Shadow Flicker Fix 1.0.5

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Fixes distant shadow flickering which was most noticeable with anti-aliasing disabled.


This mod fixes distant shadows flickering by increasing the distant shadow resolution. Most noticeable when anti-aliasing is disabled on Woods for example. Also includes options to configure some shadow-related variables.


In testing I saw a very minimal performance impact, if at all. However, if you feel like your game is running worse then consider changing the Distant Shadow Resolution option in the config. Enabling shadow changes will most likely reduce FPS by some amount depending on the config.




Just drag and drop the BepInEx folder into your SPT folder.


  • Version 1.0.5

    • Updated for SPT 3.11
    • Separated regular and advanced shadow options
  • Version 1.0.4

    • Fixed an issue where FSR 3 would be disabled on raid load
  • Version 1.0.3

    • Updated to 3.10
    • Added some optimizations so the game should no longer stutter and freeze when changing settings
    • Changed the order of some config options
  • Version 1.0.2

    • Added options to configure shadow resolution, decrease factor, minimum distance and intervals.
      • Some of these WILL reduce fps, so I've kept the changes disabled by default.


  • Version 1.0.1

    • Added an option to toggle SMAA
  • Version 1.0.0

  • Hi, so since you've tinkered with shadows, I figured you would have an answer. Is there any way to disable dynamic shadows completely? Be it a mod or some .json file to edit? Ty.

    • possible with a client mod but not something i plan to do, sorry

  • having a issue on 3.10.5 where with this mod installed everything is flickering im gonna have a seizure lol

    Thinking 1
    • i dont have much to go off here, config? map? time of day? other mods?

    • Experiencing similar issues. Although my modpack consists of 48 names, so can't fully confirm it is this fix specifically yet, or even if it is, whether it is caused by conflict with another mod.

      Most notorious map for me is Customs. It seems that any kind of gradual lighting change that happens when clouds go over the sun is gone, and it becomes as if someone is jerking the brightness switch constantly.

      Time of day is always between 10am and 17pm for this map too. Season is set using SimpleSeasonSelector to Spring.

      Fix config is default for me. will try just disabling the mod and posting here regarding what I found. ;)

  • how can i prevent the shimmering edges on objects which are noticably moving when SMAA enabled. of course the image is much more clearer now but the glazing edges and lines of textures are very noticable and sometimes causes confusion with enemy movement . i dont have the shadow option enabled, only the SMAA one. but all in all Nice Mod buddy

    Heart 1
    • previously i used a combination of fxaa, smaa and sharpening with reshade and that gave a somewhat better result but aside from that you really cant do much to get rid of the shimmering without using taa.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • ok but how can u combine fxaa ans smaa ?

    • like i said, with reshade

      Thumbs Up 1
  • the smaa is insane great job on this mod !!

    Heart 1
  • this mod has been causing the sun to wildly flash during morning and evening raids, making use of this mod impossible in my case. removing it and turning AA back on fixed my issue.

    Thumbs Up 4
  • Does this mod work in the main game?

  • This thing is too important to me, I want to know if it can work on the genuine version

    Heart 2
  • Absolutely fantastic mod. I think I have found a minor issue. FSR 3.0 seem to silently turn off. FSR works if I turn it off and on again at the start of each raid. It takes like 10 seconds so its not the end of the world.

    Heart 1
    • noted. i never use upscaling so i never noticed it. ill see if i can do something about it, thanks for reporting

      Thinking 1
    • 我有同样的问题,我能做些什么来帮助您?

    • 值得一提的是,它与 FSR2.0 具有良好的兼容性

  • smaa doesn't seem to do anything? I'm not using upscaling or anything. Just plain 1440p. Do I have to disable the in game taa? I've tried both and it doesn't seems to do anything. With in game taa disabled it just looks like awful jagged no antialiasing.

    • when you enable smaa it automatically disables TAA. unity's smaa is fairly subtle, i barely notice any difference with it enabled on 1080p as well. i use a combination of smaa, fxaa and cas with reshade, which isnt perfect but it does help get rid of some of the shimmering and it isnt as blurry as TAA.

  • Forgive the dumb question but I'm guessing this wont work on 3.8.x?

  • SMAA looks HORRIBLE on 1080p, btw.

    But the shadow settings literally increased my performance by about 5-10fps. I have 1080Ti.

    • are you using upscaling

  • I installed the mod but i dont see the SMAA option in graphics settings?

    • i wanted to add it to the graphics settings but... didnt for some reason. sorry about that

      its available in the f12 config menu

    • Thanks for the reply! Should i leave taa on? i turned it off and it looks super nasty.

    • thats because of upscaling

  • SMAA with 2x supersampling is a game changer. It's like putting on glasses for the first time.

    Heart 1
  • I never realised my trees were flickering that bad until I downloaded this mod. Excellent work!

    Heart 1
  • downloaded this just for the SMAA option alone, i hate TAA so much bro thank u

    Heart 1
  • Hey. This is awesome thanks. I have to try new SMAA option i guess but wanted to say original version works great. :thumbup:

    Heart 1
  • Спасибо за мод, это очень круто!

    Heart 1
  • I just tested this on my main server and all I have to say this is EXTREMELY useful. As someone who is sensitive to flicker and aliasing, this is a MASSIVE help.

    Suggestion: potentially another anti-flicker feature: SMAA is a Unity Engine staple form of anti-aliasing. Do you think that could also be added as a bepinex mod toggle? This would eliminate edge shimmer, as SMAA is very nice for distant elements. (SMAA on reshade doesn't have enough information to work with)

    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1
    • thank you! i could look into it

      Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1
    • I just saw the SMAA update and HAD to try it immediately.

      It has a nice effect. I think this in combination with FSR3 when 3.10 comes out + some reshade fuckery may make for a 0 ghosting, sharp experience.

      Nicely done!

      Heart 1
    • Oh and if you want an additional challenge (and ofc if you wish to hear / need expansion ideas), I shit you not I dreamed about it vaguely.

      I am not sure whether this is possible / feasible, but a internal resolution slider is something BSG has refused to add. 2x SSAA (SuperSampling) and 4X give incredible performance deductions, which only sort of makes sense as they should not be THAT taxing at their respective settings.

      Allowing users to set a resolution scale to something like 125% or 150% is another way users with spare power (especially the guys on 1080P displays) could make a use of their CPU bottleneck and push that GPU to be used a little more (and clean up the near edges of the screen).

  • I'm having an issue with endless loading on launch (with the EFT splash screen). Removing the .dll seems to fix it. Install should be just the typical drag and drop bepinx into the main folder, correct?

    • i suspect it may be something else but send me your modlist and logs on discord anyway

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Is there a way to DM you on discord? I don't see the SPT discord in my list to find you

    • my disc is peinful

    • Just messaged. Had to join SPT to find ya

  • Broken link, please fix it

    • link works fine

  • i'm so numbed by this that i don't even notice it anymore but goddamn if this isn't a very welcome fix. cheers mate

    Heart 1
  • Woods is playable again :D

    Heart 1
  • Works Great!

    Heart 1
  • Godsend

    Heart 1
  • Hell yeah, can already see that this is a banger

    Heart 1
  • Turned everything on and the shadows on my scope when I walk through a forest are amazing.

    Heart 1
  • QoL Mod!!! 10/10 GreenBat lithium batteries

    Heart 1
  • Mans dropped out of the sky and started uploading banger on banger... who are you and what are your secrets :?:

    Heart 1 Happy 2 Thumbs Up 2
    • just wanted to fix some things that have been bugging me

      Heart 1
    • I always thought that it was my shitty (well, for 2024 standard) GPU not being able to handle Tarkov's awful system. I guess that the anti aliasing should just keep up with modern standards instead....

      Thumbs Up 1
  • THANK YOOOOU!!! <3

    Heart 1
    • Tested and it works, no noticeable drop in fps.

      Thanks again!

  • I have always hated TAA in games for making things blurry. I want a sharpness to things but always find a compromise to reduce the jaggies. I cannot do this in Tarkov and flickering of various things take my attention away from me. I've learned to deal with it now.

    Until this legend said "No more" and dropped this bombshell.

    Heart 1
    • woods was literally unplayable for me for the longest time because of this lol