Featured Raid Review 0.0.6 - v3.8.x

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

An experimental way to review raid data such as kills and looting, with the ability for positional replay.


To use this mod, make sure the SPT Server is running, play a few raids with the mod installed of course.

Once you've played a few raids, open the web client from in-game by hitting F5 or opening your browser, and going to

From there you can flick through your raids, and scrub through the playback system if positional data was captured.


  • Only a Chromium based browser is supported right now, cross-browser compatibility is on the roadmap.
  • v3.8.X versions are compatible.
  • FIKA support is somewhat unknown, there are reports of it working for the host.


Download your compatible version from the 'versions' tab.

Each particular version will have specific installation / upgrade notes, please refer to this before commenting!


  • Review information for raids such as kills, looting, players, bots, and positional information.
  • Basic toggle filters/grouping features to view raid information after the fact.
  • Replay and visualize positional movement and events that occurred throughout a raid.
  • Follow a specific/player by clicking on them.
  • Click on an 'event' in the timeline.
  • Focus/highlight a player by hovering over name in the Legend panel.
  • Toggle various visualizations to hide and show markers on the map.
  • Toggle map layers to see different levels of a map.
  • If you have SAIN installed, see detailed information about the personality type and bot type.

Known Issues

  • 🚩Not compatible with Mozilla Firefox, issues rendering the playback system.

This is just for quick reference, please log an issue via Github if you need me to address a bug!


  • [Feature] Share a raid, nuff' said.
  • [Feature] Favourite/highlights feature, similar to "twitch clips" for referencing back to specifc moments.
  • [Feature] Ballistics/rounds fired stats, visualize this in a focused "firefight" replay.
  • [Feature] Profile visulisation over a period of time, see profile stat increases with interactive graphs.
  • [UI] Differentiate between Bosses/Raiders/Rogues/Cultists from PMCs and Scavs.
  • [UI] Differentiate between PMC/Scav Runs.
  • [UI] Improve logos and icons for the playback system.
  • [Code] Code clean-up, tons of unused stuff and double ups of functions.

If you have an idea, or wish to contribute feel free to raise an issue or make a pull request!

Credits / Thank Yous

  • The entire SPT team for an amazing framework, and documentation.
  • SPT Discord, specfically people active in the 'mod-development' and 'dev-community' channels.
  • The folks over at 'tarkov.dev' for having an Open Sourced MIT Licensed repo that I could fork the interactive map from, litterally saved me weeks of work.
  • You for downloading the mod, and taking the time to install it.


100% do not ever feel obligated to support, but a coffee would be nice.



  • Version 0.0.6 - v3.8.x

    🪄 Last update today, just fixes for unexpected bugs.

    Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link.

    If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

    Summary of patch notes

    - [Ekky] Fixed incorrect default F12 Menu setting turning off positional data tracking, if positional data is not working for you, please ensure "5. Disable Recording" is unchecked in the F12 menu (requires client restart).

    - [Ekky] Fixed issue with previous raids not being cleared of the processed cue, and would constantly re-process data whilst in main menu

    - [Ekky] Fixed issue with goons, and some bosses not being identified after the last fix.

    - [Ekky] Fixed issue with statistical data not adding up kills correctly.

    - [Ekky] Fixed issue with profile screen not fitting multiple profiles if more than 6 profiles.

    - [Ekky] Modified retry to obtain BotComponent out of SAIN, hopefully this fixes the UNKNOWN bug.

    Known Issue
    SAIN Brain Type for PMC's is not working 100% of the time for this patch, please 🐻 with me whilst we work on a fix.


  • Version 0.0.5 - v3.8.x

    🪄 Wow, another update, no, just messed up the last upload.

    Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link.

    If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

    Summary of patch notes

    - Fixed Bosses, and other types being incorrectly categorised in the replay.

    - Fixed groupings in the raid review screen, now actually grouping by squads.

    ⚠️ Known bug(s) with v0.0.5 version ⚠️
    - Positional data not recording, if you've noticed this, upgrade to v0.0.6, but read the instructions.


  • Version 0.0.4 - v3.8.x

    Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link.

    If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

    Summary of patch notes

    - Extended bot information, distinct colors, and further support with SAIN (thanks to Chazu for the help)!

    - Further support for remote host enjoyers via F12 settings, and a config.json for the server mod.
    - Automatic data deletion, data integrity checks, and improvements to data collection / compilation.

    - Most other changes are performance or bug fix based for both the web client and game client.

    Known bug(s) with this version
    - Bosses and other scav types not recognized properly, and groupings not working as expected.


  • Version 0.0.3 - v3.8.x

    Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link.

    If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

    Summary of patch notes

    I've tried to address some issues. Fixed the looting timeline so it hopefully displays actions more accurately now. Tackled some map data loading glitches, and to prevent the playback scrubber from going missing, I've added some overflow constraints to the map view.

  • Version 0.0.2 - v3.8.x

    Please refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link.

    If you have a previous version installed, please follow the upgrade notes!

    Summary of patch notes

    A protection mechanism was added to handle old profiles from the SPT Server, preventing UI rendering issues in the vite app. The 'positionsTracked' attribute is now part of the raidData for the '/api/profile/raids/' route, which controls the Map playback button in the UI. Additionally, the 'Loot Found' summary in the Raid Overview screen has been replaced with a 'Positional Data' available flag, and object mappings were modified to dynamically read map layers, resolving issues with Shoreline and Woods maps rendering empty screens.

    Further enhancements include updating the ingestion pipeline to correctly handle Profile_Id, reducing profileId mix-ups. A SQL Migration was added to drop the now-unnecessary positions table, as positions are stored in flat files. Try/catch blocks were incorporated into DataSaver.ts utility functions, and minor changes were made to the 'server' build script. The update also includes a new toggle for the Menu Item, defaulting to disabled and accessible via the F5 menu, and changes the "RAID_REVIEW" reference to "RAID REVIEW" in the Menu insertion. Lastly, Player Tracking is now enabled by default for better support, and the About Page has been updated.

  • Version 0.0.1 - v3.8.x

    Refer to installation/upgrade notes in the link.

  • ⚠️ Known bug(s) with v0.0.5 version ⚠️
    - Positional data not recording, if you've noticed this, upgrade to v0.0.6, but read the instructions.

    If you find an issue, please let me know via the comment section or Github Issues.

  • Just an FYI that I was getting errors about an .exe when I used the Linux archive in your GitHub and tried starting the server. I'm running the game via Lutris on Linux.

    I switched over to the Windows archive, and it cleared up the .exe errors.

    Apologies for forgetting to copy the errors before fixing, but it was a substantial amount of errors and it prevented the server from starting. Tried multiple times from scratch, tried resetting as well, before realizing it was the archive that was not working correctly.

  • Can any folder be removed from the github download (windows) as it takes an age to copy over 8500 files to EFT folder.

    • There is, however, the installation is very finicky, and was causing problems I couldn't control so I've included the files required so it's just a matter of copy and pasting.

      It should only take ~30 seconds to a minute for the unzip to finish.

  • A couple observations (that may already be known issues, but wanted to share just in case it's helpful)

    At the end of the raid, most of the enemies listed are "unknown", but many of them are also identified using cyrillic characters (while they have Latin alphabet names on the in-game kill screen).

    I'd also like to be able to highlight myself and friendly PMCs, but I know that may be a challenge since we're not in a squad.

    • The cyrillic characters is something I'm working on as its just using whatever EFT sends me, which is in cyrillic (not the translated version you see in the vanilla post-raid screen).

      Highlighting PMC's, do you mean PMC's that are generated by the 'friendly pmc' mod, or real players in Fika?

    • I mean the former in this case, though I haven't tried RR with my real coop friends yet

  • Hi, the mod does have a discord ? The link you have shared in the pinned message doesn't work for people that aint already in your server..

    • Thanks fixed it.

  • It's a wonderful mod, but I can't fully enjoy it. The website is working, my profile is displayed on it, but not a single raid is shown (after 10+ raids). In the console the following error occurs. I think this error causes my problem. Can you tell me how I can fix this?


    • Hi mate,

      Sorry it's not working for you, I'll try and help you, I just need some details.

      • What SPT version are you running?
      • What RAID-REVIEW version are you running?
      • What SAIN version are you running
      • Did you have a older mod version installed before this?
    • SPT - 3.8.3;
      RAID-REVIEW - 0.0.6;
      SAIN - i didn't install this mod;
      No, i didn't have an older version.

      I have 3 other mods: AmandsGraphics(1.6.2), StashSearch (1.1.1), DynamicMaps (

    • just posting a message to get notified if the mod author manage to find a fix for this issue (got the bug aswell)

    • Search for file "me.sol.sain.cfg" on "{SPT_Intall}\BepInEx\config
      Make a backup of this file (if exist ?) and delete it.

      Try again and check if it works, if not, put the file back.

    • Chazu, i don't have this file(

      Crying 1
  • When there is a larger list of profiles, elements on the top of the list are out of bounds.


    • You are a gentleman and a scholar, issue opened for the next patch.


      Heart 1
    • Now I'm running into


      Is this related to our profile being created on 3.8.0? Is there a way to fix this on my end or is this just an incompat for our profiles? I'm not getting any raids listed after doing a raid, so I assume the error above is the reason. FYI running Fika with remote server.

    • Can you send me the profile with the problem in the screenshot, I'll see if I can make it work. Dump it here if you can: https://discord.com/channels/8…99922/1253184533965181010

      As for the remote server and not gettung data, are inbound ports open for TCP range 7828-7829?

    • Well I figured out some stuff. The old data structure profile IDs were basically blank, so not related. I did some more testing and for some reason now I'm stuck on my client not being able to use my external IP or my redirect URL to record, however they work for the webclient.

      xxxxxx.damnserver.com - A redirect URL does not work.

      174.xxx.x.xx - my actual IP does not work. - my internal IP does work.

    • I don't know your environment; however, this is the checklist I've gone through with others in your situation:

      • Ensure the firewall / router has TCP Ports 7828-7829 open for inbound traffic.
      • Ensure the host has TCP Ports 7828-7829 open for inbound traffic:
      • Current version requires a full game restart, if you modify the Server Address in the F12 menu to reconnect the WebSocket client with the server.
      • If running in a docker container, ensure docker container has ports TCP Ports 7828-7829 exposed to the host by ensuring the `-p 7828-7829: 7828-7829` flag is used in addition to your other `-p` flags.
      • Unless you are using a proxy server in front of the SPT Server, all visits to the web client should be via: <address>:7829
  • Getting this error on the server on the newest version


    • yeah, it's fine, just the package.json file complaining. Everything should still work as normal!

    • I loaded up a game and the Raid review tab was not in the f12 menu

    • Thanks, just pulled the version, reuploading shortly.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thanks fixed it, and uploaded.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hey just want to thank you for taking your time making this great mod! I have one issue though, after raid ends I get the message saying the raid data was recorded but when I press the hotkey the browser doesn't open. When I go to the website and select my profile, no data shows up, is there a fix? I used the most recent version and I'm using Google Chrome.

    • No worries, sorry it's not working for you, can you run me through your setup?

      • What version of SPT?
      • What operating system are you using?
      • Do you see any error logs in your SPT Server?
    • I'm using spt 3.8.0, windows 10 and no error logs pops up in the server

    • Can you open the directory here:
      - <spt-install>/user/mods/raid_review_0.0.x/data

      What do you see in here?

    • raid_review_mod data base file

    • What about a `positions` folder? Do you also run this locally, or are you connecting to another server?

      Come chat here if you have sometime: https://discord.com/channels/8…99922/1253184533965181010

  • Fantastic mod! One issue I'm having - some of my replays show my player whilst others seem to have my player invisible. It still shows timestamps of when certain events occurred, and if I select "follow" the replay is seemingly following ... something! But that something is invisible :D.

    I am running fika along with a number of mods. Let me know if you need any additional details.

    Keep up the great work, this is amazing!

    • Thank you!

      I'm afraid to ask because I've been trying to fix this one for a week or so, what version have you got installed?

    • I have 0.0.3 currently installed. Though I'm seeing you've been busy getting new versions updated. Will update and report back :).

    • Good news: that (mostly) fixed the invisibility issue. I had two games where there was no problem whatsoever. A third game everyone was invisible, until about 1min into the raid, then everyone's dots and trail appeared.

      New issue though: at a certain point in the match, the replay itself begins to increasingly stutter and slow down, to the point where I had to enable x16 just to finish watching the raid.

      Let me know if you need any details.

      (quick edit) - looking at a video, the slowdown seemed to happen every 1000 frames (when enabling the debugging options in settings). At least, that's what it seemed like to me, hope that helps somewhat.

  • Not sure if its already a feature and I just cant find it but when watching the Map Playback is there anyway to highlight only the PMCs or is there a way to do that now?

  • Great mod, unfortunately the location data doesn't seem to work properly for me. My PMC is being displayed at a completely different spot than where I actually was.

    • Yeah im having problems with playerId mismatches, working on a fix at the moment, but have mot quite worked out whats causing it.

      Heart 1
    • Happy to hear! Keep up the great work!

  • Does anyone else's game crash at the end of raids? Right before the game starts to load the end of raid report my game crashes. Im not 100% sure its this mod but I ran about 4 or 5 raids deleting recently add mods and right after I removed this one it does not crash anymore

    • Depending on how long your raid goes for, it's probably the server processing all the positional data.

      If you let it sit for a moment (30sec) it usually doesn't crash, however, I've moved the processing event of the positional data away from the post raid screen and instead wait for you to be back in the main menu.

      Did you generally see the crashes happen on long raids, and short raids like on Factory being O.K?

      I'm just testing v0.0.4 now, hopefully have something cooking by Monday.

    • For me it was happening on long and short raids. I'm not too sure it was this mod because I got another crash with this mod not installed. But since then I've ran about 10-15 raids of different lengths running my server and launcher as Admin and I haven't had a single crash yet. Not sure if the game is meant to be ran as Admin but that has been working for me

  • wtf ! big w man, thats insane, not useful for me, but i can definitly see people using this for multiple reasons, great work, another big support for the awesome SPT community

  • Love the idea of this mod and wanted to check the map review but it keeps giving me the following error:

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')


    at v5 (

    at Oc (


    at ee (

    at MessagePort.Re (

    What do I do?

    • What map are you playing?

    • I did 1x run on Factory as PMC then tried to pull it up once back in the main menu and got the above error.

    • Ah okay, does this happen when you open a raid? or the playback?

    • Playback. It shows the stats fine (who was in the raid, who looted / killed who, etc.) but gives this error when I press the view location replay.

    • I tried it again just now on Ground Zero and it worked fine, was able to see the location review. Will check again on Factory later.

  • Hey, Thanks for an awesome mod,

    it would be cool if you can add a share option of the raid web review. for easy share to friends

    • How do you see this working? Just so I can think it out as a feature moving forward...

      • Do you want to be able to package a raid, and all its data and send it to someone else to import and view within their mod installation.


      • Do you want to be able to click "upload/share", get a link and just send that to someone to view? That would involve a public server hosted somewhere, however, storage and stuff isn't free, so I need to think of a cost-effective way to do that.

      The next update I'm almost done with will allow people to visit the web client if they are in the same network, so people who use VPN's or host their SPT/Fika Server on a server somewhere else can just share the link directly.

    • a link would be good

  • Hey, awesome mod...I couldn't even imagine that such thing could be possible in SPT!
    But I have troubles making it work on my setup. The mod doesn't record any raids whatsoever. It doesn't send any notification it should ("raid recorded" etc.). I assume that the mod doesn't know what to "record" since my server is working on another machine and both computers are connected via Hamachi, although local web interface of the mod is working properly and server doesn't show any errors with the mod. Mod is installed correctly on both machines. I have no idea how to make it work :(
    Thanks in advance

    • The current version does not support SPT Servers hosted remotely. It currently only works from the host machine.

      The next update I'm working on will allow for this and bring this closer to a state where it should work for Fika enjoyers.

      I've completely hosed the playback system, going to catch some 💤 and try and fix it tomorrow.

      Heart 1
    • Thank you once again!
      Now I can stop banging my head against the wall thinking what did I do wrong ^^

  • Looks amazing I cant wait for full FIKA support.
    I run FIKA on a dedicated server and play from a different PC.

    Would it be possible for the dedicated server to record and store the replay files and the clients request files from the server?.


    • OK so installed on dedicated server and can log into web seletc profile but for some reason after raids I see no saved recordings :(

      I am never informed in game that its recording neither.
      can provide logs if needed

      thank you :)

    • Hi STK, currently the mod doesnt support the Server being hosted on a remote host.

      The client mod would've been trying to send all the telemetry to the pc you were playing on, not the remote host where the SPT Server is.

      I will be including options in the F12 menu for remote host enjoyers in the next update.

  • Map Layers are not working for me. They only make the current layer darker and thats it.

    • Is this happening for all maps? Have you got a screenshot I can look at?

    • Only played Interchange and Ground Zero so far but it doesnt work on neither of them.


    • Okay - I found the bug, it's something I introduced with v0.0.3 trying to fix anther bug, I'll open an issue to remind me later today (me rn).

  • is there any way to have it play back like a video? from what i know i have to click and drag. and if you implement this feature or if its already there, will there be (or is there) a way to speed up the footage?

    • There should be a play button, but it could be related to me using Emojis for the buttons instead of proper icons. Can you send me a screenshot of what you can see?

    • i dont know how to send photos but theres no emojis or icons or anything that indicates a play button. are you in the spt discord? i could send a screenshot there

    • Yeah I am , just search for "ekky"

  • Only thing it shows for me is "Upgrade Required", Running the 0.0.3 version.

    I run my server aki on another machine from clients, is this a problem?


    • Are the ports open for network access to 7828 on that other machine?

    • I believe so, in the screenshot was me connecting to my NAS which the server is running from my gaming PC. I didn't forward anything in router for external connections so just local was working.

    • Ah I see - It's very possible that :7828 is being routed to another service on your NAS, for example the HTTP web server that runs on your NAS may be taking in the request instead of going to the RAID-REVIEW server.

      What brand/model NAS are you running?

    • Custom, I don't recall using 7828 for anything, I use a bunch of services for media management but they all occupy higher ports. The webserver responds it just says "upgrade required", not sure what the order of things is supposed to be. Is everything done through that single port?

    • Windows or Linux?

  • this is insane !

    Heart 1
  • great mod, is there any way to easily delete the raid data to save space after viewing? I deleted the files in raid_review__0.0.3\data\positions, but although the map info is no longer available, I still see the raid listed in the browser

    • also, it seems that only my first raid was properly saved..al others have the player messed up, its showing other npc instead of the player

    • No... not yet, but I'll add a drop down to bulk delete raids.

      Positional data can be heavier than a black hole, however, the raid data should be in the kb range.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Saw this mods usage was trending over on the Reddit. Pretty badass such a thing exists!

  • Hi, I'm loving this mod ! Thanks a lot again for your work :love:

    If you want some feedbacks on what to improve, I've got a few suggestions:

    • a single color for scavs/bosses/snipers and a random color for each squad (+ number in the circle to distinguish teammates). Because it's very difficult to distinguish scavs from pmc (especially between bear and scavs because the names are so similar), or else put scav or pmc in the legend.
    • display the SAIN brain type of pmc (rat, chad, etc.)
    • to be able to see the shots visually + visual animation when hit
    • health indicator (hp or %) on tooltip
    • remove all mags from the loot list, as they appear every time someone reloads, hard to see real loot.
    • reduce the size of the player's circle when zoomed in.
    Heart 2
    • Installed this mod yesterday and ran a customs raid this morning, works like a charm! Very easy to use and great UI in the browser!

      My only suggestion, in addition to @Chazu's, would be to add the factions (including scav differentiators like Bloodhound, Sniper, bosses, etc) to the list of bots/players in the map playback.

      Otherwise, absolute banger of a mod, fantastic work! 8)

      Heart 1
    • Thanks for the feedback!

      Absolutely, I'm going to go crazy picking colors for each faction / sub-culture of scav but I'll see what I can do. Depending on how I implement it, I may just randomize the colors and give you guys a picker for each category.

      Heart 2
  • Just uploaded patch v0.0.5 which should address most of the major issues the last version was suffering from.

    If you find an issue, please let me know via the comment section, Github Issues or in the RAID-REVIEW discord thread.

    Heart 3 Thumbs Up 1
  • When I click 'view map playback' I am getting this error: (I have all tracking enabled in F12)image.png?ex=666acf31&is=66697db1&hm=be1276bdc5c739c219da4e2886e67e7bcfba38710e619512ec064d52988f8bfb&=&quality=lossless

    • What version of the mod and spt are you running? If you can, could you upload these files using this https://www.file.io

      Profiles Folder: \user\profiles

      Data Folder: \user\mods\raid_review__0.0.x\data

    • here are my files, I have the same problem, Im using spt-3.8.3 and Raid review 0.0.2


    • Just tested your profile Shinratenseihc.

      Looks like Labs is causing me some problems, the map loader is not working right now.

    • thanks for your time and for your amazing mod, take your time

    • Here is the files: https://file.io/Nq63QSY5ZScI

  • Great mod concept, however I'm unable to view the map playback and I'm not sure why (I've tried with ungooled chromium and edge)

    • Might be an issue of incompatibility with Fika actually, here is the error:

      Unexpected Application Error!

      Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')

    • Yeah, I have not tested or even considered functionality with Fika yet. Are you the host, or a client connecting?

    • I have Fika and the mod works, its just Labs who is causing problems

    • I'm the host. The latest update works now on both edge and ungooled, thank you!

  • Would this mod eat CPU cycles, or rather impact your performance in-game?

    • It will, I have not measured the performance impact yet, but it definitely has room for optimisation which ill work on overtime.

      For example, an easy fix would be that I'm writing positional data regardless if the position has changed or not.

      I'm working on only updating when changes occur, which should help with performance.

      Little things like this should make the mod pretty much negligible for performance hits.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • would this mod possibly work on fika?? this looks like a great tool for teaching people tarkov

    • Honestly, I havn't looked into Fika support yet, but it is an open github issue, so I'll get around to checking that out when I can.

      Heart 1
    • Alright, thanks a lot. This really looks like a promising tool for AAR's

      Heart 1