Anime Girl Trader Pictures 1.0.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Here's a palette cleanser of a bunch of actually decent and fitting AI trader pics I generated because I was tired of the inconsistency of style when having custom traders, why did I pick anime girls? I dont know

This mod uses Trader Namer, the most superior trader pic replacer imo.

To install, simply install Trader Namer, then extract this mod after and it will automatically go into the proper directory:D

*And of course, if you know what you are doing, use any other trader pic replacer you like:3*

Includes pictures for the following custom traders:






Requisitions Office (RaidOverhaul)



This is a trader pic mod which I made a few months back and I wanted to share it with the rest of you guys! I made sure they fit their trader and made sense, which was my main priority. Of course there will be small defects in the photo but it's gonna be small anyway so that hardly matters.

I've spent about 5 days generating these (after creating a few style examples for the dataset) in total but had a wait time of 1-2 months since I ran out of credits a few times, there were many many variations I had to sift through and edit just to get one that looks great for each trader:3 Hope you all enjoy these actually decent trader pictures!


  • Are we going to get an updated version of this for 3.10

    • actually this still works for 3.10, it is just images after all

  • It isnt working. Help me please!

    • did you get the listed dependancy?

    • You mean "trader names"? Yes i am install "trader names". And more while i am starting server, it writed "Mod "trader names" X.X.X version were uploaded".

    • Did you clean the temp files through the launcher?

  • now this is a trader icon mod i can get behind, doesn't include critically outdated traders either.

    • If you got any requests I can try doing it, but it better be with a trader that's good

    • how about the trader sally?

  • Kids these days

  • I'm not sure where exactly to go for this question, but I downloaded a bunch of traders to try out this mod and realized I can't access the traders because there's a UI overlay in the shopping area that shows my money, level, and character and tries to place the traders behind it, making them impossible to click. How do you use mods with multiple traders?

  • Moar anime waifus yeeaaaaaah! animehappyhop

    EDIT: for those who get slightly pixelated trader images, like me, simply reduce the resolution from 500x500 to 250x250 in an image editor like GIMP.

  • It doesn't change anything in the gameplay and I can generate an infinite number of pictures

  • rag girl lmao :D anyway i like this mod,keep it dude

    Heart 1
  • cute traders made for trading

    Heart 1