Featured Custom First Aid Kits 0.2.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Makes first aid kits into containers that hold medical items. Traders sell first aid kits that come with supplies included. Make your own IFAKs!

Please be patient if you find any bugs! I am new to modding so may have missed some things! animeokay

First Aid Kit Changes

This server mod aims to make first aid kits a bit more realistic, turning them into containers and optionally replacing the original medkits altogether. You can place bandages, hemostats, splints, injectors, balms, emergency water, and AI-2 in most of them (CAR does not hold hemostats for balance purposes).

E.g. to use an IFAK, you place bandages & tourniquets inside and carry it with you.

The custom first aid kits are sold by traders and come with medical items in them. They also sell empty IFAK and AFAK pouches for you to add to your kit.

Note: This mod requires the client mod TradersSellBundles!


Whole blood (WB) can be bought from Therapist LL1 or crafted at Medstation level 1. It can be used to heal, since medkits are now just containers. For SPT Realism, you can use WB to heal out of raid and with vanilla SPT you should be able to use it in raid.

If you have set replaceBaseItems=false (see config section), the original medkits will still be usable to heal with.


1. Ensure you have TradersSellBundles

2. Unzip the *.zip file

3. Copy/drag the `user` folder into your SPT directory


The replaceBaseItems in config.json can be true or false.

  • If true, the original medkits will be replaced with the custom ones. If false, the custom medkits will be added as separate items to the game, and the originals will retain their original behavior.
  • If true, when bots spawn with medkits, we will try to insert items into them (so you don't pick up empty medkits off someone you just killed).

allowInCustomContainers in config.json is an array that you can use to specify any additional modded or vanilla containers that should accept this mod's items.

  • Because the medkits in this mod don't use the base medical item class, other mods' medical containers might not accept them without this config. Please make sure to load this after the mod that introduces the containers.


Mods that I used during testing (should be compatible): SPT Realism, Algorithmic Level Progression, SWAG/DONUTS, SAIN.

It is highly recommended to use this mod with SPT Realism, as most of my testing is done with Realism. I do test separately with vanilla to try and make sure things work without Realism, but it's always possible I missed something.

If you are having issues with Realism, try making sure this loads after Realism.

When uninstalling this mod, make sure to delete any custom items and try to empty all your medkits of items before uninstalling!

Known/Possible Issues

  • (Not implemented) Items are not added to medkits that are found as loot during raids
  • (Not implemented) The custom medkits created when replaceBaseItems=false have not been added to bot/world loot tables, so they are not expected to spawn on bots/in raid in this case
  • (Possible issue) Because replaceBaseItems=true modifies the original medkit items, there is always a possibility that this can cause bugs
  • (Known issue) Dropping a medkit and then using the interaction menu to search the dropped item doesn't display all the items in the container. Upon picking it up again, you should see all the items. This seems to be an issue that happens with other mods as well that introduce multi-grid containers.


- Whole blood model by FLO_wav on Sketchfab

  • Version 0.2.1

    VirusTotal Result


    • Text for non-English locales was not displaying properly aquadesperate
  • Version 0.2.0

    VirusTotal result: https://www.virustotal.com/gui…e2400575b1fcec9?nocache=1


    • Added a new item, whole blood (WB), that can be used to heal (in-raid with vanilla SPT, in hideout with SPT Realism). Whole blood can be bought from Therapist at LL1. It can also be crafted at medstation level 1 with an esmarch (reusable) and a bloodset.

    • Replaced the EWR->Salewa barter with pile of meds->Salewa. Since Salewas are sold with EWR inside, the EWR barter allowed unlimited Salewas for life, and we can't have nice things like that in Tarkov aquadesperate
    • Added a config option, allowInCustomContainers, which you can use
      to allow the mod's items in other mods' (or other vanilla) containers. Since our medkits don't use the medical item parent class, they won't be recognized by other mods as medical items, so you should use this config to make them compatible. Please make sure this mod loads after the other mod if you use this.
    • Removed hideout crafts for medkits since it made no sense to take a
      few bandages and turn them into an empty medkit. If using replaceBaseItems=false config, the crafts will not be affected since we retain the original medkits in that mode


    • The medkits now correctly fit in medicine case, LBT-2670 Slim Field Med Pack, and secure containers
    • Medkits can be dropped in raid now without being deleted

    Known Issues

    • Dropping a medkit and then using the interaction menu to search the dropped item doesn't display all the items in the container. Upon picking it up again, you should see all the items. This seems to be an issue that happens with other mods as well that introduce multi-grid containers.


  • Version 0.1.0

  • All NPCs spawn with empty Medkits in my worlds. Besides SPT Realism and Keys In Loot I don't have any loot-altering mods in my game... does anyone experience the same issue / is there a fix? :-/

  • hi. its a great mod and i love it veryveryvery much!! thx u for this mod.

    and i need some help.

    i want use Whole Blood in-raid for transfusion.

    in combat, we can transfusion by just use elastic needle and put blood pack on shoulder or somewhere.

    so, i want to make Whole Blood likes

    use time : 35sec or higher

    regen : 0.25 per sec - 300sec

    hydro regen : 0.01 per sec - 300sec

    energy regen : 0.01 per sec - 300sec

    i have done all of this without "use time".

    i want character cant move at all while use time such as CMS or Surv12.

    but i dont know how to do it. can u help me?

  • i can only find empty kit on bots.i uesd Andern,it changed the gear of pmcs,may be thats the key point

    • yes,now i uesd "tomanw-realisticpmcweapons" instead of"Andern",then i got full kit.

      So I'm pretty sure "Andern" is not compatible well with your mod

  • I saw another make this comment and thought it would be very useful. Would it be possible to make it where you can hotbar the items in the container? Unlike the other commenter, I have never had any instances where an item was able to bein my hotbar whilst in the container but this would be of great use. I suppose I'll try out the use anywhere mod in the meantime.

  • Hey,

    First of all, great mod!

    It seems like is not compatible with ODT's 'Softcore' though. Softcore modifies some of the hideout crafts, including the AFAK and Grizzly, and this seams to break compatibility.

    I can't start the server. I tried a couple of things playing with the load order:

    • If I load your mod first, the 'Softcore' mod throws some errors in the console. It can't find the crafts to modify them (I assume because your mod removes the medkit crafts).
    • If I load 'Softcore' first, I don't get any error in the console, but it hangs after Custom First Aid Kits: Finished initializing!.
    • I also tried to load your mod first and delete the modified crafts from 'Softcore's code. The result is the same, it hangs after Custom First Aid Kits: Finished initializing!.

    Do you have any clue about what could be happening, or how can I debug this further? It doesn't show any error in the logs.

    By the way, if I remove either your mod or 'Softcore' it works, so the error is 100% caused by an incompatibility between them.


    • I just checked and it works with "replaceBaseItems": false, I'd like to keep it true though.

  • Hey, I Love the mod's concept and, as a medic, appreciate the realism of the mod, but I was looking at the blood pack model. I saw that it said B POS blood type. If possible, if you can either alter the text on the blood bag model or get the author himself to alter the text. I would recommend adding an additional bag model or replacing the current bag with one with a low titer (typically a red highlighted label) O NEG label, as that is the universal blood donor type. It is also what most medical professionals on first-line treatments use before any other blood product, as allergic reactions can be fatal even can occur even if you are using blood from yourself.

    Thinking 1 Thumbs Up 1
    • Good point, I noticed that when I was grabbing it off Sketchfab and hoped nobody would notice lol! I'll see if there's a free O- I can find online for a future release.

      Heart 3
    • LEGENDARY and yeah its just because I'm a medic that I noticed

    • I've made a quick edit of the original texture - https://imgur.com/a/Yc7quc9 The text should probably be more blurry, but I dare anyone to notice that in the actual game. The semi-transparent side from the bottom-left corner is not really visible on the actual model.

  • It would be dope to add chest seals as a new consumable item if realism is detected. I know they are a healing method used by its interpretation of med kits but I don't think it exists as a single-use consumable.

    • That's a cool idea - I thought about it as a possible feature at first but was worried it would make the CALOKs pointless. Now that I think about it, I believe the CALOK has the benefit of not causing the tourniquet effect.

      I'll look into it for the future! I'll have to see if there's a free chest seal asset online and whether it would be easy to make work with the Realism medical system.

      Thanks for the input!

      Heart 2
  • Hello,

    Love the mod but I'm running into an issue. Whenever I loot a pmc with a container, they never have medical items. I have the config set to true. Is it just rare to find items in the containers or am I encountering a bug?

    Also at ll1 therapist sells an ifak. It also doesn't contain items. Is that intended?


    • Hi,

      Glad you enjoy the mod! The medical items should be added inside the medkits - the mod is supposed to be hooking into the bot loot generator and adding the bandages/hemostats if the bot has one of the medkits. Just to clarify, the config you have set to true is `replaceBaseItems` right?

      I wonder if it's caused by a mod conflict where another mod is affecting the loot generation. I use AlgorithmicLevelProgression to generate bot gear and it has been working for me. My mod is loading after ALP does so I'm not sure if that is a factor.

      Regarding the empty IFAK/AFAK that you can buy, that is intended. I added cheaper, empty IFAK & AFAK to traders so you can use them as containers and make your own medkits.

    • I beleieve i have that set to true, I'll check when I get home. And it definitely could be another mod since I have alot installed. I'm using realism which I beleieve sets bot gear?

      I'll try putting your mod lower and see if anything changes. Thanks a ton!

  • My last update personally for my hardcore play through, to make all your containers unique, fairly priced and necessary. NOTE: if using realism, Vaseline can heal light bleeds. I also configured elsewhere for AI kits to be very rare and sought after.

    • Glad to see you're able to customize the mod to fit your play style! I hope the mod is working well for you.

    • Yes there is one, whole blood in medkits seems to brake trader bundle on purchase. but


      have fixed this issue by putting whole blood code to the top and making them load last in the bundle of itemCFG.ts!!

      Everything is absolutely perfect now. and balanced ofcourse, as all things should be

      Happy 1
  • I customised a file for whole blood to work normally with and balanced with realism. aslo be warned i jacked up the prices by like 6 - 8 times because pain. Also i make the whole blood a 3 slot for balance variety. Havent actually played with it yet but i did something simmiliar on other mods before and it worked. Just wondering if there was other wall blocks the author put in for realism compatability. I really want to use whole blood in raid, im worried that the custom grizzly cant hold it...


    import type { Prefab, Props } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";

    import type { IBarterScheme } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";

    import { BaseClasses } from "@spt/models/enums/BaseClasses";

    import { ItemTpl } from "@spt/models/enums/ItemTpl";

    import { Money } from "@spt/models/enums/Money";

    import { Traders } from "@spt/models/enums/Traders";

    import { ModNames } from "../utils/types/AppTypes";

    import { CustomMedkitItemTpl, CustomNewItemTpl, type OriginalItemTpl } from "../utils/types/Item";

    const handbookMedkitsId = "5b47574386f77428ca22b338";

    export interface ItemCfgInfo


    itemToCloneTpl: ItemTpl;

    _parent: BaseClasses,

    idForNewItem: string;

    price: number;

    locale: {

    name: string;

    shortName: string;

    description: string;


    allowedItems?: string[];

    grids?: {

    cellsH: number;

    cellsV: number;


    weight?: number;

    bundled?: ItemTpl[];

    bundlePrice?: number;

    currency: Money;

    customBarter?: { always: boolean; scheme: IBarterScheme[][]};

    soldBy: Traders;

    loyalLevel: {

    buy: number,

    barter?: number,

    empty?: number


    traderSellsEmptyToo?: boolean;

    allowedParentContainers: ItemTpl[];

    prefab: Prefab | "Use Original";

    height?: number;

    width?: number;

    itemSound?: string;

    backgroundColor?: string;

    handbookParent: string;

    otherProps?: Props & { overrides?: Record<ModNames, Props> };

    deleteBarters?: string[];


    export type ItemCfg = Record<OriginalItemTpl | CustomNewItemTpl, ItemCfgInfo>;

    const bandages = [





    const tourniquets = [




    const hemostatic = [




    const splints = [




    const injectors = [




    const misc = [





    const allAllowedMedicalItems = [...bandages, ...tourniquets, ...hemostatic, ...splints, ...injectors, ...misc];


    const medicalContainers = [ItemTpl.CONTAINER_MEDICINE_CASE, ItemTpl.BACKPACK_LBT2670_SLIM_FIELD_MED_PACK_BLACK];

    type MedkitInfo = Omit<ItemCfgInfo, "itemToCloneTpl" | "_parent" | "allowedParentContainers" | "prefab" | "handbookParent">;

    function createMedkitDetails(info: MedkitInfo): ItemCfgInfo


    return {

    itemToCloneTpl: ItemTpl.CONTAINER_SICC,

    _parent: BaseClasses.SIMPLE_CONTAINER,

    allowedParentContainers: [...medicalContainers, ...secureContainers],

    prefab: "Use Original",

    handbookParent: handbookMedkitsId,

    otherProps: {

    DiscardLimit: -1





    const itemCfg: ItemCfg = {

    [ItemTpl.MEDKIT_CAR_FIRST_AID_KIT]: createMedkitDetails({

    idForNewItem: CustomMedkitItemTpl.CAR_FIRST_AID_KIT,

    price: 33500,

    grids: [


    cellsV: 2,

    cellsH: 1



    cellsV: 2,

    cellsH: 1



    cellsV: 1,

    cellsH: 1



    cellsV: 1,

    cellsH: 1



    cellsV: 1,

    cellsH: 1



    weight: 0.12,

    allowedItems: [...bandages, ...splints, ...tourniquets],

    locale: {

    name: "Custom Car First Aid Kit",

    shortName: "C-CAR",


    "The civilians IFAK pouch that you can fill with your choice of everyday medical consumables. Can't appropriately store balms and injectors.\nAccepts bandages, splints, analgin, and tourniquets."



    bundlePrice: 58800,

    currency: Money.ROUBLES,

    soldBy: Traders.THERAPIST,

    loyalLevel: {

    buy: 1



    [ItemTpl.MEDKIT_SALEWA_FIRST_AID_KIT]: createMedkitDetails({

    idForNewItem: CustomMedkitItemTpl.SALEWA_FIRST_AID_KIT,

    price: 49100,

    grids: [


    cellsV: 3,

    cellsH: 1



    cellsV: 2,

    cellsH: 1



    cellsV: 1,

    cellsH: 1



    weight: 0.2,

    allowedItems: [...bandages, ...tourniquets, ...misc, ...hemostatic, CustomNewItemTpl.WHOLE_BLOOD],

    locale: {

    name: "Custom Salewa",

    shortName: "C-Salewa",


    "The Salewa first aid kit that you turn to when heavily wounded, Therefore it can hold a single blood bag. Can't appropriately store specialised injectors and splints.\nAccepts bandages, tourniquets/CALOK-B, Balms, Bandages, tourniquets, analgin, and emergency water."



    bundlePrice: 89420,

    currency: Money.ROUBLES,

    customBarter: { always: true, scheme: [



    _tpl: ItemTpl.BARTER_PILE_OF_MEDS,

    count: 1




    soldBy: Traders.THERAPIST,

    loyalLevel: {

    buy: 2,

    barter: 1


    deleteBarters: ["666aa327e8e00edadd0d24b5"] // EWR barter


    [ItemTpl.MEDKIT_IFAK_INDIVIDUAL_FIRST_AID_KIT]: createMedkitDetails({

    idForNewItem: CustomMedkitItemTpl.IFAK_FIST_AID_KIT,

    price: 33850,

    grids: [


    cellsV: 1,

    cellsH: 1



    cellsV: 1,

    cellsH: 1



    cellsV: 1,

    cellsH: 1



    cellsV: 1,

    cellsH: 1



    cellsV: 1,

    cellsH: 1



    weight: 0.2,

    allowedItems: [...bandages, ...hemostatic, ...splints, ...injectors],

    locale: {

    name: "Custom IFAK",

    shortName: "C-IFAK",


    "An IFAK pouch with limit space but exstreme versatility. Can't appropriately store balms and tourniquets.\nAccepts bandages, tourniquets/CALOK-B, splints, injectors, AI-2, analgin"



    bundlePrice: 76000,

    currency: Money.ROUBLES,

    customBarter: { always: false, scheme: [




    count: 4




    soldBy: Traders.THERAPIST,

    loyalLevel: {

    buy: 3,

    barter: 2,

    empty: 1


    traderSellsEmptyToo: true



    idForNewItem: CustomMedkitItemTpl.AFAK_FIRST_AID_KIT,

    price: 420,

    grids: [


    cellsV: 2,

    cellsH: 1



    cellsV: 2,

    cellsH: 1



    weight: 0.22,

    allowedItems: [...hemostatic, ...splints, ...injectors, ...misc, ItemTpl.DRUGS_ANALGIN_PAINKILLERS],

    locale: {

    name: "Custom AFAK",

    shortName: "C-AFAK",


    "An AFAK pouch that is designed to hold specialised equipment. Can't appropriately store bandages and tourniquets.\nAccepts injectors/CALOK-B, splints, injectors, AI-2, balms, analgin, and emergency water."



    bundlePrice: 800,

    currency: Money.DOLLARS,

    soldBy: Traders.PEACEKEEPER,

    loyalLevel: {

    buy: 4,

    barter: 2,

    empty: 2


    traderSellsEmptyToo: true


    [ItemTpl.MEDKIT_GRIZZLY_MEDICAL_KIT]: createMedkitDetails({

    idForNewItem: CustomMedkitItemTpl.GRIZZLY_FIRST_AID_KIT,

    price: 51000,

    grids: [


    cellsV: 3,

    cellsH: 1



    cellsV: 3,

    cellsH: 1



    cellsV: 3,

    cellsH: 1



    weight: 0.4,

    allowedItems: [...bandages, ...tourniquets, ...splints, ...misc, CustomNewItemTpl.WHOLE_BLOOD, ItemTpl.DRUGS_MORPHINE_INJECTOR],

    locale: {

    name: "Custom Grizzly Medical Kit",

    shortName: "C-GRIZZLY",


    "A Grizzly bag - consumer grade, however excellently crafted for space efficiency. Can't appropriately store specialised injectors besides morphine.\nAccepts blood transfusion bags, bandages, tourniquets/CALOK-B, splints, AI-2, balms, analgin, and emergency water."


    bundled: [









    bundlePrice: 220420,

    currency: Money.ROUBLES,

    soldBy: Traders.THERAPIST,

    loyalLevel: {

    buy: 3



    [CustomNewItemTpl.WHOLE_BLOOD]: {

    itemToCloneTpl: ItemTpl.MEDKIT_CAR_FIRST_AID_KIT,

    _parent: BaseClasses.MEDICAL,

    idForNewItem: CustomNewItemTpl.WHOLE_BLOOD,

    price: 72500,

    currency: Money.ROUBLES,

    weight: 0.57,

    locale: {

    name: "Whole Blood",

    shortName: "WB",

    description: "Whole blood for transfusion. Used for resuscitation in cases of traumatic blood loss."


    loyalLevel: {

    buy: 1


    handbookParent: "5b47574386f77428ca22b2f3",

    prefab: {

    path: "bloodbag.bundle",

    rcid: ""


    width: 1,

    height: 3,

    itemSound: "food_bottle",

    backgroundColor: "orange",

    allowedParentContainers: [...medicalContainers, ...secureContainers],

    soldBy: Traders.THERAPIST,

    otherProps: {

    effects_damage: {},

    effects_health: {},

    medUseTime: 13,

    MaxHpResource: 500,

    hpResourceRate: 22,

    CanSellOnRagfair: false,

    CanRequireOnRagfair: false,

    UsePrefab: {

    path: "assets/content/weapons/usable_items/item_meds_esmarch_tourniquet/item_meds_esmarch_tourniquet_container.bundle",

    rcid: ""





    export default itemCfg;


    to be placed in kyoukopan-customfirstaidkits\src\db\itemCfg.ts

    • Thanks for sharing this! I'll give it a try and see if I can incorporate it into the mod. I'll be sure to give you credit as well.

    • in that case i updated the top quote again so everything seems to work. i modified your container sizes so ALL containers serve a purpose. IFAK has more slots then AFAK but there are all single etc, whats in the container bundles and rarity influence the price... The only thing you should change from the above config is the prices as its really geared to an extreme realism play through with like 160 plus mods. All im trying to do right now is get better stack sizes working with realism.

      I wish i knew how to group the container cells, example: the car kit is now really long

  • Just came to mind, Another quick and easy suggestion, Make the whole blood a 3 slot item for (and when) realism balancing. Simply put: there are very few 3 slot medical items and realism has no number based health regen item in-raid, So it will be quite the inventory space hogger for a needed advantage.

  • just a suggestion, mayhaps ~ have it so we can just add slots to existing medical items? I love the idea of then whats inside of them provide the medical effect but i also like the idea of the cases durability with special bonuses upon using them. then you wouldnt need to replace the containers entirely?

    im not sure if what i said is possible, just a suggestion

    • and also, a bit more of another arcadey thing, i would love to be able to use whole blood in raid. Im playing with a sain pre-set thats relentless, so i always am constantly damaged

      anyways, i have it so this mods containers are separate for the mean time. I need the extra space

    • I'm not sure I can do your suggestion since this mod essentially uses the existing container item classes to achieve its goal. In order to make them usable medical items again, I don't think they would be considered containers anymore. I'm sure it's possible, but it would be too complicated for a newbie like me to do, sorry!

      Regarding using whole blood in raid, I know it's possible to use when SPT Realism isn't installed. However, with Realism the medical items are only usable for HP regeneration in the hideout. I'll take a look and see if there's an easy way to make it usable in-raid with Realism, but no guarantees!

      Thanks for the comments!

      Heart 1
    • no, thankyou for improving our tarkov experiences!, yes ~I just want the mod to function with pre-existing items for the sake of the plethora of mod compatibility and our user simplicity. Plus that'd be cool as fuck.

      Loving your mod so far! its making me dislike all the other modded medical cases i have as yours is astutely balanced

      Heart 1
    • A good compromise for this would be to make medkits excluded from secure containers / SPECIAL slots (if you have that mod) and add stats equivalent to Realism's container stats. So some kits might give animation speed bonuses or reduce the weight of items inside more.

      I was also curious about this mod being able to turn CMS kits and Surv12 kits into containers by turning the surgery tools barter item into a single-use med item.

      Thinking 1
    • Good ideas, I'll keep those in mind for future tweaks. Thanks!

  • da98dd15e54b5797.png?ex=6708e8f9&is=67079779&hm=083602e7f64fe7c19ff6d00f2c6422ee24be6196be97d326c8100f9d9c0bd919&=

    My item name and description are messed up , and cannot be used in raids , I don't know what's going on

    so how to change item name and description and make it working?

    I tried changing \src\db\itemCfg

    locale: {

    name: "Whole Blood",

    shortName: "WB",

    description: "Whole blood for transfusion. Used for resuscitation in cases of traumatic blood loss."


    but nothing happened

    • With SPT Realism mod, you can only use the whole blood to heal in the hideout.

      I think the name and description are because you are not using English. Let me make it at least show the correct English text for other languages. Thanks for letting me know!

      Heart 1
    • I just uploaded a fix for the language issue. Hopefully it fixes the issue!

      Heart 1
    • Sorry, now I understand what (in-raid with vanilla SPT, in hideout with SPT Realism) means. thank you and I'm looking forward to it being usable in-raid with the Realism mod.

      and thank you for fix the language issueanimeokay

      Happy 1
  • Do you know if it's possible to hotkey the meds to be usable while they're inside the containers, or is that completely unattainable with how Tarkov is?

    • Disregard, it randomly just started working. Weird.

      Edit: Now it's back to not working. I don't seem to be able to hotkey them in a particular session, but if I close and reopen the game, some of the items will be hotkeyed. I once had only three items in an AFAK, and they were all hotkeyed. I tried putting more stuff in there, and attempted to recreate it. Now only two items are hotkeyed, and one of the three that had previously worked now no longer does. I have no idea why any of this would be the case, so I'm just chalking it up to BSG weirdness. I'll just use Use Items Anywhere as a stopgap. Anyways, really cool mod concept, and I'm looking forward to seeing what else you do with it.

      Heart 1
    • Thank you!

  • There is a funny trade loop at therapist l1, you can barter emergency water for salewa, that already have one in it.

    Happy 1
  • Oh, now this will be just perfect with the SPT Realism medical system! I thought about something like this last year, but couldn't implement it.

    Heart 2
  • Damn and I was just thinking a mod like this would be cool, keep at it man I love this idea!

  • it does not work - after installing this mod and the additional plugin required for it, the server is permanently loaded (the server data download does not end - it does not reach the launch of the launcher)

    • Oh no... do you have any error log that could help me identify the issue?

  • hello friend can you help me your mod doesnet work for me


    heres my mod list

    • Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately I can't tell what the issue is, but it might be a conflict with some other mod?

  • Cannot be placed in the medical case,can u fix it?

    • Will work on a fix for this! Thanks for letting me know!

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thank you

  • So do the med kits still heal if they have no items in them, or do they just become containers? I don't play with realism, so that's important for me.

  • this is good shit

  • Hi!
    Didn't try it yet, but I wonder, how do you heal in the hideout?

    • Oh crap I completely forgot that Realism needs that for healing... let me work on a fix, sorry! Good catch lol

    • @kyoukopan You gonna give Realism's hideout health consumption values to items like bandages and tourniquets? Might wanna release that as a separate mod as I know for sure there's people that would want that without refactoring medkits into containers.

  • Would love to see a version of this that restricts which types of meds can go in what bags and still let you keybind the medkits to use items inside them via the standard status effect priority system.

    • That's a good idea! I was bummed to find out while making this that you can't hotkey bandages etc. when they're inside of a container. I'm not sure if this is something I can implement though since I'm fairly new to this, but if I can figure it out I'd love to make the custom medkits hotkeyable in some way

    • I believe the Use Items Anywhere does alleviate that if you just want to hotkey the items inside a container -- if you don't mind that it will let you keybind even stuff in your backpack or in a nested rig.

    • Sweet, thanks for the info! I'll test it out and if it works with this I'll add it to the description as a recommended mod

    • Also, the WTT Pack and strap mod has battle belts that are containers and you can hot key items in it. It goes in the armband slot though. Maybe you can see what code they used or ask how they did it. I was thinking of using your mod instead because I really like the idea and have thought it myself.

      Happy 1
    • @MoonManGo thanks for the tip! And I really appreciate that you like the mod idea. I'll try my best to fix any bugs!

  • is this spt realism friendly or?

    • Yes, I used SPT Realism when testing the mod. If you have any issues please try to make sure this loads after Realism!

    • Hey, I just realized that SPT Realism uses medkits to heal out of raid, which this would break if you have `replaceBaseItems=true` in the configs (since the medkits get turned into containers). I'll try to work on a fix for this

    • ok thanks