Medical SICC Case (MICC) - UPDATED 1.0.2

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

This is the MICC Case mod, originally from Revingly, updated by me.

Link to original mod: Medical SICC case (MICC)

*If there's any issue feel free to make a comment or ping me on the SPT Discord (My name on there is Nanami) and i'll try to fix it!

All credits go to Revingly!!

  • Love the case it works great with all the secure containers. But when i went to use it with the secure containers in Sasha Himik by pes7 it pops up with red text "Item is incompatible" and doesn't allow it to be placed into the secure container. This has only happened with the secure containers from Sasha Himik.

    Other than this small hiccup love the update to the mod!!

  • Cant add anything in the kappa container with the mod installed but when i uninstalled it i was able to add stuff back into the kappa container

    • Sorry for the late reply was busy the last cpl days.

      I'll have a look later when i have the time

  • Here is a list of my mods. I put it first and last in the download queue. And by the way, containers from the TGC mod also cannot be placed in Gamma


    • what does your load order look like (just send screen of order editor xD)

      Edit: and did you try putting the MICC in other secured containers?

    • Aql474l5ZfE.jpg?size=474x1006&quality=96&sign=42a2440dcf525601e30d48b58e48b2a9&type=album

      I haven't tried putting it in other containers since I don't have any others

    • I'm having similar issues. The MICC case works in EOD Gamma but not Unheard. I'm on the most recent patch and loaded MICC first to see if that changed anything.

    • Yes, I have Unheard too

    • could you try only the micc mod on a fresh unheard profile? just to see if it is any mod, because i can put it into mine without issues; and going by other comments others can too

      *I'm also using unheard gamma

  • I can't put it in my Gamma container

    • did you make sure that you are on the most recent version and that no other mods are restricting/overwriting it? because everything works on my end (i've tested all the secure containers)

  • : обзор: Отличный мод!! Благодарю.

    Heart 1
  • Finally! With this mod I can earn 2 millions per raid in Lab now

    Heart 1
  • Hello, I cant put the micc into the unheard gamma case.

    • looking into it right now

    • Fixed.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • I downloaded the latest version, still not able to put it in the gamma case

    • I just double checked and tested it again with the newest version freshly redownloaded. for me everything works. are you sure you have the latest version and no mods are conflicting/overriding anything?

    • [edit] I use the Unheard edition everything works 100%, so NO issues! [/End edit] Thank you, VERY happy with this, now I have every medical supply and stims for 10 RAIDS in my safe case! :) It would be very helpful to put non medical items in the MICC. It's ask to many I guess? Anyway, THANKS A LOT MATE! <3 :thumbup:

      Heart 1