- Member since May 7th 2023
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- File MOAR + Bagels - Ultra lite spawn mod
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May I ask if you can share some information about the WeaponAIOTool you made? Thanks.
Sure! I'll shoot you a DM on discord!
Sorry, but discord is a bit tricky to access where I live. I just want a brief introduction in one or two sentences of the tool so that I can figure out how helpful it is to me if it is convenient for you.
hey dude, Totally having a blast with your mods. really appreciate the effort you and the team put in them, any new weapons or other stuff you guys working on? I'd love to see some LMGs and Carbines coming up later.
Will wtt work with mods like realism?
Hey Groovey, appreciate you and your teams work.
Is there an ETA on the release of WTT?-
There is no official ETA, as we are just a small, dedicated group who do this in our spare time. We have a ton of content already made, and a lot more we'd like to accomplish before release.
We'll keep you guys posted, and plan to do more content packs to hopefully tide you over until WTT sees it's inevitable release Thursday, REDACTED, 20XX. -
Okay, completely understandable. I appreciate the reply and your work!
Great work dude.
Any chance Pack and strap could get a version with just the case additions?
Conflicts with other mods that changes loadouts.-
I don't plan on splitting pack n strap up, not anytime soon anyways. All of these features are ripped from our main WTT mod we are working on, we're just doing content releases for the community
What mod is Pack N Strap conflicting with? And what do you mean by loadouts, like gear loadouts? If you could provide a little more info I can try and look into it. -
There are some conflicts with Realism mode that randomize amount of items for sale for erach Vendors. When Piecekeaper has 0 Kukri for sale - his inventory bugging.
Error converting value (null) to type 'System.Int 32.
Path 'unheard_kukri, line 1, position 33775.
But already fix that
Im having issues with the PACK-N-Strap mod the fanny pack is the only one that opens the proper size the rest are just a tiny box the red x is the only thing visible Ive reordered the mods its at the top was wondering if you have a fix or at least heard of this issue
You didn't install it properly. You're missing the plugin, or put it in the wrong place.
Delete anything in bepinex/plugins that says pack n strap, then reinstall it properly. There's a "how to install" tab on the modpage and everything