InfMeds 1.0.1

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configure medical item uses / hp so you dont have to restock on them everytime you survive a raid

lmk on discord if it breaks or if u have a suggestion

my discord is: sunglasses.

install it in user/mods folder

config file is in the mod folder -> config -> config.json

changeStims: this will enable the mod and change the amount of uses that stims have

changeMedkits: same as the previous field

changeMedical: same as the previous ones except this one is referring to CMS, calok b's, bandages etc



infMedical just set it to a very high value



medicalUses let you set the value yourself, so you could set cms's to have like 20 instead of 999

(if you use this make sure infMedical or whichever one your trying to modify is set to false)

  • i like this mod really

  • Your logging almost made me think this mod is broken because I set my stim uses to 2 specifically and according to the logging in the server terminal window it set them to infinite. Glad to see it's actually working though. Might be a good idea to add to the mod page that the logs in terminal aren't what's actually happening and only show which items have been modified

    The logs in question: