Mr. Fun Switch's Full Auto VPO-209 1.0.1

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Turns Russia's .50 Beowulf rifle into a brrt machine!

Russia's .50 Beowulf got an upgrade

Simply adds full auto functionality to the VPO-209.

The chonky AKM is here my children!


Thanks to ViniHNS for allowing me to use the code used in Bubba's full auto mods!

  • Update on my current status regarding modding: I have a mod nearly finished other than price tweaks and general packaging and several in my mind ready to churn out. I’m going to continue taking time off. I will respond to messages here and on the mod hub but I will not upload until I see myself in the right place.

    I chose to put this in this mod’s comment section as it seems to be the most active.

    Heart 1
    • I've been cooking up a few things some scopes but also... some new ammo specifically for the Adar! I'll have this out eventually lmao.

  • Is there a way you can vpo 209 take more muzzle mods ? like epic's cnc 7.62 or vanilla akm .308

  • Almost got merked from a full auto VPO scav, was a terrifying experience lol Good mod.

  • Will this badboy falls into fully automatic "shotgun" under Russian law now ?

    (VPO-209 description for reference to the fun fact)

    Going to have a lot of fun with this, thanks bro

    • The commie atf declares this thing a shotgun? Weird

    • Yeh, as stated on the wiki :

      "It has a smooth bore barrel with the last 120 mm of the barrel being rifled (a so called "paradox"-bore). VPO-209 is chambered in .366 TKM, that together with the "paradox" rifling classifies the weapon as a shotgun under Russian law"


    • I hate that

  • Finally there's a specific mod for it.
    Also, the picture used pains me so much (despite it being a usual tarkov feature), since the AKs use a rock-and-load mag release system, you'll be having a horrible time trying to insert a new mag in with that foregrip.

    • That's actually how the B-25U mount was born for the zenit RK-series foregrips. The 40 rounder RPK mags were way too curved and was difficult to insert if you had a foregrip in the way, so they canted the foregrip to make the job easier.

    • You might be able to get a mag out! Getting one in on the other hand… that’s gonna suck.