skeleton soldiers Mod 1.0.2

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Be a necromancer today.

Back From The Death!

This mod simply adds skull solider's outfits and heads.

When used with Friendly PMC mod, you can make these skeleton soldiers your loyal subordinates.

Be a necromancer today.

Or, become a skeleton and enjoy Halloween.

This mod is based on the code of grooveypenguinx's mod.

Thanks to Tron and grooveypenguinx.

  • i dont found anything even when i'm using AllTheClothing mod ._.

    Help (using 3.10)

    • Outfits are in ragman's service tab. If not, it's likely got crashed with another mod.

      When I tested it without any mods, there was nothing wrong with me.

  • I remembered the CoD Zombie

  • Im not seeing the gear show up in the flea market. :(

    May be worth considering attaching it to Fence or Ragman instead like the AlltheClothes mod.

    • I will change the added equipment so that I can purchase it from ragman.


  • Imagine spawn in the middle of cultist circle.

  • (opening riff to 'bad to the bone' plays)

  • Seem to be getting an "object reference not set" error when trying to load into a raid with the 3.10 version.

    • What kind of outfit do you have that problem with?

    • I was using the WW1 outfit with the normal skeleton head when I was running the mod.

    • Ok, I'll try to solve the problem

    • I uploaded a new one, the link is the same. Try downloading the new version.

    • WW1 one still not working, tried the WW2 one and that one works.

  • A separate class as bosses would be cool. "Army of the Dead"

  • this rocks

  • Will you be updating this to 3.10 this mod is awesome!!!

    • will update soon with ww1 skeleton and ww2 german skeletons, and gears. Soooooooooon.

      Thumbs Up 1

    • Updated

  • I already loved this mod, but the new look is much cooler. Thanks a lot and definitely looking forward to the full release.

    • More M1 helmets(WW2 ver) and WW1 skeleton soldier outfits will add soon.

    • Please do brother. They look dope as hell.

  • I don't know if this is caused by an incompatibility of some kind, but wearing the Vietnam clothes causes the object reference error when starting a raid

    • i will test again and try to fix that. Thanks.

    • Fixed

  • that radar is dope what mod is that?

  • Nice mod! Any way to get the friendly pmc tags like in the screenshot?

  • Cool mod.

    Would be real cool as a Halloween boss squad of sorts, kinda like it was in death stranding.


  • Code
    Нужно ли мне создавать нового персонажа, чтобы использовать голову?
  • NICE

  • 如果他没有bug,可能是第一个塔科夫地狱使者 :love:


    • 已经测试,没有问题,如果眼睛部位增加静态的红色作为点缀可能会十分地狱风格 :D