SPT Discord Rich Presence 1.0.2

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Display basic game information on your Discord Activity!

PUBLICLY DISPLAYING THAT YOU HAVE A MODIFIED EFT CLIENT ON YOUR DISCORD PROFILE CAN AND WILL GET YOU BANNED FROM OFFICIAL EFT DISCORD COMMUNITIES / STREAMER COMMUNITIES. Be smart about it, use at your own risk, this is for people that primarily play SPT or are uninterested in official EFT discord servers.

After seeing the mod dependency issues of previous RPC mods, I made a BepInEx version to simplify the process of having a rich presence when playing SPT. This mod is pretty bare bones right now and only has support for English. I am open to collaborate, and open for improvements / suggestions of features.

Current Features

  • Display when player is in the menu
  • Display player name, faction, level and current raid location
  • Display when the player is in raid as a Scav


  • Drag and drop the contents of the .zip file into your main SPT directory
  • Love this brother, thanks! I do have one question, if I may;

    Is there a way to possibly change in Discord the "Sentinowl is playing Escape from tarkov" to "Sentinowl is playing SPT"? My friend group gets confused and thinks I relapsed into being Nikitas personal fleshlight kannacrying

    Happy 1
    • I'm glad you're enjoying it!

      Unfortunately since the "playing" status on discord is dictated by the name of the RPC application in my developer portal, changing the name to "SPT" means changing it for everyone that uses the plugin.

      I am planning to add configurable fields in terms of the presence itself, and if you'd like I could include the option to specify you're playing SPT in there? (Along with the operator information and stuff), otherwise this is not possible sorry :(

      Heart 1
    • No worries, thank you for the reply! With or without that feature, this is now a must have for me, I absolutely adore it <3

      Heart 1
  • Thanks for the mods, if you need help to translate in french lets me know :)

    Some idea, maybe you can show how many players in the group?

    • I am working on localization currently, it would be great if you could translate the statuses into french, I can send you a pm with the texts I need translated

      As for your idea, this would require me to interact with the fika plugin and pull player count information from that and sync it across clients. Unfortunately that is outside my current ability and I would likely end up just interfering with / breaking the fika plugin lol

  • Hey, thanks for picking up my idea and making a new version without dependencies. Keep going! If necessary, I'm ready to support the mod by translating it into Russian. ;)

    • I'm glad you saw this! I really liked the idea you had going and thought it was a shame it couldn't be updated. I didn't know the best way to contact you, but now that you're here, if you'd like to collaborate on the mod and merge some of your ideas, I'd love to have you on board :). Even if you just want additional author credits, thats fine too, just shoot me a pm with your discord and we could start discussing!

    • Of course, I won't be refusing the collaboration. I've already sent my Discord username, I'll be waiting for your friend request.

  • im on 3.9.3 and i get an error

    "[Info : Console] Created new NamedPipeClientStream 'discord-ipc-2' => '\\.\pipe\discord-ipc-2'

    [Error : SPTRPC] Failed: DiscordRPC.Unity.IO.Exceptions.NamedPipeOpenException, An exception has occured while trying to open the pipe. Error Code: 2

    [Info : SPTRPC] Connecting to discord-ipc-3 ()"

    i put the mod in my spt folder, its there in bepinex. is it all supposed to be in a folder or by itself in the bepinex folder?

    • Your file structure should look like this:

      -------├── SPTRPC.dll
      -------├── RichPresenceAPI.dll
      -------└── RichPresenceAPI/
      --------------├── DiscordRPC.dll
      --------------├── NativeNamedPipe.dll
      --------------└── Newtonsoft.Json.dll

      Essentially, everything in the zip file under BepInEx/plugins needs to be put into that folder as provided.

      If this doesnt resolve the problem, its possible the pipe dependency does not work on 3.9.3, and it is a unity issue with how pipes are handled in that version outside the main game thread / with BepInEx patches

    • strange, i have this setup, i play fika with my friend, and he has the same setup as me on his spt install and it works for him, i see the discord status stuff

    • and my folder structure is like the one you said

    • Considering it works for your friend on the same version, it is likely an issue with your discord client, or something like your anti virus is blocking the request. Make sure the discord application is open and running on your computer and you're not using the web version, other than that I am not sure how to replicate this issue and cannot help.

  • its a public announcement of "This game is so shit I have to fix it myself via mods"

    and I love it

    Happy 2 Thumbs Up 1
  • incoming eft ban wave lmao

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Tried to make the warning as big as I could lol, should be common sense to understand the risk of publicly announcing you're playing SPT

      Heart 2 Thumbs Up 4
    • They shouldn’t be able to pin point your EFT account based off your discord, unless you have use or have your account info on discord publicly. I could be wrong though 😂🤷🏻‍♂️

    • Nikita on his way to personally nuke anyone who displays this on their discord profile :D ;(

      Happy 1
    • That's all you can do Nessu at the end of the day, it's on people to have some common sense and if they do get banned that is on them.

      Heart 1
  • Will this work on any version of 3.9? Or just 3.9.5?

    • Should be fine on any version of 3.9 since the mod isn't really interacting with SPT code, just hooking into the game methods to grab player data. This mod will likely be broken by major BSG game updates before its broken by SPT updates

      Happy 1