ConfigHUD 0.4

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

A simple mod that lets you customise certain parts of the HUD for more immersion and minimal look.

  • Version 0.4

    Another small update packed with some good changes:

    • Removed the optional keybinds for aiming as they were causing this annoying issue that I couldn't fix.
    • Added optional keybinds for elevation up & down for those who still want to see their zeroing count whilst keeping everything else disabled.
    • Added a new toggle option to disable the body parts health panel which also moves the effect icons to the corner of the screen for a more minimal look whilst still being able to see any active effects!


  • Version 0.3

    This update adds more customisation options for those that want even more immersion and realism.

    • Removed the optional keybinds for the stance panel and volume slider as I thought they were pointless.
    • Added more toggles to fully disable the ammo and magnification panels on the HUD.
    • Added some new optional keybinds for you to customise your experience however you want. Whether it'll be for more immersion or to just make the game a bit more challenging and fun for yourself. You decide what you want to see.

    I have updated the mod page so go have a look at all the updated info.

  • Version 0.2

    This update brings a few small changes:

    • Added a toggle-able option which replaces the previous switch method which was using key binds.
    • Key binds are optional now and can be set to whatever is most suitable for you!
  • Version 0.1

  • I have a feature request. Would it be possible to configure the "safe area" of the HUD, i.e. if playing on a 21:9 aspect ratio monitor, setting the HUD to only be active in a 16:9 area? When in-raid on a 21:9 monitor I feel like the HUD elements are too far to the edges of the screen to be quickly glanced at like on 16:9, but I like the extra peripheral vision that I get from 21:9.

  • Loving it!!

    Heart 1
  • Great work, thanks for doing what you do!!!

    Heart 1
  • Good work!

    Now we just need hud replacer mods lmfao

    Thumbs Up 1 Heart 1
    • That would be sweet as BBQ pigs ribs mate.

      Heart 1
  • TYSM :aquacries:

    Heart 1
  • I was the first download. Pog, pretty nice actually.

    Heart 1