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Version 1.0.2
- Hacker228
Added faction-based weapon mastering randomization.
- Updated config.json to include weapon lists for Bear and USEC factions.
- Added mastery weapons for Bear: AK74, AKM, SKS, SVD, VSS, DVL, KS23, VSK94, T5000, SR2, RPD.
- Added mastery weapons for USEC: M4, MDR, MPX, MP5, SA-58, P90, AXMC, STM-9, MP7, SR25, M1A.
- Implemented conditional check in mod to identify faction (Bear or USEC) based on profile side.
- Adjusted mastering progress update logic to apply only for faction-specific weapons.
Version 1.0.1
- Hacker228
The skillProgressRange variable has been replaced with minSkillLevel and maxSkillLevel for more fine-tuning of the mod
Version 1.0.0
- Hacker228
Hacker228 Author
I'm shocked that everyone liked my mod so much. I was very pleased to get so many positive comments, thanks for that
Can't wait for this to be updated, when we have taste it, can't start a new wipe without it
Hope this gets updated soon, cant wait
please update to 3.10 please
any chance this mod would be update to 3.10 if i may ask
I know this will sound a bit rude of a question: will this mod be compatible with SPT Realism?
I thank you in advance for your answer! o7
I can tell you it was compatible with 3.9.8 so good chance it should be once realism is updated, unless there is a significant revise to the code structure.
Will there be support for scavs as well? maybe not as much as the PMCS but it would be nice.
nice mod brother, how to make both BEAR good in NATO weapon and also USEC good in Russia weapon?..
Hacker228 Author
Hi, thank you) Yes, of course. You can open config.json and make it look like this
If you really need it, I could add a variable like RandomWeaponMastering=true/false to config.json so that the mastering level is randomized for all weapons
tq bro
This works great. I love it. I would clap, but I have no digital hands.
Finally! REALISM!
Nice mod!
This is one of those qol mods you always thought "but does it really make sense" and then when you really think about it, it makes a lot of sense.
You are a goddamn PMC so fucking act like it! :insert_angry_ree:
Why No One Ever Think About This??????
Very good bro. I like this idea 🤙
Nice idea, is it configurable like put a max lvl or minimum lvl on all skills ?
Hacker228 Author
Glad you like the idea of the mod
I have set the maximum skill level to 3000, it is declared in the config.json file as “skillProgressRange”. The minimum skill level is 0, but I didn't allocate a separate variable for configuration, you can change it inside the code skill.Progress === 0
I'm very tired today and can't write in English myself, hopefully deepl will translate clearly.
I will try to find time tomorrow and add a variable to config.json to control minimum skill level.
Awesome !
Hacker228 Author
Hey. I updated the mod by adding the minSkillLevel and maxSkillLevel variables to config.json. Enjoy the game
AWESOME, thank you
I have a question though, 3000 doesnt really mean 3000 levels ? I know that elite is around 50. So 3000 is about the XP ? I dont know the values but i guess there is 100 xp per levels and 3 000 means level 30 is max right ?