Trader Assort Relocator 1.0.0

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Are you tired of downloading multiple mods just to be unable to use custom gear because its arbitrarily locked behind a custom trader? This mod can hide the custom traders you want while relocating their offers within the vanilla ones!

Remember to setup your config file to list the traders you want to keep!

No Logs = No Support

Are you tired of downloading multiple mods just to not be able to use custom gear because its arbitrarily locked behind a custom trader?

This mod can hide the custom traders you want while relocating their offers within the vanilla ones!

It distributes based on what type of item it is:

  • Prapor gets Special Equipments.
  • Therapist gets Cases, Regular Containers, Meds, Provisions, Keys and Keycards.
  • Skier gets Searchable Items (Like custom lootboxes).
  • Peacekeeper gets Info Items, Currencies and Secure Containers.
  • Mechanic gets Weapons, Mods, Ammo, Grenades and Melees (Also acts as a failsafe if its a class i haven't added in).
  • Ragman gets Gear (Anything you can wear) and Gear Components.
  • Jaeger gets Barter Items.

Remember to add the traders you want to keep on the config file.

  • how do you know what trader the items will be sent to?

    • It distributes based on what type of item it is:

      • Prapor gets Special Equipments
      • Therapist gets Cases, Regular Containers, Meds, Provisions, Keys and Keycards
      • Skier gets Searchable Items (Like custom lootboxes)
      • Peacekeeper gets Info Items, Currencies and Secure Containers
      • Mechanic gets Weapons, Mods, Ammo, Grenades and Melees
      • Ragman gets Gear (Anything you can wear) and Gear Components
      • Jaeger gets Barter Items
      Heart 1
  • I have a custom set of Assort files and have been looking for a way to add them to the vanilla traders INSTEAD of the vanilla traders base inventories

    These assorts largely move higher caliber guns up the leveling tree to level 3 and 4 traders-

    Basically creating a Hardcore lite experience

    Would you be interested in collaborating with me to bring that to life as an independent mod or one that uses this as a dependency?

    Thanks for making this!