Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
- unzip it in your SPT root folder
1. With the server and preferably with Tarkov running, open the app (inside user/mods/give-ui folder)
2. Use the form to connect to the server and select your character
Adding items
- Select the item you want to receive. The quantity, by default, is always set to the maximum stack size
- You will receive a message with the item/s
User weapons presets
- When you have saved weapons presets you can add them to your character with a single click
- You will receive a message with the weapon preset
- Update profile level
- Update skills level
- You guessed it, you will receive a message with the level changes
- Update the reputation of the traders
- Update the money spent on the traders
- Same as before, a message is waiting for you
Version 2.3.3
- agavalda
Fix Troubleshooting skill missing
Version 2.3.2
- agavalda
Recommended update: Fixes a problem when loading images from that was spamming them badly with wrong requests
Version 2.3.1
- agavalda
Few small changes:
- fixed fence trader reputation, now you can set it to 6, other traders are hardcoded from 0.01 to 1.99
- image hash calculation improved for modded weapons
Version 2.3.0
- agavalda
- Updated images code, now the images will be loaded from your icon cache.
-- See attachments for a before/after comparison
-- I didnt test much, reading the cache might bring unexpected bugs
-- let me know if now loading your profile it takes too much time, i have some performance improvements that i could apply but didnt do them yet
- Added a settings menu to specify the user\sptappdata\live folder manually. This is only intended for fika users where the server can't load the client images
- Updated a bunch of inner libraries, hopefully nothing is broken
Version 2.2.1
- agavalda
Fixes a problem on some profiles having a decimal number of money spent on traders
Version 2.2.0
- agavalda
A big update, see the mod main page for more details on the new features:
- Trader command support:
-- add reputation
-- set money spent
- Profile command support:
-- set profile level
-- update skills level
- You can now refresh user presets weapons with a dedicated button (requested by Cybite)
- winter event enabled until end of year
I might have broken stuff on the way. Let me know in the comments, is xmas time so i might be late fixing any issue.
Version 2.1.0
- agavalda
few small changes:
- removed the nickname from the user on the login screen, since now SPT 3.10 account name and nickname matches
- added few shortcuts (feature requested by Ahtu):
- ctrl+shift+a adds the selected item
- ctrl+shift+s toggles the favorite search
- ctrl+shift+f toggles selected item favorite
- when adding items a toast message will appear to confirm the give command run successfully
Version 2.0.0
- agavalda
Update for SPT 3.10.0
Version 1.6.1
- agavalda
Fixes filtering not working
Version 1.6.0
- agavalda
there is no need to update the mod if you were happy with it.
Added suggested feature by Fifi:
- now is possible to bookmark/favorite items
- this very useful when starting a new profile, your favorite items will not be lost and you can add your preferred starting items/weapons
- favorite items will be stored inside give-ui.config.json, for next major upgrade of SPT, remember to take this file with you
github version Lastest Version
used every possible updated version even the one on github cant find a fix, here are both error logs, note i was able to use this a few months ago got back into tarkov so removed spt fully, now im getting this error. its the only mod im running.
agavalda Author
That error is very strange as it doesn't say what went wrong
What github version you used?
Can you also try with 2.0.0?
same error with every version, im not really sure how to fix it, i saw only 1 or 2 other cases like this so i dont expect you to know how to fix it
agavalda Author
Can you try the one here?
same errors
could it be my windows activation? i can reinstall windows pretty easy its the only thing thats changed since launching from then to now
The skill "Troubleshooting" is missing in the Skills tab
agavalda Author
The skill has the wrong id on some places in spt side, sometimes is called "Troubleshooting" and sometimes "TroubleShooting"
I will fix it on my side and try to release today
agavalda Author
released 2.3.3
Would it be possible to add a Found in Raid option as toggle?
agavalda Author
No, the give command from spt only accepts the item and the quantity.
If you need FIR status you will have to talk to the spt core developers and ask to add it in their give command and only then i can add it on this mod
Understood, thanks for the answer and the very useful mod.
agavalda Author
If you want to update the fir status of an item you can check my other mod tarkov-stash
My give UI has a connection error. Ive tried with the fika IP adress and the SPT ip adress. Neither seem to work. It is a server hosted on my own PC.
agavalda Author
Are you sure the ip and port is correct? That port looks like is from the udp and not http, shouldn't be 6969? Also are you sure is https and not http?
agavalda Author
When the server starts what it says? Should be something like:
Problem already solved. In the Give UI program it automatically was set to https instead of the required http. Issue resolved
For some reason, I cannot open the exec. Every time I try to run it, nothing appears on my screen.
Could you help me figure out what is happening?
Error Log
agavalda Author
Oh, never seen that before, is that the full log on the picture or there are more lines?
Looking around the library that give-ui uses i found some similar errors might happen in some specific version of windows10, are you using w10?
Yes, that is the full log. Im using w11 pro.
Sometimes, when I restart my computer and immediately open the exec, it runs normally. However, for some reason, it closes after a while.
I already tried fixing WebView.
agavalda Author
ok, very strange :-/
indeed sounds some issue with the webview. Here is a test version of the plugin that uses an embedded webview so it shouldn't use anymore the one from your system: can you give it at try?
I choose the right server, I choose the right user, but it gives this error, can you help?
edit : spt server open
agavalda Author
Is that your local spt server or fika one?
my friend's server, but it's also installed on him
agavalda Author
The error is a timeout (you can see it in the smaller font message), so the remote server took a long time to reply with the profile info and the error appears, i could try to increase the timeout but i have no way to test this
Could be nice if you guys could give me access to the server so i can try the fix on my side before releasing blindly
needing help, got the mod installed but nothing pops up on the "select profile" page am i missing something? ive tried with game running and without and nothing happens.
agavalda Author
Can you share your profiles? So i can test them on my side and try to reproduce the issue
Hey there. I tested your mod and while it does work with many custom items it seems to still struggle with some like the one in the image below. Just wanted to advise. Otherwise, this is much better.
agavalda Author
yeah i also noticed while testing, i tried the WTT m249 and the preset loads fine but no the core item:
Long story short, when adding weapons from the items section you are actually only adding a piece of it but SPT will add the rest of attachments (that's why the blue message appears) and the image cache calculation doesn't include those and the image is not resolved (at least for what i saw when testing....)
Anyway, i don't think i will invest time on this
agavalda Author
hey i did some trick and looks like now is working fine:
not sure what im gonna break with this... oh well
agavalda Author
btw i checked with the Remington R11 RSASS 7.62x51 marksman rifle (Black)
that item is NOT part of a bundle (that's why there is no blue message) so when sending that item is indeed only the core part of the weapon so regardless of my fix you won't see the whole image.
This is with 2.3.0 (once you have seen that item in tarkov and the cache entry has been created):
I've always had this issue but never came here to say something before till now. I can't see images from items from mods. What am I doing wrong?
agavalda Author
You are not doing anything wrong
images are loaded from an external site that doesn't know anything about modded items
In the next version I will try to include this fix and that should help with those missing images
agavalda Author
Also i see the favorite star leaking on the items list, that shouldn't be there, not sure why it shows to you that
Will take a look as well
I love this mod and it works mostly, but with some modded weapons it doesn't give the items. Like the GUI says item sent and I get a notification in the messages, but then SPT GIVE chat is empty and I can't get it. Every estart now I have a bunch of notifications that I should have items but don't.
agavalda Author
Can you give me an example of a modded item that shows this issue? So i can test on my side
M249 from WTT and also the Chytac Intervention
agavalda Author
M249 works fine to me
Where i can find that chytac?
WTT discord I think
agavalda Author
ok, let's focus on the M249
When you click on give do you see this line on the server log?
"spt give 66e718dc498d978477e0ba75 1"
Whenever I start the game with a fresh profile and use this mod, i can't get in any raid at all the game just closes off, I have tried to move SPT to another drive, executed it with admin, but nothing seems to fix it.
I tried running without any other mods, just this one and it still happens.
agavalda Author
this mod doesn't change anything in your local profile neither in your spt config files unless you use it, just installing this mod shouldn't give you any issue. Did you try vanilla SPT (ie: without any mods) ?
I have, it works clean and without issues but if I install this mod and use it, even slight changes like player level, it makes me unable to load into any raid, sometimes it does load in but I crash like 10 seconds after.
agavalda Author
i will need a little bit of help from you to figure out what's going on here.
On a fresh profile, without ANY mod, if you send the following message to Commando in your friend list: "spt profile skill charisma 10" and accept the message, your charisma will be in level 10, go into a raid and play
On a fresh profile, with only my mod, you execute my mod and modify your charisma to level 10 and accept the message, your charisma will be in level 10, go into a raid and play
Does it work in both scenarios? This mod literally just sends the message for you nothing, else fancy going on
if it does crash you might have to ask the support channel in the discord since they are the experts on collecting logs and diagnose them
So I did the tests and apparently it works, does editing your profile a lot causes it to corrupt or something? Because I was editing most skills and trader rep since I can't transfer my old profile from 3.9 to 3.10, so I made a new one and used your mod to edit it to be more or less like my previous profile but thats when I ran into this issue however giving me level 10 in charisma which is a really small change did not run into any issues
agavalda Author
Ok, i would say it might be some specific skill which is causing the issue, and as i said this mod just executes those spt commands for you, i would recommend you to do one by one until it crashes and then we figure out what to do next, it might be a bug on spt itself since i don't touch anything in your profile but redirect everything to the Commando friend
This is my 4th time installing and never had this issue before.
I have it installed correctly, Version 2.2.0 does not work for me. It gives me this error:
Please check SPT Server is running, the connection details are correct and the mod is installed in your user folder
But when I install Version 2.1.0, it launches perfectly fine.
agavalda Author
Looks like your profile has some data the mod can't understand, can you upload your profile in google drive or somewhere and i will fix it
I am assuming that you wanted the one from
agavalda Author
yes that's what i needed
i will try to release a new version today with the fix
agavalda Author
released 2.2.1
It is fixed! Appreciate your work and thanks for fixing it so fast.
Great mod! is there any way i can refresh my presets without restarting the app?
if i creat a new weapon preset when the give-ui_x64-portable is already running it won't show up in the app
i have to restart the app to show my new preset
agavalda Author
Currently the presets are loaded once the profile is selected in the "login screen" so the app has everything in memory and is fast. What i do instead of closing it is to change the language to some random (from the app menu) and then back to my language, that throws me back to the initial screen and the presets are reloaded
agavalda Author
I will add a refresh button somewhere
agavalda Author
Quick update im in the middle of adding a couple of new features so until i dont finish those i wont release new version and xmas time so my family is bugging me... its gonna take few days more
no rush man it still a great mod without the refreash button!
Im having an issue with no longer being able to open give ui like I could in older versions. anything I could be doing wrong?
agavalda Author
Maybe antivirus is blocking it? What's the error?
there is no error anywhere which is confusing. never had this problem before.
after downloading and trying it again, I found that there is no longer any sort of way to pull up the give ui screen. It could be antivirus.
agavalda Author
Could be, you can try with older version, the new doesn't have any must have feature
You mentioned something similar about one of my mods. The issue is on your end, you're doing something wrong regarding your install
This mod just saved my SPT save from softlocking it by myself like a pile of turd, I love you for making this and putting hard work, much love RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I've noticed that some item images are missing in the UI. Is this something that can be fixed?

I've tried clearing the temp files through the launcher, but no luck
agavalda Author
Images are loaded by item ID from Some items have the wrong ID on that site and therefore can't be found. I can't do anything about it. sorry
Ok, thank you for explaining that.
Would it be possible to add a hotkey to enter the selected item? and for favouriting?
I think it would be convenient to hit a hotkey after clicking an item to speed up the process a bit
agavalda Author
I think is a good idea, here the issue on github i will work on it "soon"
agavalda Author
I hope to work on this topic from tomorrow and have something ready before xmas holidays...
agavalda Author
released 2.1.0
hey, ive got the mod working but it doenst seem to want to give me my weapon presets? everything else works.
It runs the command on the server but I dont get the item.
[give-ui] Running command: [spt give 5ba26383d4351e00334c93d9 1]
[Client Request] /give-ui/give-user-preset
Any ideas why?
agavalda Author
Maybe is some specific combination of the preset that the mod doesn't like, can you share which parts this preset has so i can try to reproduce?
agavalda Author
Also, can you try with any vanilla preset?
hey, cheers for the response.
It works with default weapons but not with saved presets.
Eg, take the ADAR, I keep the default parts and just add a Laupold Mark 4 HAMR 4x24 scope and save the preset. It doesnt work.
Heres the message I get when I try and add that ADAR + HAMR scope
[give-ui] Running command: [spt give-user-preset 67497c5f010011f827c82f82]
[Client Request] /client/notifier/channel/create
[WS] Player: Blindbear (6746259e0002a8b2c2012050) has connected
WebSocketHandler "SPT WebSocket Handler" connected
there arent any errors, its just not coming through.
edit -
I dont get all that when I just give weapon, I only get 2 lines. See below for SIG MPX 9x19
[give-ui] Running command: [spt give 58948c8e86f77409493f7266 1]
agavalda Author
works fine to me, see screenshot, adar with HAMR in the message screen:
Do you any mod like the trader "Hephaestus" ? or some others?
yeah Ive got hephaestus, is it not compatible?
I've also notice that when I click 'add' my message alerts in tarkov goes up but when I go to the give screen, its black.
heres a list of the mods im using -
"[SVM] Server Value Modifier"
Weird thing goin on lol. Brave, Opera, Opera GX, and Edge won't allow me to download it, says there's a virus
agavalda Author
strange, i didnt have any problem with Edge neither with windows defender. I don't build and upload the zip myself, everything is automated by github:…ub/workflows/release.yaml
And here are the changes between 1.6.1 and 2.0.0:
why is there a trojan on the 3.10 version?
agavalda Author
trying to get rich with your credit card
Here virustotal link:…9b792dba356db41?nocache=1
XD real
When you turn on the program, a blank gray screen appears in which you can change the language at most. There is no choice of character or items
agavalda Author
Make sure you have webview2 installed:…heck-and-install-WebView2
webview2 is already installed, but it didn't work
agavalda Author
mmmm strange, in the mod folder there is an error log file: give-ui.error.log , maybe there is something written there?
it's empty
agavalda Author
what's your windows version?
Enjoying Your mod.
Is there a way to give a weapon with enhancement?
agavalda Author
this mod just does the same as the "give commando", nothing else fancy, so if you can't get an enhanced item with that command neither can't you here
I made some presets and then added them via the UI, but when moving them in my stash it just duplicated the item and then gave me an error about modifying a traders items, kicking me out to the main menu. When i load the stash again, i'm typically holding an unmodified receiver with nothing else. I tried with some modded weapons and with a standard 870.
The search filter also doesn't seem to be working in the UI anymore.
Only thing i can think of regarding presets is a possible conflict with Hephaestus.
agavalda Author
I'm fixing the search filter
On the other topic adding a standard 870 shotgun works fine to me (i don't have any trader/items mod... maybe that's why)
i can try with that mod to see if i can reproduce the issue
agavalda Author
released 1.6.1
I tried with that mod and works fine. I created a new 870 preset without touching anything and I can add it into the stash and opens fine
Maybe some other mod..... do you have a lot of them?
i do have a lot, yeah. Before we get into that though, do me a favour and try equipping the weapon that you added to the stash? That's what triggers the duplication. Vanilla weapons or otherwise.
would it be possible to add a tab for bookmarked/favorited items? (useful for giving rounds of ammunition or specific weapons that wont be dependent on profile. other use case could be for a set of starter items for a new profile with no starting items or anything else that might want to be added a lot of)
agavalda Author
Long time ago i also thought about this... i even have a dev version that allows to add the in-game bookmarked items for the future 3.10 but that won't work for wiped profiles, still don't know if i will go for it.
I will try your proposal and see how it feels
i was thinking of letting you bookmark items in the give ui program itself. thanks for the reply though. also, thinking about it, it could be possible to do both maybe? one tab for items bookmarked through the mod, and one tab for items bookmarked ingame that would be per-profile?
agavalda Author
Yes, that's what i will try
i will definitely don't do both, the initial goal of this mod was to make it simple as possible but with every release im going deeper in the rabbit hole
Thats usually how it starts, you want to make something very small and simple, and then suddenly youre at a point where youre like "how did i get here?" as the idea evolved
completely fair that both might be a bit much though 
agavalda Author
released 1.6.0
Good stuff. And what's most important it doesn't crash out when I have modded stuff in my stash which in my book definitely makes this the best mod for adding stuff.
Is it not possible to give yourself sealed weapon crates that you get from airdrops?
agavalda Author
no, right now they are filtered out, since they just contain random items that you can give them to yourself, any reason why you want them?
Ah, I wanted to give myself one because I was just about to extract from a raid with one and a tank battery, but the game crashed. Was able to give myself the tank battery, but couldn't find the crate.
wow thanks, now i don't have to re-login a hundred times to add something from the profile editor SPT-aki
Bro, great mod, though can I ask u to add ability to show item id? I'm not a modder, but sometimes it's hardly needed to fix compat within few mods and sometimes looking for that IDs is real pain in the ass
agavalda Author
Did you try ?
that works only for SPT ( aka vanilla EFT) objects, but I was about ones that added by mods. It never shows in DB u linked
agavalda Author
Aha i see!
I will add it this week
U r my hero)))
agavalda Author
released 1.5.0
Hey want to ask if this mod could have implemented count spot so if the case was to get some cash you won't have to spam it 1000 times. Just to get the 1000 RUB?
agavalda Author
as explained in the description, the mod will give you the max stock size of the item, in this case for roubles you will get 500.000 roubles for every click, i think it's enough
That could be issues if a player where to change stack size by other mod unless this is set by you in the code.
agavalda Author
Yes i take the data from the server so if you have roubles to be maximum stack size to 1 you would get only 1.... but that would mean you would need 1000 cells available in your stash to allocate them
I can add that input on the UI, is not a problem i just thought that wouldn't be needed
well i set mine to a billion :p which could be a bit much.
So preferably i would love to see a text box for amount/count
agavalda Author
Hehehhe, ok, I will try to add that soon and see how it behaves
Using spt 3.9.2 (30626), mod installed in user/mods and says that wrong server mod version. Can you help?
agavalda Author
make sure the mod is properly installed:
- restart your SPT server and check the mod loaded line in the log, it should says something like give-ui mod loaded and the version number
- the version number should match with the version number that you see when opening the app
I looked at the logs when restarted SPT server, the error was caused by outdated all-examined. thx for your work
agavalda Author
Probably you didn't restart the server after you installed the mod and that's why now it works
Spt server must be stopped when installing any mod
before reading logs restarted it 2 times(
Hi, this looks pretty neat!
However, when i try to run it, it spits out this error:
Details: Wrong server mod version:
Im using 3.9.5, do I have to use 3.9.4 for this to work?
I have GiveUi V1.2.0 if that helps.
agavalda Author
looks like you don't have the mod properly installed, make sure the mod lives under your user/mods folder
Ah thank you, I had assumed the mod needed its own directory since it had these folders included... Im new to modding^^
Looks like it works now
agavalda Author
Most of the mods around this hub are zipped like this:
- user
- BepInEx
so you open the zip and then drag an drop it in your SPT folder, some example:
My mod only as `user` folder inside though