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Allows ALP to spawn filters inside of gas masks with realism mod

Credits to Jiro's BatterySystem as I had to use some code from his mod to get this working. First server mod so please let me know if there's anything I should change
This was only tested with Realism and ALP, you can use it without both but I'm unsure of what will happen.

Currently this mod only gives ALP the option to spawn filters inside of gas masks stopping the error "bot lacks a mod slot pool for item_equipment_facecover_gasmask"
This mod does not force filters to spawn in gas masks nor does it force gas masks to spawn in like realism. All this does it give ALP the option to spawn filters inside of vanilla or modded gas masks so sometimes you will find gas masks with filters inside and sometimes without them on bots.

Config currently contains majority of IDS for modded and vanilla items, Server will report if you add a item that is not defined in the config, Add gas masks to the "GASFILTER" section and add anything else into the "NoFilter" section.

Do not disable "leveledClothing" in the ALP config, breaks this mod for some reason.


Drag and drop the folder into your root spt folder


  • the other god - big essiential mod for ALP/REALISM runners.


    *issue solved*

    • Was cause I tried adding Jiro as an additional author in package.json, if you remove "Jiro" and keep the comma after my name it will work, Reuploaded with the fix so if your still getting the error please redownload

      Thumbs Up 1
    • the mod actually works now!

      Heart 1
  • If there are any issues you get after installing this please direct them here and not the ALP and realism mod authors

    • Hello. Looks like I have issues with gas filters when Bot generator tries to generate "specific" types of bots:

      bot: assault lacks a mod slot pool for item: 60363c0c92ec1c31037959f5 item_equipment_facecover_gasmask_gp7

      bot: sectantwarrior lacks a mod slot pool for item: 5b432c305acfc40019478128 item_equipment_facecover_gasmask_GP5
      bot: assault lacks a mod slot pool for item: 60363c0c92ec1c31037959f5 item_equipment_facecover_gasmask_gp7

      Have Questing bots, but it's generator disabled. Bot changes disabled in Realism config. And bottom my load order looks like:


    • Unsure what the issue could be as its supposed to do every bot type. It works fine on my end so maybe its a mod conflict? What's your full mod list?

    • Thanks anyway, great mod! Ok, I will try to figure out what can cause conflicts on my side.

      And to not waste your time, I should say that I've just figured out that have one "floating" rare bug of main mod, so I think it's problem on my side.

      Here is my load order


        "order": [
          "WTT-Armory -ARX160",
          "WTT-Armory-Auto 5",
          "zExtra Ammo Realism",

    • Yeah idk what mod it would be, please let me know if you find out what breaks the mod

    • I found out it's ridiculous.
      Disabling clothing changes in ALP config kills your patch

      Happy 1