Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to bans.
I highly recommend using this mod with my other mod: Black Clothing Pack
This mod adds 17 armored vests, 12 backpacks, 3 masks, 11 headwears, 8 armored chest rigs, 5 chest rigs and 7 additional items for helmets to the Ragman on 1 LL.
The mod will be updated gradually, and I will try to release new versions with new equipment as quickly and often as possible.
Items from JustNu you can see here
My own items, which you can see here
Credit to JustNU for original mod
If you want to support me, you can donate to me on PayPal: [email protected]
or send a donation to my boosty
Version 1.0.12
- Kopat1ch
Fix for the 3.10
Version 1.0.11
- Kopat1ch
Version 1.0.10
- Kopat1ch
Version 1.0.9
- Kopat1ch
A small fix that adds a groin armor area to the new Bortac vest.
Version 1.0.8
- Kopat1ch
Version 1.0.7
- Kopat1ch
Version 1.0.6
- Kopat1ch
Release version of this mod.
Prices from version 1.0.3, which I edited a little.
Added loyalty levels from version 1.0.5.
Added: GPNVG-18 Night Vision goggles (Black)
Version 1.0.5
- Kopat1ch
Addition to 1.0.4, which places all items on the appropriate loyalty levels.
just drag the user folder to the root folder of the game.
Thanks to mezi
Version 1.0.4
- Kopat1ch
Prices at flea and Ragman are balanced.
Version 1.0.3
- Kopat1ch
A small fix for 6b23, now it is available for sale.
Hey there, loving this mod but I am running into some compatibility issues with MAPE where on your black armor and rigs the inserted plates are not blocking bullets and only soft armor is protecting me. Is there an specific way I should fix this?
do i put this in the mods folder
Kopat1ch Author
you need to drag the user folder from the archive to the SPT root folder
Hi, did this mod previously have the black version of the Anti-Fragmentation Goggles? I was a big fan of them and was wondering if you could put them back in.
Kopat1ch Author
they are in my A-tacs mod
Okay, thank you!
Just curious but is it possible to give justNU's tan gear and vanilla extended's gear to make a return?
Kopat1ch Author
I can do it, but I don't want to right now
Alright! I can wait in the meantime
the black airframe has 0 armor for some reason, it is level 0 armor when i buy it from the flea
I am getting this same error with ALL black versions of the armor. It is listing the soft armor as absent (not 0/0 just blank).
I suppose you both use realism mod. It seems to be incompatibile with it, because Fountain changed the ORIGINAL vests and helmets. That's why some cooperation between Fountain and Kopat1ch is needed
there's a bit of an error/oversight with the resale value of the black IOTV assault kit vest you can buy from ragman. you buy it for 130k, then sell it back to him for 285k. don't know if it also applies to the other IOTV's (or other vests) though.
can you add CQC Osprey MK4A plate carrier (Assault, MTP) black version? Thanks
Could you add the ability to change the size of each backpack sort of the way that joshs better backpacks work? Thanks
Kopat1ch Author
I'm too lazy to do this, so no
Is there somewhere in the files that I could please go into to change one backpack size?
Kopat1ch Author
no idea, try changing the clone id to the id of another backpack in custom_items
I tried and it didnt work. But thank you for trying to help me
As a user of configurable inventories how I was able to get it to work is to put configurable inventories first in the load order and that is how I got it to work. Idk if it will work for BBP but try it out?
HOT DOG (Mr. Fun Switch)
Found an error in your code. In globals.json you have an error under 6731559159c4d46d963aead4. When reaching level 3 with Ragman you get spammed with errors as one item under the mongo id above has an issue.
Kopat1ch Author
Does this interfere with the game?
Kopat1ch Author
and I didn't find such an id
HOT DOG (Mr. Fun Switch)
Hang on a sec. I may have mistaken mods.
HOT DOG (Mr. Fun Switch)
Yep... wrong mod. I'm very sorry. Stuuuupid mistake on my end
HOT DOG (Mr. Fun Switch)
It IS in globals.json within the ETG mod tho.
Will you be updating the clothing pack as well?
Kopat1ch Author
So far I don’t know how to transfer clothes to 3.10.0
HOLY ! That was fast.
You are a fking legend sir !
Is it also possible to wear black gpnvg-18 and SLaap with Tactical Gear Mod Fast ModXII helmet ?
Kopat1ch Author
I will certainly try to do this, but it’s not in my plans, so I can’t promise
Kopat1ch Author
download my ETG mod. My mod has this helmet. And it supports any modifications from other mods. Name of the helmet: SK Fast XP (Black Cover).
Will definetly try that ty !
Can we expect 3.10 or mod is done ?
Kopat1ch Author
I guess I'll do this now
Kopat1ch Author
Thank you
hello brother i hope you remember me
still the problem going my guy
bortac medical chest rig
still in loading so i have to alt+f4 to get the stuff
just to inform you thats all
Kopat1ch Author
Thank you for letting me know, this really infuriates me because I don’t know what to do at all.
its okay man take your time and we will wait for your work

you can do it brother dont stop trying
you need to fix how they are bought on the flea market btw, they arne't sold with any of the built in armor pieces so they are actually useless unless you buy them from the trader
Kopat1ch Author
IDK how to fix this
The black killa armor is something i didn't know i needed until now, Cheers!
Is there a git for this mod? or just a empty repo to report issue in?
6B13 Black version is causing problems If you buy it, it keeps loading and you can't wear it
Kopat1ch Author
Just re-enter the game. I don't know how to fix this.
cough cough Black Glock 19x mag cough cough I'd love you forever
Do you plan to update the textures of some of these later on, especially Ana M1 Body Armor (Black)?
Kopat1ch Author
What do you think I did in the updated version?
"facepalm" lmfao
Love your work and your dedication, keep it up!
Hi there sorry to bother you but I have a problem, all of the black armor-armored chest rigs don't have any armor areas, is this normal?
Kopat1ch Author
I think you bought it at a flea market from bots. Unfortunately, so far the inserts are only on the body armor that is sold by Ragman.
yes you were right! thanks for the answer
hi bud, i have a similar issue where PMCs are spawning without inserts too, is this normal behaviour?
okay so when i buy the new stuff rig armor its give me the wait logo and the way i fix that is alt+f4 after that i can see it in my there anyone had this issue?
Kopat1ch Author
I had this problem and I have no idea how to fix it

thanks man for the intel much love and love your work brother
Kopat1ch Author
and with which particular bulletproof vest did you have a problem?
okay here what i get so far:
bortac medical chest rig
i will try some but this is what i face so far so yeah ( just to let you know the reason why i start this is because am big fan of 6b13 black armor :3 )
GJ (not other J's)
FWIW this is the console error I get for same issue (Black 6b13 armor):
Hope it can help.
realistic patch ?
if no how much paypal i send advance you get for make it ?
Kopat1ch Author
What exactly would you like? It is already compatible with realism, although I didn't even change anything
it works with realistic ? protect zones all ?
Kopat1ch Author
Although, if you wanted to see some custom values, I could try to make them
thank you for you mods, a unrelated question
i see you make recrafted of the texture mods.
Have you thought about making m700 wooden stock?
wooden stock
When I download just 1.0.6. all items are in Ragman (I am currently LL2 with him), I think that is not correct according to the changelog?
Downloading 1.0.5. on top of 1.0.6. fixed the issue for me, stuff that I shouldn't have access to is not there anymore. Am I getting confused by the changelog or is something wrong?
Kopat1ch Author
Do not install 1.0.6 and 1.0.5
Kopat1ch Author
Only 1.0.4 and 1.0.5 or 1.0.6
How do I make 1.0.6. not have everything unlocked from the start on Ragman then? I installed only 1.0.6. at first and everything is unlocked.
Kopat1ch Author
I will fix it soon. You can fix it yourself by following the instructions I wrote below.
I see it just dropped, seems to be working at first glance! Thank you kind sir
Good work. I just noticed the server still reports version 1.0.6. so You probably forgot to version bump but I doubt anyone cares about that 
Sick Mod, thanks so much for updating to balance traders!
Kopat1ch Author
Say thanks to Mezi, not to me.
thanks so much for updating this! i'm not sure if it's intentional, but every single item is unlocked on ragman level 1 for me. is there a way to make it so that the gear is only available on ragman levels that make sense for the tier of armor that it is?
Kopat1ch Author
This is how I set them up. You can set your loyalty level, here are the instructions. Follow the path: mod - database - traders - 5ac3b934156ae10c4430e83c - assort.json. There you will see a small list of all the elements. What each ID is associated with, you can find out in database - custom_items.json, there will also be names of each element. You need SPT ID. After you have found the SPT ID you need, you find the globals.json file along the path: database - globals.json, and then find this ID. You will see the _tpl line, above it you are interested in the ID, it is called "id", after which you copy it and go to assort.json, go to the very bottom, where there will be a column of IDs, after you have found the ID you need, just replace the number opposite it. But I still do not think that you should spend so much time on some kind of loyalty level setting for items.
i appreciate the instructions! when i peeked around in the files for it, i sort of figured i would have to do something along the lines of that haha. i still try to challenge myself as much as possible when i play SPT so i just might go through the effort and re-shuffle everything. thanks again!
an update for anybody else who felt the same way, i've gone through and manually adjusted every item to be on separate trader levels for more natural progression. i've tried to mirror every item's level requirement to the live game's trader level requirement. you can replace your assort.json with mine here:…xvlvfB1I/view?usp=sharing
anything purely cosmetic like hats and face masks were left at LL1
Kopat1ch Author
Now I'll see what it is and maybe add a new version with it.
Error: Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: "PrimaryCloner"
Error: Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: "PrimaryCloner"
at InternalDependencyContainer.resolve (C:\snapshot\project\node_modules\tsyringe\dist\cjs\dependency-container.js:105:19)
at AddItems.postDBLoad (E:\sptaki\user\mods\Black Equipment Pack\src\mod.ts:33:47)
at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:77:45)
at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:30:24)
at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:57:26)
Error: Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: "PrimaryCloner"
Error: Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: "PrimaryCloner"
at InternalDependencyContainer.resolve (C:\snapshot\project\node_modules\tsyringe\dist\cjs\dependency-container.js:105:19)
at AddItems.postDBLoad (E:\sptaki\user\mods\Black Equipment Pack\src\mod.ts:33:47)
at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:77:45)
at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:30:24)
at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:57:26)
i don't know what could be causing this (and i think it's just an issue on my end)
would appreciate if you could point out what's doing this
Kopat1ch Author
I have no idea, does this prevent the SPT from starting?
It does, no issues with other mods though
10/10 Mod Love the black killa armor!
Man, I don't wanna be that guy, but... can you please pick a file naming scheme and stick to it?
Kopat1ch Author
Are you talking about item names? If so, it depends on the situation, for example, if I'm updating an old mod, then no, I'll just copy and paste the name, and if I'm making my own mod, then we'll see, but more likely no than yes
The zip folder names. Haven't had any issues with the other files, I should have been more clear
Is it just me or black GPNVGs not showing anywhere?
Kopat1ch Author
I just didn't add them, there are many mods that have black GPNVGs
Hi, what would one of those mods be? Thanks
He might add the one JustNu had in his mod to this mod.
I don't want to use other mods to get the black GPNVG..