Lockpick 1.2.0

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Adds a master key that can open any door locked with a key; And keygrabber is a hacked card that will open any door with a key card

It is not sold by traders; it can spawn in any container with some chance.

If you have a door key it will be used. Also note that the text of the action changes if a master key is used

Config parameters:

maximumNumberOfUsage - number of uses, default 1

weights - spawn chance in absolute units, the higher the number, the higher the chance of encountering a master key. If you edit, change 1000 at a time.

Now it is quite rare.

  • i tried this mod and haven't found one master key, i even set the weight to 200k and still not one, am i doing something wrong?

  • I miss this mod :(

  • hello im wondering since im new to this would i be able to update this mod to 3.9

  • Hope you will update it soon! Thx!

  • Miss this mod a lot, has became one of our basics

  • Hello! great mod! will it be updated?

  • It would be pretty interesting to see the lockpick function as such,

    It displays a randomized list of different keys in the context menu and you have to remember/pick the correct named key that actually belongs to that door. Would be a neat little minigame to test your tarky knowledge.

  • Hey is it possible to change the loot so that they only drop from bosses? would be cool to know :)

    • Also does anyone know the item ids from the 2 keys?

  • MYoS9QLIs it possible to change the PNGs for the items with this mod by any chance? The Grabber doenst seem to exsist for me? Not sure why... also wanted to look about possibly changing the lock pick to a actual lockpick icon :thumbup: 10/10 mod regardless, thank you for your hard and dedication

  • love the mod, been using it a while and made them pretty rare to find and limited it to 15 uses, is there any way we can get it to sell on the flea?

    • Never mind. I just saw someone below ask this and you responded about possibly adding that it. Thanks!

  • How high with the numbers can I go, before it's to much? I'm on 3.8.3, does this makes any difference?

    • should work on all 3.8 versions

    • Allright, thanks for the answer. I'll give it more shots to go 👍🏻

  • is there a way to configure spawn rates? I seem to get them all the time and I'd like for them to be a little more rare. I changed up to use amount but not sure how to change the rarity or having it spawn less.

    • +1, needs to be rare as shit

    • Yes, the parameters weights and cardWeights are responsible for the chance of appearance. The lower the number, the less often. Drop 5k at a time until you find your balance.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • thank you very much!

  • So it seems like the corpse next to Mira Avenue exit on Ground Zero always spawns a lockpick or a keycard grabber instead of the guaranteed flare, which is required for the extract.

    After testing it with about 5 runs to it, it literally always has one of these items and nothing else.

    • Oh, looks like he has his own list of items. I'll check, thanks

  • Hey there, is there a way to add the item to the traders, or flea market maybe? I'm looking for an alternative to backdoor bandit which wouldn't require me to carry special gun to open doors, but I don't want to enable "Anygun breaks any door", I want it to cost something.

    • When updating to the version I will try to add it to sale

  • Can't seem to get this to work, dont get the prompt. Is there any requirement for this?

    • Nvm, updated to 3.8.3 and it works fine now

      Thumbs Up 1
  • 你好,我伟大的作家。我可以将您的模组翻译成中文并与 ODDBA 分享吗?

    • 你好。 是的,当然
      Hello. Yes, sure

  • Sounds quite useful, perhaps a costly crafting recipe would be a balanced way of obtaining it as well.

  • OMG, you should make a Master Key Card mod just like this lockpick one. That would be awesome. The image of the card can be a combination of all the keycard colors. Just an idea. :)

    • Really great idea!

    • At your suggestion, I added a hacking card

    • Holy shit. That is freakin awesome. Can't wait to try it. Thank you.

      Heart 1