Simple Season Selector 1.1.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Wish you could select the season in SPT instead of relying on the inevitable passage of time? Now you can.

Yep, I finally did it, made my first proper mod. This one is fairly straightforward: instead of SPT determining what season the game should be based on the date, you can force a specific one using this mod.


Drag and drop the content of the archive into your SPT folder. Please use 7zip.


You can set the desired season inside
Use notepad to edit the default "Spring" to any other season. In case something went wrong, it will automatically pick Auto, which is the date-dependant season system of SPT.

Note: Not every season is fully implemented/polished by BSG.

Special thanks go to Chomp for making the mod examples and AcidPhantasm for parts of the code and feedback.

  • Version 1.1.1

    Mod repackaged into a .zip instead of .7z due to a false-positive detection blocking the download for some users.

    Fixes a code error. Thank you Hooshu for spotting it.

  • Version 1.1.0

    Near total code rewrite. No new features, but at least the code isn't a complete mess.

  • Version 1.0.0

    Initial Release
    The season is forced to Spring by default, since that's what I imagine a lot of people want.

  • for some reason, in winter season there is ugly spring-summer like patches of textures on all maps (should be winter like or plain white) i will place some screenshots if needed !!! SSS IS LOADING AFTER SVM SO NO INCOPAT BETWEEN THEM WOULD NOT OCCUR !!!

  • this for some reason isn't working for me. the server says that it loads the season but when i load in its the default autumn

    • Exactly same for me, it does not matter what I select it is always aurtumn. 3.9.4

      Sounds like an incompatibility, but I would not know with what

    • well i found a fix: find the "weather.json" file in the spt folder (use the search bar.) open it up and edit the lines within the summer season section to extend past the current date, i.e august 7th.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • As it's working for me, there are two options:
      1. Ye have something wrong with the config, so it defaults to Auto.

      2. Ye have another mod that is overriding the changes this mod makes.

      If I had to guess it would be SVM.

  • Works like a charm in 3.9.4, autumn is B E A U T I F U L. Thanks for making this! :love:

    F12 menu with an option to toggle season type would be amazing. Not sure if it would work without restarting the server though, I am clueless ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Nice little mod. I set up a service on my machine to change seasons every three days via this mod. Can't get more immersive than that. ^^

  • When I edit the config it works fine, the server prints what I selected, but when I close down the game and server the config file is reverted to default - I've set it to read only, still happens.

    Does anyone have any idea why this would happen? I don't know if it's a general issue with my SPT installation, I've had .json files overwrite themselves before..

    • Apparently, in my case at least, I can't just edit and save the config file - I have to edit, save as and then overwrite the config file for it to not get overwritten with every server restart.

      I've seen this happen to people in older threads on reddit as well without a solution to the problem so I hope anyone who has this issue can use that "fix".. :)

  • Couldn't download - virus detected FYI.

    Been having the same issue with a lot of other 7z mods.

    • same. i didnt have it the first time i downloaded this mod though, and havent had any other mods give me issues

    • No idea, I saw Drakia having this same issue as well. 1.1.1 is in a .zip, let me know if that helps.

      Heart 2
    • Awesome thank you! Good to go!

  • can you add a setting to change weather ? like rain

  • If I set "Auto" does the season change with every raid? For example, does it snow in winter?

    • Auto is SPT default season system, which is based on your date.

      Heart 1
  • hello mod is great but I found out it is not compatible with Andern mod Andern

    • nevermind i find that the mod can do the same in its config

    • could you share it? ty =)

    • I have posted the link to the mod at the end of that comment, or what do you mean?

  • Is it possible to make it so seasons change more rapidly instead of us having to choose one?

  • When I select 'Autumm', there is snow at Ground Zero lol 😂😂😂

  • I've been waiting for this! Thank you very much sheepy! :thumbup:

  • Will it work on 3 8 3? ^^

    • In case you haven't been following along with the 3.8.3 -> 3.9.0 update, major changes in 3.9.0 and all mods need to be rewritten/updated for 3.9.0.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Nice will def try it out. Is there a %chance to get any season?
    If not would love to see that as an option!

  • Thank you for your work.

    I tried to make something similar but unfortunately i am not familiar with typescipt and creating a mods at all. Few question i have, as overview says we can choose season but can we choose season before every raid without need to restart the game and next question is, can this user input be randomized again without need game to be restarted. Thank you.

    PS: i tried to post comment but instead made support thread

    • At the moment, no. It's something I'm planning to add. Like all server mods, you need to close everything down in order to change the values in the config.

    • Thank you, will expecting these changes. Glad to hear is possible, i remember in 3.8.3 has two mods regarding winter event, the one again required game restart while other just randomized snow on every raid.

  • what seasons i can choose there? bugcatheadbumping

    • All seasons that are in the files, but probably only Summer, Winter and Spring will do anything. I might have forgotten to check :kekw: .

    • Hi, i override values in weather.json and found that all season works, there is snow if override it for winter and rain if set value to autumn.

  • Thank you for the mod! Could you consider adding a randomization option? For 3.8 I use "sometimes it snows mod" with a random weather option.

    • That's definitely something I want to implement. Soontm

      Heart 1
  • Big up Sheepy thank you for this!

    For SPT 3.8.3 I was using WinterMode as my go-to weather changer for snow raids but it hasn't been updated yet. Having the ability to change to different seasons is a really good, look forward to using this mod instead :thumbup:

    Heart 1