Scavs 4 All 1.0.10

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

A quick and simple way to make those pesky quests that require only scav kills to count pmc kills towards your progress as well.

This mod goes through all the quests in your game(this does include modded and custom quests) and replaces scav kill quests with any target kill quests. The mod folder name starts with a few z's to make sure it loads last but depending on what you have in your mod folder you may want to set this as last in your load order config.


Make sure that Skills Extended loads AFTER this mod, as far as i'm aware this is really the only time this should load before another mod, as you generally want it to load last so that it affects all your custom quests as well as the vanilla ones.

This should not make any modifications to your profile and shouldn't cause any problems as long as you aren't using the double number of kills option, but you should still make a backup of your profile first just to be safe.


ReplacePMCWithAll: set this to true if you want scav kills to count towards your pmc kill quests. this defaults to off as it can sometimes make these quests too easy or lose meaning.

HarderPMCWithAll: this only affects the mod if you have ReplacePMCWithAll turned on. this multiplies the amount of kills necessary for pmc kill quests to try and balance out the fact that scavs count too

HarderPMCMultiplier: this is the number that HarderPMCWithAll uses to multiply the kill amounts with, 2 is the default which is a 2x multiplier but it can be set to any number including non whole numbers(1.5 will multiply by 1.5x and will round to the nearest whole number)

debug: turn this on to see a giant wall of white text telling you what the mod is doing, if something is going wrong turn this on and take a peek at the text

verboseDebug: turn this on if you want to see EVEN MORE white text telling you what the mod is doing, almost definitely unnecessary but might help you figure out what is going on

  • Version 1.0.10

    updated support for 3.10

  • Version 1.0.9

    Text is now changed for ALL locale's(languages) instead of just the one set using the GameLocale variable in the server config, this will fix issues with people not having their quest text changed because their client language is different from this locale setting

  • Version 1.0.8

    This version adds the ability to multiply your PMC kill conditions by any amount instead of just 2x using the new HarderPMCMultiplier in the config file, it also adds a nice way to see that the mod has changed things without leaving the debug option on and flooding your logs with white text.

  • Version 1.0.5

    Scavs4All now adds the text "(S4A)" to the end of affected quests so that it's easier to know that it's working and which quests are changed.

  • Version 1.0.4

    Fixed a bug where harderPMCwithAll would be applied even when set to false in the config.json file, thanks to SlothGang for the report!

  • Version 1.0.3

    fixed a typo in the first release that was causing certain quests to break when using the mod. Apologies for the inconvenience.


    but any quest progress you made on the bugged quests will not have counted from scavs or pmcs, simply update to the new version of the mod to fix it, you can also remove the mod without consequence and your profile should be fine

  • Version 1.0.0

  • Hell yes, glad to see this one updated

    • glad to see people enjoying something I made! I'm still amazed I was the first person to make this seriously needed QOL mod

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Yeah it's great, defo more chill not worrying about what your shooting when playing with friends.

      Now if it could be made compatible with Quest Randomizer (or perhaps it would be easier to be integrated into it) that would be the dream. What do you reckon?

  • Hello, thanks for the mod.

    It's seems it conflict with Skills Extended and/or quests extended, at least the objectives of the quest for lockpicking is affected by the HarderPMCMultiplier.
    lockpick count doubled and suffix (S4A).

    Edit: loading Skills Extended AFTER S4A solve the conflict.

    • very interesting, i have never used skills extended and had 0 clue of this conflict, let me put it in the description so other people don't run into the same pitfall

  • Changing the version from 3.9 to 3.10 to test. Will update shortly.

    • The mod works! All you gotta do is change it from 3.9 to 3.10. Thank you

    • i officially updated it, but all i did was change the version numbers. I programmed scavs4all with 3.10 in mind, sorry it took so long to get back to you guys

      Heart 1
  • Any chance we get a 3.10 update for this? I miss having this QOL mod ;(

    Thumbs Up 1
    • i believe it should work with 3.10 as is, but due to a family emergency i haven't even had a chance to install 3.10 since I'm not at home. if you'd like to test this you'll just need to go into package.json and change the sptVersion from "3.9.*" to "3.10.*", obviously make a backup of your save first just in case. If this does work for you leave a comment here and i'll make an update saying that it has unnoficial support and possibly post a 1.1.0 version with minor tweaks. Otherwise I will get to it as soon as i can


      I cannot test this at the moment but it should work with 3.10, if it does work please let me know and i'll publish it as an official update. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't since i developed scavs4all with 3.10 in mind.

    • Oh man thank you for the response but I won't be able to test until at least this weekend. If anyone else can, please update us :P

  • Hi, thanks for you work on this !

    Would it be possible to include dayly quests ?

    thx : )

    • I'm not actually sure how daily quests are generated, but i could look into it

    • this does seem possible, however i simply don't have time to add this feature right now. perhaps on my release of a 3.10 version i will since i should have more time around then

      Heart 1
    • alright, sorry for the radio silence i have been VERY busy but I just looked into what it would take to have this work for daily quests and it's A LOT of work(probably would require a seperate mod) since repeatable quests are generated randomly and you would have to change the generation code serverside rather than just a database which is what this mod does. I will still look into it but it may be too much work for me at this time

    • Hey ! No problem and thanks to have taken a look, this was indeed just a suggestion : ) ; )

  • Hello LHC!

    Unfortunatly i cant get this mod working for me. In the Console the mod gets loaded and it displays all the Quests that have been replaced with any without any errors thrown. The mod loads last in load order. Unfortunatly when im ingame it still doesnt work and it doesnt display s4a after the quests name either. Any ideas or anything i could forward to you to have a look whats wrong on my end ?

    Best greetings.

    • Interesting, I wonder what's causing it. Have you tested it to see if it's working just not changing the text yet? also could you please let me know what language your server is using and what language your client is using? could you also please try going into the settings button in the top right of the launcher and clicking "clean temp files" to see if that resolves the issue as well?

    • i went ahead and uploaded my internal testing version(this just has an extra line in the config file for "verboseDebug" which dumps A LOT of info to the server console. If you're still having trouble could you go to and grab the debugging version and run that instead and let me know if there are any errors or anything wrong in the console logs.

    • Thanks for your quick reply! I tried all of the troubleshooting you suggested and changing the Server and Launcher to english did the trick!

      Thanks very much!

    • i did have some trouble with this in testing, what's happening is it only changes the quest text in the "gameLocale" you have set in spt_data/server/configs/locale.json, by default it is set to "system" which uses the computer's operating system language setting from the SERVER computer to determine which language the quest text is in, if you manually change the "gameLocale" to the language your client is running(e.g. "en" for english, "fr" for french, etc. there is an entire list in the locale.json of supported languages for the spt server) it should start working again in your desired language.

      The mod also functions 100% if you are using a different language than the selected "gameLocale" variable in locale.json, it just won't change the quest text in any language but the selected language. I made sure of this so that if you had a server where players play in multiple languages it would still work. Please let me know if you encounter any other problems.

    • By the way the newest version i just released(1.0.9) completely fixes this issue and you can have your client and server in completely different languages from your OS and each other with no issues. if you update to this version you should have your text changed in whatever your native language is.

  • Oh this is cool, actually a huge QOL for spt.

    • we were getting very fed up because the more scavs you turn on the less fun SPT is, but the more PMCs you have the more quests like Long Road drag you down and waste time in your playthrough. especially when you have to work harder for pmc kills than scav kills to begin with LOL.

    • Yeah we ended up putting the other option on too, kinda nice not to worry at all who your killing. FYI it looks like when you set "ReplacePMCWithAll" to true, "HarderPMCWithAll" is on regardless. Our PMC kill quests have double at the moment with these settings:

          "ReplacePMCWithAll": true,
          "HarderPMCWithAll": false,
          "debug" : true

      Also I have a feature request that may not be feasible. Would it be possible to have the quest objective text get dynamically replaced from "scav" to "any target" as seen in other Tarkov quests? That would be a nice QOL but no worries if not.

      Thanks again for the mod, it really reduces a lot of frustration in SPT.

    • Just fixed the bug mentioned above, please download the newest version(1.0.4), thanks for letting me know! I am working on having it change the quest text(it probably won't be a find and replace since some of the quest text is worded interestingly, but will add something like (S4A) at the end so you know it worked).

      Heart 1
    • just released v1.0.5 which adds the text to the end of the quest condition, i didn't want to do find and replace not just because it might be inconsistent with the variety of text used in the conditions for the quest(wording might get very akward if i just replace the word "scav" with "any target" in certain ones) but also it might cause incompatibility with other languages

      Heart 1
    • Thanks for these updates, will check it out later today. Sounds like a good compromise for the text stuff, glad you figured something out with it!