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Tarkov's balance is built on the idea of "the rich get richer, the poor get shot."
This works for multiplayer, but for a single player game freedom of choice is important.
In vanilla there is no good choice for a grip except the Fortis Shift (-2/9) and the RK-2(-4/-1).
With this mod, parts are rebalanced and put into 4 categories that fit a specific mission, while all being equally viable:
High Ergo: -1% Recoil, + 14 ergo. Better ergo than anything in the base game, but mediocre recoil reduction.
Balanced Ergo: -2% Recoil, +10 ergo. a Fortis Shift clone.
Balanced Recoil: -3% Recoil, +6 ergo. a slightly buffed Hera CQR.
High Recoil: -4% Recoil, +2 ergo. a slightly more ergonomic RK-2.
Before I created this mod, I literally only used those two grips, on literally all of my guns. And, just, bleh, so boring. Now I mix and match grips on aesthetics and mission requirements, and instead of using just a pair of grips, I think in my armory I have about 12 different grips across my many guns! The testers have also reported that their variety changed too, and they feel less hemmed into boring carbon copy meta builds.
Version 1.0.4
- Fershte
Similarly to BalancedOptics, I've taken the liberty of updating Fershte's BalancedForegrips to include all foregrips in the game as of 12.12 and rejig the constructor so that it actually loads.
Hosted here:
Again @Fershte, feel free to take that as a basis for an updated version you can publish here. I'm not intending to fork, just keep it alive.
please update good sir if you have the time
thank you
use FERSHTE'S BALANCE PATCH it fits the latest SPT versions
Here is the quick fix
Thanks man for your help.
Ill try it.
Gaden Kerensky
I can't find his balance patch anywhere.
Wow thanks