Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building 1.10.0

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Weapon modding 2.0: Checkbox to only show current Trader LL / owned mods, Shows trader / flea prices and build cost while modding, Highlights mods attached to other guns or ready to use, Button to detach items in use, Ability to zoom in/out.

  • Version 1.10.0

    Update for SPT 3.11.X

    As usual: If you find any bugs, let me know.
    All looked good on my end, so far... Monkam


  • Version 1.9.0

    Update for SPT 3.10.X

    Sorry for the long wait, and thanks to Fried Engineer for the update.

    I quickly checked for functionality, and so far it looks good, though I did not test all edge cases (Custom traders etc.)

  • Version 1.8.0

    Update for SPT 3.9.X

    Did not do excessive testing, but everything seems to work as expected.
    Lemme know if something is wrong. :thumbup:

    Currently short on time, so might not immediately fix specific stuff. :sleeping:

  • Version 1.7.0

    If you have a previous version installed:
    Please delete the folder "user/mods/ChooChoo-TraderModding-1.2.0" when installing this version.
    (I could no longer stand that old version tag in the folder name <X )

    • Can now show flea market prices for items that are available on the flea, but not on traders (Red price tag, shows cheapest possible price)
    • Abbreviated price tags (69420 becomes 69,4k, ON by default)
    • Small fixes


  • Version 1.6.3

    • Update to SPT 3.8.1 (Should support all 3.8.X versions of SPT)

    Please update your SPT install to the latest version (3.8.1 at time of upload) to prevent compatibility issues that might occur with other mods. :)

  • Version 1.6.2

    • Fixed currently locked traders showing their items while modding
    • Show the cheapest price instead of the last found. (Better in line with BSG's weird logic of "Find Parts")
    • To match the parts found for a gun build, use 132 rubles for one dollar.
      (The actual build cost for dollar prices is correctly converted via the actual price at the current traders.)

    If you notice any prices being way off, or other issues, please let me know. :)

  • Version 1.6.1

    • Now supports custom traders without any config file editing, it "just works"

    Various fixes:

    • Fixed rare cases where detaching items could put them in the same spot in the stash
    • Don't show/highlight mods attached to guns in the weapon rack (Might make this optional later, it would rip apart weapons on the weapon rack, but behaves weirdly.)
    • small stuff

    As usual, let me know if you find any issues :)

  • Version 1.6.0

    • Brand new button in the preset builder to automatically remove mods attached elsewhere to be usable.

    Priority when finding an item to detach:

    1. Attached to anything loose that is not a gun
    2. Attached to anything that ultimately is attached to a gun
    3. (Optional) Attached to equipped guns (OFF by default)


  • Version 1.5.3

    • Fixed a mod breaking deadlock in the server when using other mods (like realism) that modify the price of dollars or euros to fractional amounts.

    Thanks Json.DeserializeObject to not throw any errors, but rather cause a deadlock when faulty json is parsed. :cursing:

  • Version 1.5.2

    • Code refactor to get fields with AccessTools instead of transform.Find (Less error prone and faster, things should feel a bit more snappy now :) )
    • Small fixes for not updated visual borders / build cost in some cases when assembling weapon
    • More Log messages in case of errors

    Let's hope this made a difference and I didn't break anything (I obviously tested everything, but as usual, you never know)
    Please let me know if you encounter any issues or undesired behavior. All still WIP and not perfect, but I'm trying 8)

    Technical details: Before this refactor I was getting various GameObjects and Components via my patches and then finding appropriate child GameObjects in the hierarchy by using Transform.Find("Name") on the parents. I now learned that this shouldn't be done and can be avoided by not finding them by name, but by their reference in the Tarkov Assembly using AccessTools. In essence I now get all the FieldInfos I need beforehand and can then get the proper values (Thanks DrakiaXYZ), it's not only more robust but way faster this way.


    Heart 1
  • fantastic, I didn't know how much i depended on this mod until it was gone, thankyou for the update

    Heart 1
  • will there be an update ?

    • Yes, but there should be a big yellow banner saying :

      "Do not ask when mod authors will update their mods or if they can upload older versions of their mods.

      Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to bans."

      Heart 1
  • The trader only parts seems to be broken @ChooChoo , it shows unavailable mods. As well, I cannot see the build price and overall gun stats (ergo etc) when modding. Can you take a look at this?

  • I was literally just thinking an SPT playthrough with no flea would be awesome, and this pops up first search. Amazing! Thank you so much!

  • Having an issue with the mod, it just doesn't seem to work at all for me.

    I get the check box for the "Trader only" stuff, and I also get the box for "build cost", but neither seem to actually work. If I add stuff, the build cost never changes. The prices of the attachments don't show up in the boxes, and there's no change to the color of the boxes to indicate if I already own the attachment, etc.

  • Love the mod. The only thing I kind of wish for is a config option to ignore certain modded traders. For example I like to use AIOTrader for testing every once in a while, but since that trader has everything, this mod picks up all it's inventory, making it kind of pointless. So currently I need to disable AIOTrader as a workaround. Would be nice if there was a small config file that would allow the user to blacklist certain traders using their names. Otherwise, excellent mod, and quite frankly, it should be part of the base game as an option.

  • This mod is amazing and something that the base game should have had so long ago. If at all possible would you be able to make the mod compatible with the Hardcore Rules mod? They would work great together.

  • thank god for you sir. My hero. Such a good mod.

  • hello, i'm happy, for the update, but when i click on modify weapon gear my game crash... ive close server i dont know where can find the log...


  • This has been one of my favourite mods since I started with SPT; really glad you're back dude! <3

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Now all we need is Wara's Modding Stats Helper and 3.10 has finally released!


    Man I have been waiting for this thanks !

    Heart 1
  • Christmas has finally arrived! Thank you choochoo! hope you had a good holiday, and enjoy the new year!

    Heart 1
  • @ChooChoo Hopefully you hadn't already started on updating this to 3.10 and I'm not stepping on your toes, but I really love this mod and I've got some software experience so I figured I'd give it a go. This is my first pass at doing an update like this but it seems to be working in my brief testing.

    If you'd prefer I just release it under my own profile I'm happy to do that as well. I'm happy to do the same for Modding Stats Helper - by wara. In my brief testing it just needed recompiling

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I can't live without this mod, if you ever make it work for 3.10 - I would be very grateful !

      Thumbs Up 1
    • I agree! Gun modding is terrible without this mod.

      I've already got it to the point that the core functionality seems to be working in 3.10 but I have seen a few errors that I need to look into. I'd say it's 90% there, but that 10% is always the hardest.

      However I won't release anything until ChooChoo gives me the green light or does it himself (building on what I've started or doing it entirely on his own)

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thanks for the mod update, but it seems to conflict with WTT - Pack 'n' Strap. After installing it, the mod items for WTT - Pack 'n' Strap disappeared.

    • @KingDream I’m not sure I understand to what you’re referring. If you’re on 3.9.x then I have nothing to do with it. If you’re on 3.10.x this mod is not compatible as it hasn’t been updated by ChooChoo and I haven’t released the 3.10 update I’m working on.

    • do you think your version is okay to use as it is right now for basics? or is the 10% game breaking?

  • Does anyone know if the old version still works in AKI 3.10.2?

    • Nope, it doesn't work with the current version.

  • I can only use this mod when making a preset and not when modding an existing weapon?
    Edit; oh I had to click edit preset not just click modding. brilliant design as ever bsg

  • Thanks for your mod. It has taken me like 15 hours to finally find the parts to get the workbench just so I can use it! (getting unlucky and being killed with quest items so many times) It has made weapon modding so much clearer!

    Would it be possible to hide the 'you have all available parts' message that shows at the bottom of the screen or alternatively make it more compact and move it somewhere maybe near the 'assemble' button? It overlaps the part selection boxes making it impossible to pick/see items :/

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Hey ChooChoo, I have a request if you accepts these.

    Is it possible to add a check for available traders ?

    I'm using Path to Tarkov, and I would like to hide all items that I can't buy, including from locked traders.

  • On the old mod I could compare stats and I can no longer do it

  • The mod seems to work halfway for me. The Build Cost Menu doesn't show anything, and I can't rotate weapons around like I can in the Modding menu, although I can zoom in and out. I'm running Fika and the only other mod I can think of that might be a conflict is Tyfon's UI Fixes.

  • Amazing mod, I was wondering though if it would be possible to have an option show if an item is out of stock (another colour?)? I use Limited Traders which means parts are often out of stock so would be a really nice QOL to know before the purchase screen.

    Edit: It actually does have the functionality of showing what's not in stock, it just does it by not showing you the item on the modding screen. Sorry for the misinformation!

  • Thanks so much for the update!

    Is there any way to get "Wara's modding stats helper" to work in the 3.9.X versions as well?

    Hope you have a wonderful day!!! :)

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Hi, Thanks for awesome mod.
    I have a feature suggestion. Could you please put in a config to toggle filtering out items that are out of stock.
    My use case is that I use bronzeman mod, which force trade to be out of stock of items that are not extracted at least once by player. Currently your mod would show the trader items even though it is out of stocks.

    I tried to mess around with the code but failed to figure out the current stock of items from traders.
    Thanks again for the mod.

    • I found a way to check if item in bronzeman mod

  • This is absolutely amazing, should be in base game.

    Love it!!

    Excellent work!

    8) :thumbup:

  • Great work, this mod is a must-have for any gun enthusiast. The QoL is unmatched.

    Is there a way to add Fence to the list of trader options? My apologies if this is already enable and I missed that.

  • Everything on the mod works for me except for only show trader items. It just shows me none. No error codes either. Have verified I'm on edit preset, have changed load order, and removed major mods I thought may have effected this and cannot get it to work for the life of me.

    Any help you can give me is much appreciated, trying to do a default trader only playthrough and the mod not working is making it a nightmare!

  • Flea prices are here! Great job.

    Heart 1
  • Suggestion: Could we possibly get . added option instead of , for modding (like 50.5k rather than 50,5k?) I know this is something super minor, but just thought I would suggest it. Could just be a simple check/uncheck box in the F12.

    Overall, the mod is great. Keep up the great work!

    Heart 1
    • Yeah I kept playing around with different formatting, but the dot was barely visible.
      Might do more in the future, kind of short on time atm :) real life and stuff.
      Thanks m8 :)

      Heart 1