BetterKeys - Reupload 1.0.2

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

adds information to keys for quests, what the key gives access to and what map the key is used on

Better key information for SPT-AKI.

If SirTyler asks me to remove this I will. All iv done is update the package.json as I have no clue what I'm doing when it comes to coding etc. I did this for myself, I thought others might enjoy using this again so iv reuploaded it :)

Feel free to update this mod if you know what your doing, it needs all the new key information from the streets expansion and ground zero as i have no idea how to do that haha!

Inspired by: Color Coded Keys and HideoutArchitect


  • Each key is given a specific color based on the map it is from, marked key, or junk key.
  • Map names in the description and any extract it opens.
  • Quest use and name of the quest in the description (optional, true by default).
  • Loot contained behind the key in the description (optional, true by default).
  • Key Tier List displayed on the client.
  • Auto-Updates for Key Database information from the repository (false by default).


  • Version 1.0.2

    changed the file path to make install easier

    tweaked a few settings to try and add more info to the newer keys :)

    let me know if anything breaks

  • Version 1.0.0

  • Hey guys, I have made mod as a replacement for the original Better Keys!

    I have updated the latest key information as well as fixed some previously broken feature, and I plan to add more enhancements to the mod in the future!
    Heart 1
  • very good mod, still missing some keys (e.g : negotiation room, relaxation, x-ray, beluga)

    hope some updates to give those the infos they need :D

    • soon as i work out what i'm doing i'll get straight on it haha

      Happy 1
    • Hey @MrHighLife, have you already started working on the content update? I have just started working on a proper update to the BetterKeys mod myself, if you have already done something then I will just let you continue.

    • No I haven't had the time to do it yet, plus i'm still learning :') so if you want to then by all means buddy. I appreciate the heads up!

  • very helpfult for noob

    Happy 1
  • file delete:\

  • Thank you for making this mod! I am a Chinese player and I want to ask may I repost your mod to our website? Of course I will indicate the source and your name

  • Very nice.

    Happy 1
  • I need this mod asap xD so many keys ahaha but doesnt work :s Any help?

    • Works fine.

    • iv tested it myself and it works fine, the only thing that i can think of is that maybe your looking at some of the newer keys/ keys that weren't added as mentioned in the mod page, all I've done is just update the package,json the the new version, iv not changed or altered anything :)

    • @dapinus Make sure the "BetterKeys" folder from the file is placed in user>mods. Only thing I can think of is that the uploader didn't make a filepath for drag and drop.

    • i completely forgot to do that haha, when I get round to it i'll sort that out as for now anyone downloading the zip remember to open it and check the file path :)

    • Yes i install it correct. But i m not the server, maybe is that the reason is not working?

      Thank you

  • Very neat. Will try it today, thank you kindly @MrHighLife 8)

    Heart 1