Multicam Bear Combat Shirt 1.0.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
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Replaces the standard bear combat shirt with the Multicam Bear combat shirt OR UBACS Multicam Bear

You need to choose one version as they replace the same clothes!!!

Replaces the standard Bear combat shirt with the Multicam Bear combat shirt OR UBACS Multicam Bear (see versions)

  • Хорошо выглядит, только вот какой-то у тебя слишком яркий мультик получился, такое ощущение, что он потусклее должен быть. По аналогии с последней версией от Боркела. Кста, есть планы начальную бирцовую одегу в атакс перегнать? Смотреться будет шикарно.

    • I'm currently working on adding clothes to the game, I was stupidly fiddling around all night and it didn't work, well, okay, I'll do it(it seems that on the site you need to communicate in English, I would answer you in Russian)

    • if you mean this part without camouflage, then I did it myself, there was just 1 monotone layer, that's why it turned out that way, I don't know about you, but I like it

    • I mean the camo pattern itself. It's too bright IMHO.