MM-14 Clothing Pack 1.0.1

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  • These clothing mods you are making are simply amazing!

    May i make a request? I'd like to see other camo patterns in game, such as:

    - Navy NWU camo, you know, the blue digital camo that the US navy uses, or at least that they used to wear

    - Digital tigerstripe camo

    - Digital ERDL camo

    If possible it would be interesting to see other lesser known patterns

    But thank you for your hardwork!

    Heart 2
  • I have your other mods except replacers and in ragman it shows white (Not showing) and doesnt load.

    Thinking 1
    • Which ones exactly?

    • I have:

      - Multicam Black Clothing Pack

      - Multicam Clothing Pack

      - AOR-1 Clothing Pack

      - M81 Clothing Pack

      - Digital Urban Clothing Pack

      - Tiger Stripe Clothing Pack

      - Black Clothing Pack

      - Woodland Marpat Clothing Pack

      - Black Equipment Pack

      - Multicam Gear and Clothing Pack

      - EMR Clothing Pack

    • Side note, I believe I encountered this issue with another one of your mods or someone elses clothing mod and I just stopped using that clothing mod (Or somehow either I found a fix or an update fixed it). Sorry I can't provide more.

    • So the problem is fixed? Or what

    • No. The issue with this mod remains for me. The comment above stated there was an issue that was either fixed or I am no longer using that mod for ANOTHER clothing mod.

  • i put it there and shows me this message

    "You are trying to load more than one version of: K0pat1ch-AOR-1 Clothing pack mod. Skipping all of them."

    should i be worried or ignore it?

  • Quote

    I've cum - Winston Churchill

    Happy 2
    • You did my guy like that :D

  • first the EMR now the mm-14, ukraine-russia cosplay about to go crazy with this one :thumbup: :thumbup: animehappyhop

    Happy 1 Thumbs Up 1