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Tired of Clicking Tabs with Your Mouse in Tarkov?
!!! Now should work on 3.9.0 up to 3.9.4
Fixed a bug when multiple tabs gets opened
Introducing the ultimate quality-of-life mod for Tarkov! No more tedious mouse clicks to switch between your "Gear" and "Health" tabs. With our new hotkey functionality, you can now use the "Q" and "E" keys to effortlessly navigate through your tabs.
"Q" Key: Quickly jump to your previous tab.
"E" Key: Easily switch to your next tab.
Enhance your gameplay experience and save valuable time with this simple yet effective modification. Download now and streamline your Tarkov interface like never before!
Works both in raid and in the main menu!
1) Open the downloaded zip file in 7-zip
2) Select the folders in the zip file in 7-zip
3) Drag the selected folders from 7-zip into your SPT folder
It is also possible to configure hotkeys using Configuration Manager(press F12 and scroll down to KzTarkovChangeTabsMod)
TODO: Planning to to add hotkeys to open specific tabs like G for [G]ear, H for [H]ealth e.t.c
Big thanks to DrakiaXYZ. I learned client modding by looking at this mod:
Set Speed - Set Player Speed with Hotkeys
Also a big thanks to dirtbikercj for the code review and performance improvements
Thanks to Tyfon now mod doesn't trigger when the user is typing
Version 1.0.3
- KzTarkov
Now is compatible from 3.9.0 to 3.9.{latest} patch versions.
Thanks to Tyfoon, now fixed a bug when you open flea market then press "Q" or "E" and then whole UI gets bugged out. -
Version 1.0.2
- KzTarkov
Thanks to Tyfon. Now mods check if user is typing or not and (hopefully) doesn't trigger during typing process
Version 1.0.1
- KzTarkov
Performance improvements thanks to CJ and DrakiaXYZ
Version 1.0.0
- KzTarkov
Would be nice to have a 3.10 update.
- Log spam side note
Not really sure what this means, but saw it was this mod so any help would be greatly appreciated
Still encountering the multiple window and ui elements overlapping, looking forward to the fixes
KzTarkov Author
Can you please explain me steps to reproduce your bug. I use this mod myself but couldn't reproduce your problem.
1) Can you specify which SPT version you are using
2) Specify mods that are using along this mod
3) Steps to reproduce the problem. For example:
I can yes
The first issue was me just running around ground zero and then it showed up. So sadly I can't narrow the above log down. The second issue I can narrow down.
# 2
1) Load into Ground Zero or any map (Happened on GZ for me)
2) Play the match for a bit while looting a lot of things.
3) While looting press E to switch to health tab and Q to switch back each time.
4) Occasionally open the inventory and press E to check your body status while running around.
- That is it for this issue I encountered and how this one happened.
- While in your stash, click on character and then follow steps.
1) Quickly press E all the way to the right and then press Q all the way back.
2) Repeat this.
I believe that is it. I temporarily removed the mod due to the issue, but if I can test anything for you to help let me know
Got this while tabbing, was in heavy combat at the time on lighthouse.
2024-09-10 19:10:40.707 -04:00||Error|Default| EXCEPTION: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at KzTarkov.ChangeInventoryTabsMod.ChangeTabsPlugin.Update () [0x00001] in <012a9cd20abc4845be95e013cc4e61f7>:0 2024-09-10 19:10:40.707 -04:00||Error|Default|NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object KzTarkov.ChangeInventoryTabsMod.ChangeTabsPlugin.Update () (at <012a9cd20abc4845be95e013cc4e61f7>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) Class362:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
This is spammed in the error logs.
Once this mod gets nice and debugged, it's going to be a really great concept.
Can't wait to see all of the issues ironed out. It'll be an always-load mod for my games going forward if we can get it working as-intended.
KzTarkov Author
Can you please explain me steps to reproduce your bug. I use this mod myself but couldn't reproduce your problem.
1) Can you specify which SPT version you are using
2) Specify mods that are using along this mod
3) Steps to reproduce the problem. For example:
Big fan of this idea but on the latest version and SPT 3.9.5 I get multiple tabs opened at once and have to quit the game.
KzTarkov Author
Can you please explain me steps to reproduce your bug. I use this mod myself but couldn't reproduce your problem.
1) Can you specify which SPT version you are using
2) Specify mods that are using along this mod
3) Steps to reproduce the problem. For example:
With today's update the multiple tab display issue can still be produced if you enter the inventory, return to main menu, press E/Q, then open inventory again.
KzTarkov Author
Good catch. Let me see that
KzTarkov Author
Hi all, I am the mod author here. I think I know what is causing two tabs to be opened at the same time. Fix will come soon. Thanks
That's great! Keep up the great work, this is a good QOL, glad to have you in the community!
Not sure if anyone has had this issue or reported it but when I upgraded to the newest version of this mod when I got into a raid I was unable to change tabs at all!! I was stuck on the quest tab and was unable to change it
KzTarkov Author
I will check that. Thanks
Not fixed yet.
Using MoreCheckMarks as only UI mod (if Realism changes anything then that too). On 3.9.4 it will open up two menus overlapped (last menu you were on and the one you started the raid with often) and you wont be able to change them with the mod hotkeys or the actual menu icons.
i have this problem too
had to uninstall as it wasnt letting go to my health tab because of the same issue
I have this problem too. I'm using MoreCheckMarks and UI Fixes. Don't know if it happens with both, as someone claimed that UIFixes caused some trouble too with this mod.
I'll drop this one for now, sadly.
Same here, but i only use UI Fixes mod, so perhaps this two are incompitable for now.
Upd: Checked the other posts, some people use only MoreCheckMarks and expirienced same problem.
KzTarkov Author
Can you please help me to reproduce this problem. I tested on SPT 3.9.4 and with the latest version of this mod and MoreCheckMarks mod and it seems to work
I cant get it to work for 3.9.3 says missing SPT.Core
KzTarkov Author
I was thinking about making it compatible, but I found some bugs on the current 3.9.4 SPT version. I don't plan to make it compatible with other versions of SPT
@KzTarkov you can can absolutely make it compatible. All 3.9.x patches run on the same client. If you want to still limit users to that specific client (absolutely valid) you can have a look at this Version checker (credits to @Drakia) and usage here
It breaks the menu for me (3.9.4). The buttons don't work (tried resetting, different buttons) and I can't switch tabs with my mouse either. I am using a few UI mods like UI Fixes, Stash Search, Auto Deposit, Quick Move to Container, maybe some of those are incompatible.
Same here. Only UI mod I use is MoreCheckmarks. On 3.9.4 it will open up two menus overlapped and you wont be able to change them with the mod hotkeys or the actual menu icons.
Good job lad. This is something that the game has always needed.
great mod

Absolutely beautiful human
Nice mod! but seems to be messing with UI interface when looting bodies as its showing multiple tabs at once in raid. Possibly conflicting with UI fixes mod.
KzTarkov Author
Thanks for the information. Probably a bug on my side. Will check when I get free time
KzTarkov Author
Can you please specify SPT version and UI Fixes Mod version you are using. I couldn't reproduce the problem
I might be having the same issue here. Dunno if it's related to this mod but just for incase.
Mod version 1.0.1
No problem! I just made sure I'm running the latest UI fixes mod, and I am still running into the same issue in raid when I open my inventory, looks like the health tab is automatically selected and is messing with the UI.
SPT Version 3.9.4
UI Fixes Version 2.3.4
Both versions of this mod run into the same problem.
I think I know what it is when looting bodies, I rebounded my "use"/"activate" key to "E" instead of "F". But when opening inventory at the start of raid, I am still running into the same issue, not sure what that is.
Just made the essentials list for me.
interesting, does not work on 3.9.3
KzTarkov Author
I am new to modding, but I'll see how to make it compatible with previous minor versions when I have some free time
This doesn't even need an advertisement. Coppin' this shit right away
Any possibility of this working in 3.8.x?
KzTarkov Author
Probably not. I think it is only compatible with 3.9.X. But you can try and let me know if it is working
For the record, I tried and it doesnt.
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