirement work without the level requirement.

    So i can set it as follows
    level 1 its only dectecting when going near
    level 2 is showing on start or "o" with no position
    level 3 is showing on start or "o" with exact position

    would be cool if it would work like that

    atm we have

    level 1 show on start no position

    level 2 show when near

    level 3 show exact position
    since it did not work like the above example!

    EDIT: works 100% of the time and even with custom bosses.

  • It doesn't work well when I use MPT to play with my friend.I have the task to kill KILLA.When we entered a raid,he toled me that KILLA would spawn near the cencer.But in my screen,it only told me that "No Bosses Detected".At last,we didn't find KILLA in the ULTRA.So what's wrong with this mod?Is it a bug?

    • No support for Fika/MPT yet. You'll have to wait sorry.

  • okay so this mod works for me 99% of the time. The only thing that isn't working is when the cultists spawn. I changed the cultist spawn rate in SWAG + Donuts to 100% and played 3 raids and it never notified me. and one raid i went to kill reshala and I completely ran by the and the priest scared the fuck outta me. At first I thought the spawn rate wasn't working but it was and I just wasn't getting notified.

    • I can second this. Hunting cultists on woods specifically, using SVM to get 100% spawn for Cultists, no notifications.

    • also i used SVM to change spawn rate and it didn't work because I have swag which you can also change the spawn rate in, I think they conflict with eath other

  • Absolutely love the mod but I do wanna ask if you ever plan to add a feature that notifies you when you kill a boss? Fika has this by default but there is no way of telling in singleplayer whether or not the boss is dead unless you don't have the achievement or a task for killing them

  • Hello, I'm having an issue where, since I put the dll file on the plugins folder, other PMCs and Scavs don't work anymore. I've seen that there have been cases, but dnt know their status, or if they hv been solved at that.

    SIT EFT version

    AKI server version

    SIT mod version 1.6.4

    I have no other mods installed, aside from SIT, which I believe is a mod.

    Hope this information is useful :)

  • Are there maps to help you understand the location information? For example when Kollan spawns "near the sandpit" or Rogues are spawned in Blockpost, Treatment Beach, Roof Containers, etc... none of that helps me understand where they are. I use TechHappy WebMinimap and none of those are labelled locations..

  • mod shows incorrect information for other players that are not the host on fika/mpt can this be fixed?

    • When I have time again I'll look into adding support for Fika. Life is hectic rn though so no eta sorry.

    • Would be appreciated if you get time. Its still a must have mod for me, and I love its lore friendly being attached to the intel center. Great Mod!

  • Is there a way for this mod to only tell them they are on the map and not where?

    • Literally explains how to customize the settings in the 'Overview' Section under 'How to Config'.

      Heart 1
  • Dose this work for raid overhaul so you can see if legion is there or not?

    • to answer my own questions yes it works

      Heart 1
    • Support was added but I never tested it so thank you for letting me know it worked lol!

  • is latest version work for 3.8.3?

  • AMAZING MOD !!! Can you please look into how you could make it compatible with traveler for the intel unlocks ? You get multiple hideouts and building one intel center either isn't enough or building all of them on a map also isn't enough (I'll try to test that with the profile editor) Essentially one intel center/map should make notifications work. Thanks !

  • Hi,

    I've meet a "Crazy Scav" WTF is that ?

  • Ive been having an issue with the mod where all of the ai just stand still where they spawn without their guns out

    is there any fix for this issue?

    • Could you send me a modlist, I had someone else report this but my mod only touches boss spawns and even then theres no changes I make to the original method that could cause something like. Maybe we can figure out mods in common and find out if there's a possible conflict. :thumbup:

  • does cultist's give out notification when spawned?

  • Hey, I have been using this mod for awhile, and while its accuracy in singleplayer is questionable, I have been recently playing with some friends using Fika, and this mod displays differently for each of us. I know you don't officially support Fika, but I just wanted to let you know of this bug just in case.

  • Hello! Is the current Version compatible with 3.8.0?

  • I was just wondering, is there a way to change the name for the boss spawn locations? it almost always show that a boss spawned at "scav base", never any concrete location.

    • Wouldn't help unfortunately. The bosses spawn in their given zones, some zones are pretty big so it can be hard to find exactly where they are within it. Scav base is one of the larger ones and has the Fortress at it's center.

  • Does this also notify if cultists spawn?

  • Hi, thanks for the mod!

    When playing a co-op game with the MPT mod (FIKA), the game host can see which bosses are going and have spawn, but the other players can't, they see erroneous values.

  • I always see notification for Gluhar "black pawn" (barracks), when he spawns at the white knight (the repair buildings). Rail storage spawn notification is working correctly though, so looks like it's this specific spawn.
    Is it a mod bug, or something in EFT naming itself?

    • The notifier only notify you when they first spawn and for boss like:

      - Gluhar who if spawn in Barracks can roam between them like Knights, Pawns

      - Goons trio, Birdeyes will flee away if Big Pipe and Knight died, Knight will chase after PMC who seen by him till the PMC dead (got chased by him from USEC camp on wood to broken village in normal EFT and from Chale to Water Treatment in SPT)
      - Killa also act like Knight where he will chase PMC/players enter his range until he killed them which can lead Killa across the map and sometime in weird (which is one of the reason killa on normal EFT is so hard, not because he tanky but because if you not the first one to have found him then you probably wouldn't be the last)
      - Tagila also can chase you like Killa but will priority to run to hide and heal if you out of melee range and have damaged him

      - Reshala will priotized running away if his followers still alive and would hide till found if all followers died

    • I can confirm this, I checked the source code and the "Black Pawn" notification is associated with the PTOR2 zone, which if you check the BotZoneNames the author shared a couple comments below is the zone associated with the Knights area.

  • Just a quick thought - it would be neat if this feature could also notify whether the random extracts are available or not such as the vehicle extracts or old gas etc.

    • It's outside the scope of this mod, but it's a good idea for a future mod!

  • Is there a list of "Locations" that the mod brings up and where they correspond to on an actual map/community names for locations?

  • just wondering is it possible to add the notifier to the console commands window incase we or looking away or something to see if there is a boss up?

    • You can press O to bring the notifications back up! I don't think adding the messages to the console is necessary due to that being a thing already.

    • o ok did not know that thank you have a lot going on so why i thought i would send this and see if it was a thing if not could it be a thing

      Heart 1
    • No problem, i appreciate the comment!

  • is it possible to make when #boss killed to change notification #boss was eliminated?

    • Not currently the way the mod is setup. I want to keep it lightweight. In the future I may track bosses.

  • Not sure if Im a doofus, so Ill try to be thorough:

    I have minimum intel center requirement 1 (1 on config slider) for letting me know if bosses spawn in raid.

    It will still tell me if they spawned even though my intel center is level 0.

    I also have the vicinity option set to 4 (4 is disabled in config), though it said last raid "Goons are in your vicinity."

    • Hm that first one is weird, the second issue was fixed in 1.4.1 though, could you check your version for me? Also it's easier to debug on discord if you'd like to add me mattdokn#0001

    • It's all good!

      I didn't notice there was a new version

    • Let me know if you still have that first issue of the min intel level not behaving.

      Glad it's sorted though.

  • This mess with anyone elses Amands Graphics?

    • I use amands in my game. No issues I've found, can you describe whats happening for you?

    • I'm gonna play with it a little later but the whole amands graphics just stopped working after i updated this and one other thing. I will see if its still an issue later and report back

    • did a raid and it seems to be fine now

      Thumbs Up 1
    • weird, good to hear though!

  • where is kollontay column spawn??

    • Honestly no idea, most of the spawn zones in the game's code are listed as really ambiguous names lol.

    • I HAVE swag installed and it says kollontay spawned but hes not at the locations :/

    • Are you getting any detection notifications? You can send me your bepinex logoutput on discord and I can take a look for you

    • it says both kollontay and kabvan are up, kaban ofc is accurate but kollontay says either column or SW00 for the location...

    • Can you send me the logs, I have a debug message for when a boss is actively on the map that shows it's position. You could maybe figure out where the zones are based on that

  • Any chance that im understanding the new feature where it tells you that a boss spawns close wrong or that its bugged? I had bosses spawn at the other side on the map multiple times now and it always tells me that they are nearby

    (Edit: trying everything to turn it off doesnt work)
    everything else is working flawlessly so far tho :thumbup:

    • The detection was originally that debug thing I was talking to you about. Essentially its just the bosses spawning in your raid. So for Factory, if Tagilla spawns, it'll send you the message as soon as you spawn in.

      It may be a good idea to only send the message when they get within a certain distance to the player. But that adds some complexity I'm not sure I wanna add to the overall system.

      I'll add a better explanation to the feature once I get home as I agree it's not well named.

    • alright :thumbup: