Enhanced Tactical Gear(ETG) 1.0.4

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Adds 65+ equipment from Ready Or Not and from the Payday Masks mod

This mod adds 65+ tactical gear from Ready Or Not and from the Payday Masks mod.

You can see the full list and photos of items that this mod adds at the link.

In the future the mod will be gradually updated.

Credit to STUOKD for the payday masks bundles.

If you want to support me, you can donate me on PayPal: [email protected]

Or send a donation to my boosty

  • Version 1.0.4

    final fix of mod. Now it definitely works with 3.10

  • Version 1.0.3

    Fix for the 3.10.

    Just put it in the mod folder

  • Version 1.0.2

    Ragman fix. 21 items added.


    SK Fast XP (Multicam Cover)

    SK Fast XP (Black Cover)

    SK Fast XP (Ranger Green Cover)

    SK Rapid Response LBH (Black)

    SK Rapid Response LBH (Multicam)

    SK Rapid Response LBH (Ranger Green)

    SK ERT (Black)

    SK ERT (M81)

    SK ERT (Ranger Green)

    SK ERT (Tan)

    SK ERT (Black Multicam Cover)

    SK ERT (Multicam Cover)

    SK ERT (Black Cover)

    SK ERT (Ranger Green Cover)


    SK MSV Gen A

    SK MSV Gen B

    SK MSV Gen C

    SK MSV Gen D

    SK MSV TacTec

    SK Slickster Black Multicam

    SK Slickster Multicam

  • Version 1.0.1


    Marshal Vest Multicam

    FBI HRT LightVest Black Multicam

    LVPC Vest Ranger Green

    LVPC Vest Multicam

    LVPC Vest Black

    LVPC Vest Black Multicam

    LVPC Vest Tan

    FBI HRT OSPREY Vest(Full Pouches)(Multicam)

    FBI HRT OSPREY Vest(Multicam)

    Suicide vest(does not explode)

    You can find a list of items added in this version here

  • Version 1.0.0

  • to play on 3.9.8 with the latest version of mod, just replace 3.10.x with 3.9.x in package json.

  • breaks ragman (again)

  • I don't have any clothes available and I looked in the comments and saw I needed 1.02 plus 1.03/1.04 but when I go to download 1.02 it says file is no longer found.

    • just download the latest version of the mod, while deleting all others and follow the instructions in the attached comment if you on 3.9.x

    • oh i had 1.04 downloaded and I had the gear pieces but not any clothes in ragman?

    • my mod doesn't add clothes.

    • apologies, I saw something i thought was new, that's my b bro. the gear looks really dope!

      Heart 1
  • is the new update compatible with 3.9.8 by tinkering with package config? am heavily modded and havent decided to update yet.

    • try changing 3.9.x to 3.10.x in package.json

    • can confirm this works just fine with swapping package.json to 3.9

      Heart 1
  • Just installed the updated fix for this mod, and would like to confirm it works as intended :)

    This is also my first time using the mod, can scavs and PMCs spawn with the gear from this mod? Or is it only obtainable from Ragman?

    Heart 1
    • no idea whether bots will spawn with this equipment or not

  • this mod completely bricks ragman

    Heart 1
  • Are the clothes supposed to show in ragmans services tab? I Installed 1.0.2 and then the 1.03 package file replaced the previous package file but I'm seeing no changes

    • 1.0.3 is a version that adds compatibility to 3.10

    • Right so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I am using server value modifier to unlock both BEAR USEC & scav clothing, not sure if that could have something to do with it

      Edit: Nvm I have the vests and masks, I thought there were clothing options added, my fault

    • you don't have clothes from ragman? It's just that I only have 1 basic bear shirt

  • do i still need to download v1.02 install that then install v1.03 aswell is this correct also i cant download v1.02 it says to many people have downloaded says qouta exceeded

    • yes, you need to install version 1.0.3 on top of version 1.0.2.

    • i got it done thanks for ur fast reply i love ur work maybe if u could implement some sort of army face netting as a mask would be great

      Heart 1
  • Heads up. Your mod page says this is compatible with 3.10 but your package.json says its ver. 1.0.1 and for SPT ver. 3.9.x. Server throws error when trying to load.

    • try changing the version to 3.10 instead of 3.9

    • I am having the same issue. Downloaded the newest version on the website, it says ETG 1.0.2 and after extractng and installing it, loading the server it throws an error and says that version 1.0.1 is for 3.9.

    • I'm currently experiencing the same symptoms.

    • i change the version to 3.10 but this error appears

      In response to
      rAssort/5ac3b934156ae10c4430e83c: Error
      converting value "6731559159c4d46d963aea4g"
      to type 'EFT.MongoID'. Path 'items[391]._id', line 1,
      position 63726.

    • Just change the version. I will add new version of mod with this sptversion

  • Is it possible pick and choose what item to add into the game? or will it break the mod?

    • No, better dont do this

  • love this mod wondering weather this will work with 3.10 version of spt great work though i love it

    Heart 1
  • Ragman showing no items on 1.0.2 Version :/

    (on SPT 3.9.8)

    • I don't know why. Try clearing temporary files

    • k, in which path do i find them ?

    • I deleted the version because it doesn't work even for me. I'm working on it

      Thumbs Up 1
    • fixed

    • ur the best, thank you man

      Heart 1
  • hey, love the mod. could you make a progression so there arent that many in PK1? Also, how could i deactivate the payday masks? love em but they ruin the inmersion

    Heart 1
    • PK1? payday masks can only be removed through code, I don’t advise you to do this, I think it’s not such a big problem

  • Some body armor has no armor.

    • They have armor, just buy it from a ragman and not from a flea market

  • absolute legend! ty famm

    Heart 1
  • Small feedback for those who wants to try it out (i'm not bashing the author of the mod, its great work tbh)

    -all plate carriers are Tier6 protection for 80K, Ragman sell with level 1 loyalty
    -masks are Tier4 for 55K, LL1 too.

    This could break your immersion or if you use bots that have a random item spawnpool, you would be obliterated by T6 pmc's (worst would be if you do so that scavs can steal dem loots)

    Its just my feedback, my thoughts would be as this is from RoN and Payday, to make the plate carriers at least T2 or T4 MAX depending on the gear set (police T2 and HRT/SWAT/FBI T4).
    as for the mask, would be better as they were, T3.

    Otherwise, this is an amazing import, would love to see more of it :d

  • How can I modify the armor level of my equipment?

    I tried modifying this file, but there was no change.

    Enhanced Tactical Gear\database\items


    • it will be difficult to tell you

      Crying 1
  • Wont let me reply to a comment, Kopat, Check out WTT Pack n, Strap. Been using and editing it as I please since he made it. Has pockets.
    Friday, 4:30 pm this guys)

    • Just re-read my answers. I don’t know how to do this, I tried different methods, in some it is attached to the vest slot, in some it is not attached at all. I'm not going to make belts with slots

    • Good Copy

  • Is this compatible with Artem?

  • Compatible with borkels NVGs ?

    • the mod does not add NVG, so yeah

    • oh mb i tabbed on a different one

  • How to equip the belts? DO they have storage? None of those stats show when double clicked

    • This is the slot for the armband. No they don't have storage

  • compatible with realism ?

    Heart 1
  • Nice mod. More Gear = Hell Yeah , but the tactical belts are only for visuals i guess bc u cant put stuff in them :(

    Heart 1
    • I tried to make it so that something could be put into the belts, but then the belt was attached to the chest rig slot, and not to the bandages

      Thumbs Up 1
    • oh got it. but i mean better in rig slot , than not to be able to put anything in it right ? :)

      if u want you can ask the creator of the wtt Packn- Strap mod how he coded it, they made it possible somehow

    • if it fit in the chest rig slot, you wouldn't be able to wear the vest

      Happy 1
  • Bain gonna be tweaking when Dallas comeback with LEDX.

    Happy 1

    Happy 1
  • 牛逼

    Heart 1
  • awesome

    Heart 1