Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Version 1.0.0
- fiwm
Any thoughts on making variants of starting profiles? Just curious
hey man love your work. i was wondering if possible to have a zero to hero profile but with all the quests finished, or available to finish, like the dev's profile? i love to start from zero from time to time but griding the quests all over is a pain in the a55. thanks!
For compatibility with ODT-Softcore
You need to edit Softcore to properly recognize and apply its changes to this profile. It's a very small change.
1. Open the ODT Softcore mod.js in notepad or your preferred code editor.
{SPT Directory}\user\mods\odt-softcore\src\mod.js
2. Edit the profile list on line 57 to include "FIWM Zero To Hero" as below.
const profileList = ["Standard", "Left Behind", "Prepare To Escape", "Edge Of Darkness", "SPT Zero to hero", "FIWM Zero To Hero"];
3. Ensure FIWM Zero to Hero loads BEFORE / ABOVE ODT-Softcore.
This will allow you to use this profile while also starting with Softcore's waist bag and changed level 1 stash. I'm sure there's a way to implement compatibility within this mod instead of editing Softcore's files but this is a super quick workaround. Good luck and have fun.
Buenas, donde se pone este mod? gracias
Sorry I might be misunderstanding you. If you mean how to install this mod, you just put the "FIWM-ZeroToHero" folder in the .zip in your {SPT Directory}\user\mods\ folder and launch the game.