Pause - Reupload 1.0.6

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

A simple SPT mod which allows you to pause the game including the raid timer.

Reuploaded version of the original Pause mod, see more details there! No significant changes here, just made sure it is working with 3.8.0

All credits goes to epidemicz and yahkub!

I will be able to provide little to none support for it, as I was just rebuilt it & fixed a minor bug.

  • There is literaly NO pause mod out there. Am I the only one that finds this crucial??
    I get constantly called away mid-raid :(

    Thumbs Up 5
  • Please update the plug in for 3.9.

  • Pausing causes the AI to stop moving/looting/extracting etc. They will only react to close gunfire.

  • Pausing on Streets of Tarkov means you will fall through the map near Crash Site and another of the northern extracts. The BTR will also lose its wheels and you cannot interact with it

  • In addition to the timer not stopping, after unpausing me and every AI has god-mode, can't kill each other, can't turn it off. Raid over. :(

  • Bro I have a problem, it doesn't pause time, I left a game with 30 seconds left paused and when I removed it I lost the game

  • Yeah, this mod is broken as fuck. Doesn't pause the timer, and I glitched out into the void when I alt-tabbed to look at a map, forfeiting my raid.

    • I don't know what you guys are talking about, lol. It's working perfectly fine. Stops the raid timer and pauses all action. No issues with clipping through the floor, either. Maybe sort out your mod conflicts before you start complaining that a mod doesn't work.

      It works just as it did on 3.7.6.


    This mod DOES NOT actually pause the raid timer (as others have pointed out)


    Has a high chance of breaking game physics, causing AI to tweak out, and making objects (doors, containers, etc.) unable to be opened after pausing.

    • This might explain why I randomly fell through the pavement and plummeted to my doom mere steps from the extract on streets the other day.

  • It would be real nice if you could find a way to fix the whole "doesn't actually pause the raid timer" problem. It seems to be inconsistent. SOMETIMES it pauses the timer, sometimes it doesn't. I didn't realize it wasn't working and lost a great kit due to MIA. Lame.

  • Pause doen't stop the timer, I paused the game to eat and when I came back I went MIA

    • This has been a bug for a while. I did some testing and troubleshooting with the original author for 3.6.1 and it was never fixed. We determined that it's likely tied to SAIN mod if you have that installed as well. SAIN keeps track of the raid timer so we suspected it was somehow preventing PAUSE from actually pausing.

    • That's really unfortunate. Back in 3.7.6 the original mod paused the raid timer fine and it allowed me to do smth like eat dinner or watch someone play a game without worry.

      This could be remedied by increasing the raid timer, but I don't really want to do that unless it's the only option. The timer just feels natural to have since it prevents people from just going around the entire map with a massive bag and looting everything. Hoping this gets fixed!

  • It's been working well for me so far, though it does put my GPU at 100% for the entire pause duration. It's typically between 30-50%

  • Paused the game and now i cant pick up items and stuck sounding like im walking on metal i can search and get items from creates but cannot pick up lose items for some reason

  • Loaded into Streets as a scav. Pressed P. Fell through the earth........

  • Thanks for the update! Even though I know it's a no-no I'd been using the old version on 3.8.0 because as somebody with a 1 y/o, I just can't go without it.

    Thumbs Up 2
    • Does the 3.7.6 version work for you?

    • It kinda was, with some caveats, such as raid time always showing as 0:00:00 and not being able to press o to view extracts.

    • yeah it does the sane for me so I would just use my phone as a timer.

  • I tested this mod and have video footage. It pauses the game, which I appreciate, but it doesn't pause the timer. It just puts the word "Paused" where the timer goes but when testing I noticed the timer would not continue right after the time I stopped it. I waited 30 seconds to unpause and the timer would be 30 seconds passed the time I paused it. If you need to see the video let me know.

    • This was kind of a known issue in the older releases. I can't promise I will have the time or sufficient knowledge to fix it. Thank you for your effort, I might take a look, but not sure I will be able to trace it down!

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Appreciate it. I only mentioned it because it was part of the description. You gave me, us, what we wanted which was a way t pause the game, even if it doesn't pause the timer. I still love it.

    • Hello. I would like to add that the same happens for me (in the time box it says PAUSE but the time still flows "in the background") but from what I tested, it only happens on Woods both scav and PMC. Ground Zero, Customs or Factory do indeed pause and the time stays paused. I haven't played the other maps yet. I will update once I do.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • This has been a bug for a while. I did some testing and troubleshooting with the original author for 3.6.1 and it was never fixed. We determined that it's likely tied to SAIN mod if you have that installed as well. SAIN keeps track of the raid timer so we suspected it was somehow preventing PAUSE from actually pausing.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • tbh I wasn't expecting this to be updated to 3.8.0


    Thumbs Up 1

    I started grabbing mods for games because some dont have this basic concept figured out! YES!!

    • Is it supposed to sit high in the SPT folder, or do i need to move it down to Plugins or User -> Mods folders?

    • Shove it into the bepinex/plugins as all dll kind of mods (aka. client mod). See more details in the linked (in the description) original mod page. ;)

    • Ah, thanks. Sorry if i missed that.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Thank you!!!

    Thumbs Up 1
  • I can go work now thx! :thumbup:

    Happy 1 Thumbs Up 1
    • I can finally pause the game when my son comes in and tries destroying the room, thx! :thumbup:

      Thumbs Up 2 Happy 3
    • I feel you man! :D

  • Thank you works great, especially for "ermegency code brown" :D

    Thanks again :)

    Happy 2
  • It works great. Thank you. It’s one of the best mods I look forward to.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Will this still cause issues with the AI?

    • Everything works fine for me

    • Same observations from my end as well, they work as expected.

  • finally can rest in game thx !

    Thumbs Up 1
  • 기다리고있었어요~잘 쓸게요!!

    Thumbs Up 1