PaPa's Simple Item Value Library 0.1.2

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With this mod you can change values such as more or less ergo on gun mods, tweak the weight and size on items, increase velocity on mods, and more.

I've created a long list of items and different values you can change on them. To change values, go into the mod JavaScript file and search for an item (using Item Finder to locate the ID) and change the values you want.

Right now I've added all the Loot category items and most of the Functional Mods category excluding iron sights which to me seems pointless to add, if people want it I can add it though.

This mod doesn't change anything you don't want changed, all values start as vanilla. If an item is changed from vanilla, like English Tea being 3 wide or something like that, report the typo in the comments and I'll fix it in the next update, but it should all be fine. It should be perfectly safe to delete and revert all the changes you've made back to vanilla, it won't break your game but it could mess with loot in your inventory so be sure to be mindful of that.

Should be compatible with any mod that doesn't change the items that are listed so nothing like realism for example. Any suggestions are welcome, I already plan to add all the Gear Mods, Vital Parts, Guns, Melees, Throwables, Armors, Helmets and Rigs but it will take awhile to implement as making this mod pretty much consists of mindless data entry for hours.

Mod still works for 3.8.1 for those unsure if it does, next update should be a few days though.