RCTA - Lara Croft [CODMW3] 1.0.2

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Lara Croft X Call of Duty Collaboration operator from Cod MW3

RCTA - Lara Croft [CODMW3]


Mod Description

  • Don't be weird. If you're confusing why I keep including an "empty" version or weird top versions it's so you can equip gear without clipping. I know I'm kind of spoiling you guys by uploading so many so quickly but HOLY shit I'm poor so I might slow down soon so I can get some moneys, I still like doing this stuff tho. it my favorite.

Mod Includes

  • RCTA Lara Croft A [Top] (BEAR/USEC) (RAGMAN)
  • RCTA Lara Croft B [Top] (BEAR/USEC) (RAGMAN)
  • RCTA Lara Croft [Bottom] (BEAR/USEC) (RAGMAN)
  • RCTA Lara Croft [Head] (BEAR/USEC) (RAGMAN)
  • RCTA Lara Croft Empty [Head] (BEAR/USEC) (RAGMAN)



  • Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games
  • GrooveypenguinX for framework


  • would love to see more options for clothes... bikinis... dresses... etc... maybe if brave enough.. nudes... great work so far

  • I genuinely would love to see more model ports from you

  • this is incredible

  • any way to make it as a enemy bot or boss? bugcatheadbumping

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I'm not sure! I bet if you find a mod that adds a boss you can mess around with the config files and change the outfits but I wouldn't know directly <3

    • thanks! rawwwr bugcatdrunk bugcatrainbow

  • Hella NICE mod

    Can we get more baddies like her in the future please ? bugcatdrunk

    • Tactical ones for sure! (I'm beyond late at this reply sorry)

    • Yooo, look who's back !

      Ye don't worry for taking time elsewhere, got some of my own buddies also busy with their life so it's normal bugcatchillin

  • Is there a way to add the head to a profile thats already started? i really dont want to have to restart my entire save for the head but there isnt much of a point in using the rest without it. can anyone help?

    • Wtt - Head & Voice Selector mod (I'm beyond late at this reply sorry)

  • Looks nice and fits game's atmosphere.

    But I have a question: how did you record part when you run eoth third person that follows the character and even changes fov when ADSing? Is that some new TP mod?

    • That's a third person mod found only on fika discord and is "fika" dependent

  • Would it be possible to make a mod that brings either Roze (from MW2) or Farah Karim into the game?

    • It all depends on how much gear I have to work around to make it viable in-game but I have an insane amount of "do this next" going on so i can't make any promises y.y


  • And again it looks amazing, especially for Tarkov! Am I right in understanding that the body armor, chest rigs are displayed correctly, without protruding textures etc?

    • Yep! I include so many versions to prevent clipping. In this case, type B and Head Empty prevent clipping.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • 蒂法·洛克哈特?Tifa Lockhart ,,,,ok?会不会考虑制作这个美丽的女人? :love:

    • uhhh probably not as I'm training through cod models rn but who knows

    • 加油!JY

  • Hi, there.

    Is any possibility to replant IO who is my favorite character of Blackcell in COD?

    She is so gentle and beautiful that I always use from start.

    • I love IO and I'll probably look into adding her but I do have some clipping worries, plus the jacket physics might look silly (without physics) so we'll see.

  • well, at least we finally got some form of lara croft, even if its manjaw lara.

    • I could even remove the bra that covered the cleavage.

      I did not remove the bra that covered the cleavage.

      Crying 1
  • Would love to see her as a boss!

    • we need dual wield pistols for her to use

      Heart 1