JB TrackIR 1.0.7

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Adds TrackIR support into Tarkov's freelook system

This mod integrates TrackIR technology into the SPT experience, allowing you to use natural head movements to control your in-game view.


  • Customizable Bounds: Control how far you can turn your head in the game by setting limits on pitch (up and down), yaw (left and right), roll (tilt left and right) movements. Tailor the freelook boundaries to match your physical setup and comfort level, ensuring no motion is too extreme or too subtle.
  • Adjustable Sensitivity: Fine-tune how sensitive the game reacts to your head movements. Whether you prefer a direct and responsive feel or a more gradual and smooth camera movement.
  • Easy Configuration: An in-game menu allows you to adjust all settings related to TrackIR support without exiting the game. Experiment with different configurations via the F12 menu and a refresh TrackIR button in-case you forgot to launch it before SPT.
  • Version 1.0.7

    • Restored SensitivityCoef multiplier for all axis inputs


  • Version 1.0.6

    • Fixed threshold for lerping from commanded lean to target tilt position causing jitteryness
    • Reduced calls to setter of SmoothedTilt via only calling setter if the input value has changed


  • Version 1.0.5

    • Reduced precision of axis inputs to reduce jittery view and tilt angles


  • Version 1.0.4

    • Added Roll axis support (defaults to disabled, change roll lower/upper limits to enable)
    • Added X axis support for leaning (with lean sensitivity coef)
    • Refactored plugin to be easier to maintain


  • Version 1.0.2

    Added a refresh TrackIR button to allow you to redetect TrackIR's software if you forgot to launch the program before SPT or some other issue occured.


  • Version 1.0.1

    Fixed plugin preventing player from moving if TrackIR software isn't running


  • Version 1.0.0

    Initial release

  • Is it possible for this to work with Tobbi Eye Tracker 5?

    I have spent a few stressful hours trying to get my tobbi gear connected but it doesn't seem to be working for me. If anyone can give me step by step intructions to get it to work that would be great.

    • use opentrack software.

    • and then what do I do with opentrack?

  • Might want to correct your version tag! Says 3.8

  • Is there a way to disable/ignore all the sliders in the F12 menu, and instead use a configuration from TrackIR/OpenTrack? These programs have far more options like curves, asymmetric tracking, deadzones, etc.

  • does this work with tobii eye tracker?

    • I would like to know that as well

    • I will third that... I am guessing if it supports OpenTrack you can use Tobii through that...

  • Bro, I still have memories of hacking in more FOV and running SPT in VR with VorpX. Easily the best mouse/keyboard VR experience of my life BTW. The ONLY thing missing was the ability to bind freelook to the headsets movement. If you can think of a way to make it happen I will love you long time.

  • Works with OpenTrack. Nice mod!

    Thumbs Up 2
    • Do you know if this mod works with 3.9?

  • Awesome! Thanks for this!

  • I don't know how to use it


  • TrackIR defaults to F12 key to centre and disables F12 functiomin SPT mod options.

    Any Suggestions to get around this?

    • Sorted... Change default Centre key to something other than F12, then load SPT

  • Brother this is awesome! Works super super well. Is it possible to tie the x positional axis of TrackIR to Tarkov's progressive lean? That would elevate this to a GOATed mod for sure.

    • Seconded. I mean while you're at it you could macro the variable stance (C+Mousewheel) into the Y axis with a suitable deadzone. :P


    My TrackIR has laid dormant since ARMA3....but now...

    MWAAAA HA HHHHHHHAAAAAA! 8) :D :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

  • How to install it? invalid

  • This is an awesome mod! Would it be possible to have a separate mod that expands the max freelook angle? I feel the current freelook angle is very limited.

    Heart 1
    • I second this. Too many PMCs out here with arthritis of the neck.

  • This is an awesome mod. Thank you for making it! Just wondering if there's any planned love for the Tobii?

    • I've never had the opportunity to use one and I'm not familiar with the technical details of the Tobii eye tracker. It most likely won't happen, someone else more familiar with it would likely have to take the reigns on that.

    • Opentrack works great for Tobii, I just downloaded it and set the input to Tobii and it worked instantly in Tarkov with this mod ^^

      Thumbs Up 1
  • this is amazing! i wonder if this would work with a vr headset? if not i'm curious as to how that could be implemented

    • "this" wouldnt work with a vr headset because its made for track ir.
      VR and TRACK IR are NOT the same thing.

    • ^Opensource software like Opentrack are able to take the positional outputs of a VR headset and convert them into a trackIR signal. It's worth a shot.

    • I know they aren't the same thing i was just wondering if it would be possible to make something similar for a vr headset as iv got an Oculus rift and thought it would be pretty cool to experience tarkov through the headset :)

    • I can confirm it works opentrack.

    • what did you use to make it work? I'm presuming it's (Opentrack) like you mentioned but iv no idea what that is haha