Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
As Special Warfare Operator First Class in the Navy's most Elite Unit DevGru; you now have access to the full arsenal of SOCOM JSOC Armory. Your Callsign will be Blue 5, and you are expected to report to your Team Lead Master Chief Clint Torrsen immediately.
- Creates a new in-game trader that has existing EFT Items; which are consisent to SOCOM standard weapons. Trader is Level 4 by default.
- Mod works with no dependencies, however Keano Traders Scrolling makes a nice way to scroll through your traders without being blocked by in-game overlays and banners. Kaeno-TraderScrolling
- Download and extract to [SPT-AKI Directory]\user\mods folder.
ITEMS: (See attached images):
- AFAK, Surv12, Stims, Grizzley, other meds
- GP Coin
- Weapon, Magazine, Ammo, Grenade, and Pistol Cases
- M4
- MK16
- MK17
- MK18
- MK47
- Sig Spear
- Sig MCX .300 Blackout
- Sig MPX
- MP5
- MP7
- HK UMP .45
- HK M416
- SR-25
- .338 Lapua
- P226
- HK USP .45
- M45A1
- M1911
- G28
- Springfield M1A
- MP7
- P90
- Remington R/M700
- Ops-Core FastMT Black / FDE
- Team Wendy ExFil Black / FDE
- CryPrecision AirFrame
- Caiman Hybrid
- Gen4 Full, Assault, and HME
- Slick Black, Green, FDE
- 5.11 Tactical Armor
- Much Much More
Version 1.0.0
- MT_Militia
trader shows only lvl1 loyalty
great little trader mod, I like it.
is there any way how to increase the trader prices?
It would be great if I could set the price for items at its maximum to counter the fact that it is now available.
at least I would love it in my run.
MT_Militia Author
Yes. Go into the [EFT Folder]\user\mods\SOCOM\db and open the "base.json" with a text editor. The value you want to edit is the "price_coefficient": 0.77, on line 59. Increase the ".77" to a higher value to raise the prices.
I am not gonna lie, I've kinda wanted a trader who sells exclusively western guns so I don't have to go looking and skim through other shit I don't want. That said, Clint Thorrsen can go fuck himself. PMCs don't answer to team leaders unless they get paid :coolsunglasses:
Loyalty level still 1? How can I level it up?
MT_Militia Author
It should already be Loyalty Level 4 when you load the game even with a level 1 PMC. If that's not the case let me know and I'll troubleshoot. Some screenshots would be helpful.
I'm bugging I think nvm
he aint buggin
does this add all of those weapons and attachments to the players current stash?
MT_Militia Author
It's a new trader that will show up in your list of available traders.
ohhhhhhhhhhhh it looked like a players inventory thanks for the info
MT_Militia Author
No worries! Yah I just took screenshots and combined them of the view from inside the shop.
HOT DOG (Mr. Fun Switch)
For those who need clarification, this mod does not add new items, just a trader selling pre-existing items.