SPT Quick Launcher 1.1.x

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SPTQL is a simple quick launcher that lets you set a delay for the launcher to run after letting the server finish loading. Also has a built-in config.json files editor.

SPT Quick Launcher

The SPTQL comes with a simple to use UI

As you can see

To setup the launcher you must click Set and select both the server and launcher as shown below.

MAKE SURE that you have the server BEFORE the launcher like so.

In addition to the launcher there is a build-in Config Editor for editing config.json/jsonc files.

This editor will dynamically open any config file showing it in a simple and easy to understand UI.




If you want a more robust launcher may I suggest,



  • "Sorry, this file is infected with a virus.

    Only the owner is allowed to download infected files."

    wont let me download on chrome or OperaGX

    i turned off real time protection aswell

    • It's a browser issue due to false positives. I have Brave and I never have these issues.

  • Delay keeps resetting, is there a way to make it stay?

    • That must be an oversite on my part. It should have stayed. I will have to do an update with the fix. Thanks for the feedback.

      Heart 1
    • Update coming out now.

    • Update is out with the Bug Squashed. Once again thanks for the feedback. <3 :thumbup: 8)

    • Thanks for the quick update :thumbup:

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Yeah never had anyone else to test it so had to wait and see when I uploaded it. :S

  • Download failed due to virus detection.

    • Huh. Well I can assure you it is not a virus. I have no interest in hurting anyone here. <3

    • SPT launchers of all kinds get shitty false positives because they are, in nature, process launchers. That, out of context, can be seen as malicious.

      All my launchers get this from time to time. Best way to get rid of it is to switch browsers.

      Heart 1
    • Windows default virus detection. So I solved this by creating an exclusion folder🤣🤣

      Thumbs Up 1