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This mod adds 5 pants and 5 tops in Urban Digital Camouflage. You can buy it at Ragman on 1 LL.
If you want to support me, you can donate to me on PayPal: [email protected]
Version 1.0.1
- Kopat1ch
Fix for the 3.10
Version 1.0.0
- Kopat1ch
Got this in game error when equipping Urban outfits.
no bone with name Root_Joint/Base
HumanPelvis found in Root_Joint
(Diz.Skinning.Skeleton), for meshrenderer
It was not a server error but an actual game error, denied loading into raid until I removed the urban clothing and put on another outfit from either the default clothes or your other clothing mods (I have all your other clothing mods and they work)
I also ran a test of default clothes - loaded in raid
the default pants with urban shirt - error / won't load a raid.
It stops loading the raid when the game is caching files then gives this game error but no server error.
It is 100% the digital urban pack that is bugged. Just so ya know.
Love this mod and all your others thanks.
The items I had on were:
- Digital Urban UBACS
-Digital Urban Sage Warrior
Hey having an issue where I can't create a raid or go into the hideout with the clothing equipped, but when I go back to normal clothes it works. is a shame cause the clothes look great
Will NPCs wear this?
Kopat1ch Author
Lovely camo for winter!
Any chance you could make a winter alpine MC camo pack? not sure if i asked already!
Kopat1ch Author
Oh man, this is such a great camo for winter.

Could you please update this for 3.10?
Thanks for your hard work
PLEASE do M81 Urban next
Kopat1ch Author
send me the texture of this camouflage, because I found only the texture with watermarks
Great job with these man, loving the clothes
Kopat1ch Author
Thank you, man
Dude these are great, I've been getting all of them.
Any chance of some solid gray or black uniforms?
Kopat1ch Author
You 4 who asked me for black, ok i will make this kit in the next 2-3 days. just for now i am working on tiger stripe
The download link is down. could you fix that?
Kopat1ch Author
I don't know what the problem is, what did you have? I changed the links to Dropbox
fix the download link
Kopat1ch Author
Thank you!
digi Urban door kicker in future???