Flea Market Quests 1.1.0

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This mod locks away flea market behind a quest line added to Fence.

  • This is straight up sickkkk. niice. :)

  • Thanks for this mod, It's been great but yet to finish cause COFDMM's never spawn HAHAH

    • The trader "Hideout Harry" sells all the necessary equipment. Finding wires and power cords are fairly easy but doing 75 raids just on the off chance I find a COFDM or MCABLE got old very quickly. Don't even get me started on finding a ZB-014 key.

  • Hello! Thank you for amazing mod! But you have one mistake in russian localization. (Leave a few power cords outside the ZB-013 door on Customs.) You write bundles of wire instead of power cords in russian localization=)

    If you need - "Оставьте несколько силовых кабелей снаружи двери ЗБ-013 на локации Таможня" -correct translation.

    Have a good day!

  • The first quest is pretty annoying when you cant place the antennas because they are inside the extract zone

    • You can place all the items from outside of the extraction zones.

  • need 100 level to unlock the fleamarket ? are u serious ? :D

    • read mod description. It changes to 1 when you complete the quest.

    • I just dont get the idea for this setting, maybe others do.

    • I like it :)

    • As I said someone do understand the idea. I am more than 15 level,so i just want my flea market open.

      Thinking 1
    • No disrespect. 8)

  • Okay this pretty much solves all my problems with SPT flea. I hope I successfully deleted the parts that require death, and the encumbrance part, because I play without weight. If it works properly, I'll love you forever.

  • Is there an easy way to disable these portions of the questline?

    • Not necessarily an easy way, but you could delete the objectives from the quest json.

      in the /user/mods/Virtual's Custom Quest Loader/database/quests/FenceFlea_quests.json file, delete lines 1403-1627. Like just select everything in those lines and press backspace. That would remove those objectives from the quest.

      If you've already started a playthrough I suggest making a backup of your profile before doing this, because sometimes tarkov doesn't like it when quest objectives get moved around if they already exist in the profile!

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thanks for letting me know!!!

    • If I wanted to delete the entire "The Buy In" quest from the mod which lines should I delete?

      I would like the kill 3 PMC's on each map quest to be the one to unlock. I know I can just change the quest ID to that one but deleting that quest would be cleaner.

  • Hello! I translated your mod to russian. Add me ( @Eyeffect) on discord so i can send you locales file

    Heart 1
  • Крутой мод, еще бы был на русском, цены бы не было, сейчас прохожу последнее задание - на сдохнуть)))

    • Все прошел, круто и весело, спасибо за мод!

    • Thank brother, I'll start looking for people to help translate the mod!

      Thumbs Up 1
  • This is very nice! I have a suggestion -

    Realism has a tiered flea market, which I find very intuitive for progression. It unlocks certain "categories" (guns, optics, backpacks, cases, valuables, etc.) as you progress your skill level.

    Not sure if it would be possible to create a tiered progression system with your questline, as opposed to unlocking it all upon completion. Thanks for your work!

  • This is hype af! Definitely trying it!