Raid Skill Info 1.0.0

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Makes the red arrow for skills diminishing returns actually disappear when you would expect it to, and a few other touches to help level skills.


Includes following key features:

- Red arrow actually disappears when diminishing returns(skill fatigue) for a skill resets
- Adds a timer next to red arrow for time remaining until fatigue resets

- Adds a timer to skill tooltip when hovering on skill

- Send notification toasts when a skill's fatigue resets


- Show Reset Time Remaining- Show the time remaining until the skill's fatigue resets on the skills screen (true)
- Refresh Time- (Advanced options) How often mod checks skills, reset time updates based on this (1 second)
- Enable Fatigue Reset notifications- Whether to get notification toasts when a skill's fatigue expires
  - All Skills(default)
  - Specific Skills (use advanced config) - enable advanced config, and select skills
  - No Skillsdisables this