Touhou Trader Icons 390.0.3

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Gensokyo residents from touhou are now your traders in Tarkov

Your favorite characters from Touhou Project are now your trades you can trade with!

Me and my friends came up with this idea when we saw a drawing with Touhou characters as traders, so I decided to do this in the game. We tried to use some logic on where we should put [this] character. So, here's the list:

  • Yukari Yakumo - she is as Prapor now. We came up with an idea that she would use Ran and Chen to get lost insurance
  • Eirin Yakogoro - she is as Therapist by obvious reason - affordable healthcare from the moon
  • Marisa Kirisame - she is as Fence because of her hobby of collecting various things lol
  • Seija Kijin - our idea ended on that Skier and Seija are both not very good people in a bad meaning
  • Aya Shameimaru - fake news from both sides
  • Nitori Kawashiro - she is an engineer in touhou and knows how to use (I believe so) technology from the outside world, so, Mechanic is the right place for her
  • Chimata Tenkyuu - honestly, we had no idea who we should put as Ragman at first, so, later one of our friend told that Chimata should be as Ragman mainly because she is the God of Marketplaces (I may be not right because I don't know lore of touhou 18)
  • Reimu Hakurei - she was choosen because of Jaeger's quests with exterminating of any occupation, so, here's your favorite youkai exterminator in Tarkov
  • Rinnosuke Morichika (not shown on the picture above) - he is as Lightkeeper. I think it's because he likes to sit alone at Kourindou (according to my useless opinion based on few volumes of Curiosities of Lotus Asia I've read and forgot to continue reading successfully), but the main reason we chose him because we really didn't had anyone to choose, also because of a meme "aaaaa woman" in RU segment and he successfully escaped to lighthouse accourding to our excuse why we chose him lol
  • Sukuna Shinmyoumaru - She's Ref now. Honestly, we didn't had any ideas who to put there, so, we can with this idea (imgur link)
  • Nazrin (with a small addition) - That small addition tells why we chose Nazrin as BTR-82A driver. Go find it out by yourself :)

This list ends here.


Download mod and extract its contents into your tarkov folder OR find "TouhouTraderIcons" in ZIP file and drop it into [tarkov folder]>user>mods folder (use that way only if I did something wrong with file and first method doesn't work)

Sourse mod:

This mod was made using Alternative Trader Pics made by jbs4bmx, thank him for making that mod


  • Please don't tell me to change quest's posters and etc outside of images of traders - I don't know how to do that or I'm just lazy sry
  • I don't guarantee that I'll update the mod as soon as a new SPT version comes out - I have really big spaces between playing sessions (1-2 mouths of playing -> deleting SPT and live tarkov -> 3-6 mouths of break -> installing SPT again -> loop)
  • I haven't touched any of the modded traders in original mod's file, so, If you have any idea about a trader from a mod having a touhou character on its icon, you can tell me in the comments or via nitric_acid_. user on discord (for faster response since I'm online everyday (GMT +5 timezone)), or do it by yourself.
  • All pictures for trades were found on touhou wiki which were taken from touhou games itself
  • If you want to add a touhou character on someone's icon, make sure the photo you're using is PNG file (only if you're adding picture to THIS mod, not original, original mode has JPG file format for pictures by default)
  • Clear the temp files before launching, or you will have vanilla icons for traders still until there's would be temp files clearing by the game.

  • If you play Live (original) Tarkov, you may have custom icons for traders still. In order to fix that, clear the temp files and it should return back to normal. I currently don't know if it is bannable or not, so if you want to keep it - do it on your own risk (I've read that from original mod's comments, picture below.)

Have fun

  • Version 390.0.3

    I'm alive. Moved download to github so people won't have to go on google disk and download it (I found it annoying for me honestly)

    • Ref is now Sukuna
    • BTR-82A driver is Nazrin now (go find it out by yourself why teeheeehe)
  • Version 3.8.10

    Updated to original mod's version (which is spt 3.8.1 I believe)

  • Version 3.8.1

    Works on SPT 3.8.0 (now)

  • Version

    Got hands and time (like I never had it) to delete unnecessary PNG files in mod's resourses and change its config a bit, so it won't change any custom trader's avatar. That's it I guess, maybe I'll add avatars for custom traders too in the future.

  • Version 3.7.6

  • The link to the updated download doesn't work? you'll have to relink it

    • lol my account was flagged

    • okay i've made a ticket regarding to that and 🙏hopefully🙏 i'll be unflagged

    • my github account is not flagged anymore so mod's download link is back

  • lowkey hell yeah

  • Wonder if this would work on 3.9.0 with a change in the SPT version?

    • It should I guess, however, I can't test that since I've uninstalled SPT (I was in desperate need of memory while playing insurgency sandstorm 😭😭😭)

    • I'll publish that shi when I wake up 🙏🙏🙏

  • touhou save the world

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Peak

  • One other thing: Could you change the quest pictures to reflect the trader pictures? ie some quests use the default trader portraits.

  • Question I noticed the traders don't appear for me tho I had an Alternate traders mod. any ideas on how to get them to appear?

    • Also could you do custom traders eventually?

    • I think I should delete unnecessary files in the sourse mod cuz I think this is the problem. About custom traders: I don't know, I would but I don't know what they do/what is their personality (if it exists)/what is their lore because I'm not using any of these mods, so I don't know what character suits them prefectly

    • Quote

      ...tho I had an Alternate traders mod

      I think you shouldn't have Alternative traders mod installed at the same time, maybe this is the problem. Anyway I updated mod, so custom traders should appear, also try to delete temp files in the launcher (settings)

    • deleting temp files fixed it after I deleted Alternative traders. You had the PNG's already in there. And if you need Lore on traders, you can read the descriptions on the mod page and go from there

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Серёжа, ты бы мне хоть сказал

    • Дима, иди нахуй

    • Нихуя парни тохуисты играют в спт, я шокирован

      Thumbs Up 1
    • ужас

    • ты ахуеешь, но с тохой я познакомился благодаря реди ор ноту

    • а я через шестую тоху

  • Where are the furries icons?

  • Mod is good just from premise alone now I have reason to do Jaeger I mean Reimu quests.

    • scav youkai extermination

    • I like the idea of Lightkeeper being Kanako for some reason lol

    • Lightkeeper is Rinnosuke cuz he's sigma male and afraid of women

  • honestly the best mod on this website