Featured Disable Seasonal Events 1.0.3

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Simple mod to disable seasonal event detection. Affects New Years, Christmas, Halloween events.

- Install Instructions

Drag and drop the user folder into your SPT game folder

This a simple mod so it shouldn't conflict with anything (hopefully)

For reference, these are the Vanilla SPT 3.10.5 dates for seasonal events (based on your computer's clock)

HalloweenChristmasNew Years
April Fools
Start Date24 October
12 December
1 January
1 April
End Date
4 November
31 December
7 January
2 April

NOTE: This does not affect seasons (snow on the ground/raining), I suggest Simple Season Selector for that.

  • I can't download it, the link doesn't work

  • if u get this mod, you are getting coal for christmas...

  • dont works

    • This mod only disables Vanilla SPT seasonal events.

      Currently, there should not be any seasonal events running on SPT 3.9

  • Is there a way that the event for halloween can be a % chance to be there instead of straight turned off.

    I wouldnt mind if there was a 10% chance the friendly sniper is spawned vs 100% ON/OFF during the time frame

    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1
  • Is it possible to reduce the boss's HP (Ravange Zryachiy) in the config?

    I just don't want to turn off the event, but I'm also tired of running to the other end of the map.

    • You can do that yourself, SP_data/server/database/bots/types/ravangezryachiyevent and scroll down till you see his 9999 health per section and change to whatever you want.

      You can also do it with the friendly one and increase his HP so the ritual isnt triggered so easy.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thanks for the tip, now I need to check it.

  • Thanks my friend, sick of these events :thumbup:

  • looks like you've felt the same pain as us lately lol, this mod is gonna make great use in my order for these last couple days of october!

  • I've been having the old Halloween event of the Cult Rituals happening whenever someone kills the friendly Zraychiy. Its really annoying when everytime some PMC kills him and I have to scramble to end the ritual within 7 minutes...

    ? 1 Thumbs Up 1

    • I don't understand what you are writing about. Do you want to say that you are running a Halloween event with a ritual? HOW DO I START IT?

    • The event happens randomly or when you kill a specific AI, and a 7 minute timer starts. You either kills all the AI doing the ritual, or exfil before the map is locked down, your stamina is used up at a faster rate, and nearly every firearm autojams.

      The event in concept is awesome, but is buggy and executed poorly. Especially on large maps like woods or Interchange where it takes several minutes just to cross the map at a dead sprint and NO interruptions or firefights.

      Imagine having to go from the railway exfil, to the emercom exfil, to stop the ritual that's being done by mini-bosses, or be locked out of all the exfils except one and then hunted down by cultists.

      Cool in concept, but it's more of a hassle and frustrating situation than a cool event.

    • How do you even fight the ritual boss when guns autojam... Without changing his hp, does an impact kill him?

  • @sch_kuromi. Thanks for the new mod. I noticed the following existing mods effecting weather. Does this one do something different than one of the existing ones? Thanks in advance.

    - Similar Mod - [TIME & WEATHER CHANGER - Updated by Cj] - TIME & WEATHER CHANGER - Updated by Cj

    - Similar Mod - [Dynamic Weather & Seasons] - Dynamic Weather & Seasons

    - Similar Mod - [Simple Season Selector] - Simple Season Selector

    - Similar Mod - [Sometimes It Snows] - All The Seasons

    - Similar Mod - [WinterMode] - WinterMode

    - Similar Mod - [Choose the weather] - Choose the weather

    - Similar Mod - [Seasonal Weather at Home] - Seasonal Weather at Home

    - Similar Mod - [Time & Weather Changer] - Time & Weather Changer


    - Similar Mod - [All The Seasons] - All The Seasons

    • Those mods affect seasons, this mod affects seasonal events, they are different things

    • @DrakiaXYZ, thank you.

  • i've never experienced any events except the snow on the ground.

    does svm do something to block the halloween events and new years?

    i kinda wished i could experience the zhyrachi cultist event

    • there is actually an option in SVM in raid settings i think, where u can disable seasonal events, but in my case didnt chaged it sadly. 2nd option: go into

      <SPT Directory>\Aki_Data\Server\configs\seasonalevents.json and turn seasonalevents to - ,false

    • i've never really touched the seasonal events stuff in svm just left it alone tbh

      just 2 raids ago, two skavs had pumpkins in their inventory but no other skavs for several days earlier had none

      kinda wish there were more events going on for SPT...

      Thinking 1
  • Great.