Configurable Steps Volume 1.1.0

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Allows you to change your own footsteps volume for new profiles

Do you think your PMC walks like a toddler with a tantrum?

Tired of your steps sounding like explosions?

Did you watched the battlestate video about the making of the sound effects and realized they were actually stomping on concrete to get the sounds? (I can't find it anymore, did it got deleted?)

This mod fixes that by lowering the volume of your own footsteps.

This edits a hidden skill (BotSound) every time you create a new profile (or wipe an existing one) that makes your footsteps sound quieter.

At 0% reduction it doesn't do anything and you will enjoy the unmodified thundersteps you are already used to.

At 100% reduction your steps are completly silent.

This mod set it to 45% which seems around the normal volume steps have in other games.

This does not affect the sound the actual bots make or as far as I can tell their ability to hear you.

Only affects how much you hear your own footsteps.


It could be incompatible with mods that change the generation of player scavs.

Should be compatible with mods that add/edit profiles like Zero2Hero++, just make sure this one loads after them.

Installation: Place extracted folder SPT-ConfigurableStepsVolume inside user/mods

Load after mods that add/edit profiles like Zero2Hero++

Known bugs:

The sound doesn't get updated for the first player scav. Play with him and the second one will work properly.


This mod permanently modifies the user profile. If you want to completely remove the mod and no longer use it, you NEED to run the [Aki.Server.exe] one final time after changing the config.json - "SilenceStepsByPercentage": 0 in order to set the hidden [Skills - BotSound] value back from 2295/5100 (for 45%) to the original/default value of 0/5100.

  • Version 1.1.0

    Add support for changing volume of player scav and already existing profiles.

    Keep in mind the first player scav generated will have the older volume.

  • Version 1.0.0

  • does this still work?

  • another one of those essentials i cant live without. thank you!

  • Hopefully this releases on 3.9.x, this is an absolute must have mod

  • Compatible with Questing Bots? I'm not sure if the spawn system in that mod touches scav spawns.

  • Is there any report on why it stops working? I remember when I first got it, it worked fine. But then it seems like it stopped working. I've even increased the percentage to 75% and it's still not doing anything. It's set to true as well. Should I uninstall it and try again?

  • Just installed this and for some reason the BotSound profile property keeps getting reset to 0. This happen with a profile editor as well. Is the game client forcing 0? If I edit my profile while the game is running to set that property it will reset to 0 after a few seconds as well... Weird?

    • Figured it out, Realism is overriding BotSounds. If you need this functionality and have Realism installed, check the F12 settings for Player Movement Volume Multi. Set it lower for the same effect.

      Thumbs Up 3
  • FYI -- this can be changed at any time in a profile using the SPT Profile Editor and setting "BotSound" to whatever experience you'd like. Same applies, max is quietest, 0 is loudest.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • @smthing, Absolutely great QoL mod. Works perfectly. You may want to add the following NOTE to the [Overview].

    Uninstallation: This mod permanently modifies the user profile. If you want to completely remove the mod and no longer use it, you NEED to run the [Aki.Server.exe] one final time after changing the config.json - "SilenceStepsByPercentage": 0 in order to set the hidden [Skills - BotSound] value back from 2295/5100 (for 45%) to the original/default value of 0/5100.

    • Thanks. And you are right, added the uninstall instructions.

  • can with realism mode?

  • You stated you should be able to edit an existing profile. What value would I change for BotSound exactly?

    "Id": "BotSound",

    "LastAccess": -2147483648,

    "PointsEarnedDuringSession": 0,

    "Progress": 0

    • Progress is the value you wanna change, the maximum is 5100 so to get a 45% reduction in sound you have to set it to 2295

    • If you haven't done this already try the new update, should work for existing profiles.

    • Appreciate the help!

  • import { DependencyContainer } from "tsyringe";

    import { IPreAkiLoadMod } from "@spt-aki/models/external/IPreAkiLoadMod";

    import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger";

    import type { StaticRouterModService } from "@spt-aki/services/mod/staticRouter/StaticRouterModService";

    import { HttpResponseUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/HttpResponseUtil";

    import { IPmcData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/IPmcData";

    import { InRaidHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/InRaidHelper";

    import { ProfileHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ProfileHelper";

    import { IGetRaidConfigurationRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/match/IGetRaidConfigurationRequestData";

    import { ApplicationContext } from "@spt-aki/context/ApplicationContext";

    import { ContextVariableType } from "@spt-aki/context/ContextVariableType";

    import * as path from "path";

    const fs = require('fs');

    class Mod implements IPreAkiLoadMod {

    preAkiLoad(container: DependencyContainer): void {

    const logger = container.resolve<ILogger>("WinstonLogger");

    const staticRouterModService = container.resolve<StaticRouterModService>("StaticRouterModService");

    const HttpResponse = container.resolve<HttpResponseUtil>("HttpResponseUtil");





    url: "/client/game/version/validate",

    action: (url, info, sessionID, output) => {

    const config = require("../config/config.json");

    if (config.Enabled) {

    const value:Number = (5100 / 100) * config.SilenceStepsByPercentage

    const profileHelper = container.resolve<ProfileHelper>("ProfileHelper");

    const inRaidHelper = container.resolve<InRaidHelper>("InRaidHelper");

    let pmcData = profileHelper.getPmcProfile(sessionID);

    const skills = pmcData.Skills.Common

    const CharacterSound = skills.find(o => o.Id === 'BotSound');

    CharacterSound.Progress = value;

    return HttpResponse.nullResponse();








    module.exports = { mod: new Mod() }

    dunno how to dm check this one
    refactor or improve if you want

    • Seems to work for already existing profiles but errors out when wiping a profile.

      I will check out staticRouterModService and ProfileHelper when I have the time, thanks.

      PD: Next time you can use github or pastebin if you don't have an account.

  • This just changes how loud your own steps are right? Not the other bots?

    • Exactly, you will hear other bots fine. And after testing a little other bots seem to hear your footsteps just fine too. The only thing affected is how much you hear your own footsteps.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • wher to drop files/folder?

  • Goated mod

  • good now i step queiet with my hooves animeokay