Penguin's Headgear Collection 1.0.0

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Slowly Growing Hat, Helmet and Any Type Of Facewear Pack! Includes PMC and Scav Spawning With Items! - Currently 6 New Headwear- - Currently 67 Actual Items -

  • Compatible with 3.9?

  • Whenever this returns it would be nice to have the sandman cover be able to wear headsets with it

  • Is it perhaps alright to make a small suggestion of a bandana to be added that looks exactly like the one the RE4 merchant has. Would look great when using a mod that lets me use Shturmans Parka.

  • I scanned your description and for a second imagined "slowly growing hat, helmet and any type of facewear" as meaning it actually slowly grew in-raid, which would be amazing and hilarious. Just wanted to share my moment of happiness.

    Keep up the great work and don't change the description 'cos it might make others smile.

  • Great mod, works perfectly :thumbup:

  • Beanie V3 seems to not be loading and when you inspect it the UI will not close and you have to force quit the game

    • Huh now it's working fine. I have no clue what caused it but I'll keep this here in case if anyone else had that issue I did.

    • Beanie 3 works fine on my end - please make sure you are not running any mods that could possibly effect my mod! - I'm running no other mods except my own

    • I'll add credibility for this, It happened to me yesterday. I do have over 100 mods though.

  • Welp that's yet another of your mods getting added to my build :evil: Can't wait for your trader!

  • I can't wait to try this out!
    Does this mod contain any custom backwards caps like the one Tagilla wears or do you have any plans to add custom backwards caps? <3

    • This is a slowly updating pack so for a fact! - Keep a eye out for updates

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