QDT - Quest Difficulty Tweaker 1.3.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Lengthen or reduce your quest grind! Adjusts every quest in the game! Replace Gunsmith quests with kill quests! Adjust difficulty, rewards, experience, rep, plant time and more!

⚠️ Warning: Installing with an ongoing profile has not been extensively tested.

it is highly recommended to either start a new profile or backup your old one prior to install!

Will update this later, for now leave feedback in the comments.

The default config reduces rewards and difficulty by 70%, replaces gunsmith tasks, and reduces planting time by 50%.


1. Drag and drop this folder into the user/mods folder.
2. Update your mods/order.json so that this is last on the list.
3. Optionally change your configuration (see below configuration options).

4. ???????

5. Profit!!!!

Example order.json with recommended mods:
"order": [

==== Configuration Options ====

// Turn off and on
"enable": true,


1 = NO Change

// How soon quests unlock
"questLevelUnlockModifier": 0.7,

// Home much experience quests give you
"questExperienceModifier": 0.7,

// How much trader rep you get for completing quests
"traderStandingRewardModifier": 1,

// How many items are received as reward (items/cash)
"itemRewardModifier": 0.7,

// Adjusts how many kills needed for elimination quests
"killQuestCountModifier": 0.7,

// Adjust how many items needed for fetch quests
"findItemQuestModifier": 0.7,

// Adjusts the the in-raid plant-time for placement quests
"plantTimeModifier": 0.5,

// Replaces gunsmith tasks with kill tasks
"replaceGunsmith": true,

  • Version 1.3.0

    Updated gunsmith kill amount to be configurable.
    Make gunsmith kill tasks use static saved ids, prevents loss of progress.

  • Version 1.2.0

    Updated to 3.10

    • Reduced Gunsmith kill quests a bit.


    Make sure to add this last in the load order if using other mods that change quests.

  • Version 1.1.1

    Last release had some debug code left on.
    Use this release!

    X/ :thumbup:

  • Version 1.1.0

    Updated for version 3.9.4

    • Fixed quest items being affected by item multipliers

    Have fun!


    This release has a debug line left on use the next release!!!!

  • Version 1.0.2

    This is the official first version.

    Accidentally released beta build earlier.

  • There is a small bug with the local id not being stored correctly, I may go fix that soon, for now if you restart your server and the gunsmith description is a bunch of numbers, that is why,

    This doesn't effect the funtionality of the mod.

  • Hi, great mod !

    What do these configs do ?

    baseQuantity and countMultiplier

    Thanks for you mod !

    • baseQuantity = number of base gunsmith kills

      count multiplier = number that is multiplied with gunsmith number.

      You can turn on debug to see the effect, but an example

      baseQuantity 4

      countMultiplier 1

      gunsmith 5

      4 + (1*5) = 9

      9 Total kills for gunsmith 5

      mwha ha ha ha ha :D (Drac ref)

    • great thx, maybe you can add gunsmith in the config property names

  • wow a great idea. I might do some quests now lol

  • Do you have to complete the givin amount of kills in 1 raid to complete the Gunsmith quest?

    • You shouldn't. You may get that behaviour if there is a mod conflict though. Try changing the load order if you do see this

    • i don't know if Murders_Inc828 is having the exact same issue but on my part, the progress saves between raids but seemed overridden on server start.

    • Yes, it's my error. It does not reset on every raid or death but it resets after everytime I restart the server. I just disabled it for now.

    • I tried moving around this mod in the mod order. I put it first, last, middle and other places but I couldn't get it to not get overridden on server start.

    • for a workaround you can use Skipper mod to skip it when you know you killed enough.

  • Can I use this to just change requirements? Like kill quests to different specific weapons or weapon types? (I've wanted to do a Pistols Only run for a while)

    • No. This mod doesn't do that.

    • ah darn! i've been looking everywhere for a way to modify quest requirements to do this. This seemed so close! thanks for the reply though!

      Thumbs Up 1
  • im getting this error

    • its also breaking my flee market, not letting me sell any items

    • Likely related to a bad config change

    • Getting the exact same error on my end

    • You have VCQL installed, and custom quests.
      Make sure to put this before any other quest mods in the load order.

    • same error here, even with putting this mod at the top of the load order

      i believe it's the Viper mod in my case, uninstalling all files relating to it has ceased the errors

      Thumbs Up 2
  • There is some debug code in this release, reuploading shortly

  • Thank you so much for the update! This one is essential! <3

    Heart 1
  • Working on updating most of my mods now.

  • This mod is one of my essentials.
    This mod handles what 5 mods does now for me!
    Cant wait for the update! <3

    Heart 1
  • Amazing mod, thank you so much!

    Heart 1
  • For "itemRewardModifier" how does it work with single item rewards and unlock rewards?

    If I set it to 0.25, and the reward is 100 bullets, ok I get 25 bullets instead, makes sense.
    What if the reward is an Item Box?
    Do I get an item worth 25% of an item box, or do I get a dice roll to have a 25% chance at getting the item box?

    If I set "itemRewardModifier" to 0, will it still unlock items for sale if the reward is an item unlock, or will those be disabled as well?

    Sorry for asking weird questions

    • The item reward multiplier effects items, not unlocks. The lowest denomination is 1. It won't eliminate or reduce below that.

    • Makes sense, thanks!

  • In the config which is vanilla STP value? 0.7 or 1? Thanks

  • This is perfect, I've always wanted to reduce quest XP to make raids feel more impactful on leveling. Awesome!!

    Heart 1
  • I was sold the second I saw the thumbnail

    Heart 1
  • Amazing work!

    Does this affect Daily and Weekly Quests too?