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The defaults of this mod give you a little more freedom without being broken.
Now jumping down a few steps will not break both your ankles and make you bleed.
Use SafeHeight: 999 to disable fall damage completely.
If using SPT Realism make sure this mod loads after it.
SPT Defaults
- SafeHeight: 3
- DamagePerMeter: 9
SPT Realism Mod Defaults
- SafeHeight: 2.1
- DamagePerMeter: 11
This mod's defaults
- SafeHeight: 4
- DamagePerMeter: 8
ZThunderbags for the original NoFallDamage mod
Version 1.0.1
- smthing
Previous version was not working, fix it.
Version 1.0.0-1
- smthing
Fix download link
Version 1.0.0
- smthing
I kinda want this just so I can Assassin's Creed leap off of Sniper Rock on Woods
I set the value to 999 in the config and immediately went to Sniper Rock. I survived lmao.