The Poor Planner's Escape 1.0.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

If you are an SVM user, this is your safe exit but just in a tiny mod by itself.

Poor Planner's Escape

Don't leave your hideout without some PPE for safety.

Simple mod with only one config option, an on/off switch called shutErDown found in the config folder of this mod. The file is called config.jsonc.

If you ever end a PMC raid in SPTarkov with a `leave` status (ie disconnecting from the escape menu), this will override that to be a `runner` status. You will keep whatever you are carrying but you will not maintain `FIR` status on your items.


1. Download the .7z file from the latest release

2. Copy the user folder from inside the archive into your SPT Directory

3. Profit