California Compliant weapons & magazines 1.0.0

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This mod makes all guns single-fire only and limits all magazines to to 10-round max.

I highly recommend you make a backup before installing this mod, it was made as a joke but should function. It does wipe all ammo out of mags when you install it.


  • Single-fire weapons only
  • 10-round max magazine size

  • Geh mod

  • wow. this is pretty fun for the memes though lol :kekw:

  • ima just go play airsoft instead

  • Still better than most European countries

    • But it's not as explained below!

      High capacity magazines? Silencers/ moderators? High capacity auto shotie's? A canon? 50 BMG?Yup UK can have all those things and commiefornia cannot! But the crazy kids there like their knives just like in Japan (same knife crime rate per capita). Not sure why anyone would want to live in Cali, stayed there for a year or two, hated each day and moved to Texas. It's amazing what you actually find out is true when you do real research instead of listening to mainstream media!

      ? 1
    • In the UK you have to keep your weapons at a shooting club (all semi auto sporting rifles). You can't even keep them in your own home. California doesn't do that shit

      Guy said "commiefornia" lmao. Did you get that from mainstream media like FOX?

      If the most productive state in your country is "communist" what does that say about your worthless state?

    • Cope more Doozle, name another state where you have to use an app to track where people have shit on the streets to walk around your city XD XD XD

  • This is so fucking cursed lol.

  • Me with the .338 lapua magnum: >:)

  • WOW, UK gun laws are less strict than California ones. Learnt something new today.

    • at this point they're a whole different country living connected to us; we do not claim that set of laws lol.

    • It's not that surprising since the UK doesn't have the same amount of gun violence as California does but there are and have been instances of gun crime but it's mainly in gang areas in the NW and London, which rarely happens. Knife crime attacks on the other hand is sadly rising again.

    • That's not true. Californians can keep their rifles in their own home. They don't have to surrender them to an armory

      ? 1
    • @Ghost9999

      You still accept their tax dollars though, huh? Put your money where your mouth is and kick them out. I bet they would love not having to support the rest of your ungrateful country

      ? 1
    • @Doozle

      Gun owners in the UK can keep their firearms in their home too! We don't have to submit them to an 'armory'!

      So it is actually true!

      ? 1
  • This is mod gold right here, going on the must list with SAIN XD

  • Escape From Paying A Tax Stamp

    • Escape from Brexit

  • Can't escape tyrannical bureaucracy even in a game

    Happy 2 Thumbs Up 1
  • why dafak someone need this lol

    Happy 1
    • they dont, i was board and my friend said to publish it because it was funny lol

      Happy 1
    • well indeed its funny. W mod my brudaaa

  • You still have the ability to take out the mag without dissasembling the gun first. Not compliant yet, I'm gonna call the atf.

    Happy 2
    • If you make the mag slot "_required"=true, you have to dissassemble and load from backpack


  • mod should be titled 'Escape from LA'

    Happy 1
    • More like Stockton lmao

    • Now I want a Snake Plissken character model lol

      Happy 1
    • Escape from the ATF

      Happy 3
  • finally true realism and hardcore

    Happy 1
  • So technically ATF compliant? hahaha

    Thinking 1
  • Quirky🤣

  • LMFAO dude this is too funny

  • Next mod : 900 doller limit.

  • Escape from San Francisco lmao

    Happy 1
  • guns still have pistol grips. not compliant yet

    Thumbs Up 2 Thinking 1 Happy 2
  • Real life hard mode unlocked :kekw: